See my first post
wait untill the majority of the nodes dropped your tx from their mempool =>
Re-using the same input in electrum is pretty easy, altough it seems the procedure has changed recently... For the latest version (2.7.18):
- open your wallet
- if you don't see a coins-tab, go to wallet=>coins
- go to the coins-tab
- press shift, select all unspent inputs that were used for your "hanging" transaction
- right-click => spend
- make sure you have tools => preferences => fees => edit fees manually and enable replace-by-fee checked!!!
- fill in the correct receiving address, and the correct fee
- send
For previous versions (don't know when the procedure changed exaclty):
- open your wallet
- if you don't see a addresses-tab, press Ctrl-A
- go to the addresses-tab
- use shift to select all addresses whos unspent inputs were used
- right-click => send from
- manually remove all inputs that were not used in the hanging transaction
- fill in the correct receiving address, and the correct fee
- send
If you want a sollution right now, there's alway the option of exporting your private keys (dangerous!!!) and double spending the unspent inputs in a transaction with a higher fee
- open your wallet
- wallet=>private keys=>export
- fill in your password
Now, there are several ways to proceed... For example using bitcoin core to import the private keys and create a new transaction here... This is rather difficult, so i prefer to download the sourcecode of, open the downloaded website, go to new => transaction, entering my address, go to the inputs-tab, remove the inputs that are not needed, go to the outputs-tab, enter the address and how much outputs you want to generate to this address (leave some room for the fee), submit, copy hex, reboot without network, go to the sign-tab, past private key + hex, sign, save hex, reboot, go back online, open, go to broadcast tab, paste signed transaction hex, broadcast
EDIT: it seems you transaction was confirmed this procedure will no longer work since the unspent outputs are now gone from the UTXO, so they can no longer be used to generate a new transaction that will not be rejected by the network.