Hello World, This is a new website that enables you to win up to 1 Bitcoin per month by selling trafic to your website and enabling users to win Bitcoins.
This website is still in development. So, there are some missing feactures and some bugs to be corrected. And, there are some security issues. Website Link:
Advantages for users: -> You only need to visit 7 websites in our website per day.
-> You can win up to 1 Bitcoin in a month
-> Monthly withdraw (You can withdraw your bitcoins in the 30th day of every month in order to minimise lost of Bitcoin in fees
This month, all deposits/withdraws will be made by a human dued to blockchain api issues)
-> Simple interface
-> No subscriptions to win more (all users are treated equaly. Example: If the payment goes up, goes up to all the users)
Advantages for Advertisers: -> Gain more trafic to your website.
-> Win money with ads displayed in your website (if you have)
-> User can buy trafic using the bitcoins gained by viewing websites.
-> Simple interface
-> Buy the views that you want (from 1 to 60 views per buy)
-> Costs only 0.0049 per view
And more is coming soon How does this works?For Users: Users can see until 7 websites per day. For each view users earn 0.0048 BTC
To view the website, just go to Tasks. If there are any websites available to see, you will be able to watch them and earn BTC.
To watch the websites (when available), you will click "Open Tasks" and a website rotator will open. You need to watch that website for 60
seconds. After 60 seconds a Button will apear. After a small message apears in the top of the rotator ("") you can click it and do
the captcha. The BTC is credited for each website you see.
For Advertisers: Simply deposit the desired ammount of BTC (it must be higher or equal to 0.008477 BTC)
After the transaction is confirmed (Minimum of 7 confirmations), simply click "Claim deposit" and put the code given with the address to deposit.
After that, go to My Account -> Buy website trafic and buy the trafic desired (each view costs 0.0049).
Example of how the website works: 1º) The advertiser buys 1 view for his website
2º) User sees that website during 60 seconds
3º)After 60 seconds user does the captcha and gets paid
So simple as that
Atention:The withdraw and deposit system are disabled. So, if you want to withdraw/deposit your bitcoins, please send me an email
My Email:
[email protected]If you have any questions please reply in order to be include in FAQDisclaimer:I am not responsible if you or someone loses Bitcoins, or if you get hacked dued to the lack of security or dued to another thing that may happen.
This is a project in development.