No, the U3 is slightly slow at ~60Gh/s and you can easily connect to the Bitminter server with CGMiner, so I wouldn't image they'd need a plan to add compatibility with the U3.
I know it is slow compared to what really dedicated people are using but:
- the U3 is quite easy to use and cheap
- bitminter is fool proof and runs on windows.
So I have the impression (or call it an opinion) that having these 2 running together make sense for the less involved/skilled/dedicated people getting into Bitcoin mining.
Honestly, if I have to get my hands dirty, why would I still connect to bitminter pool using CLI when there's probably a couple of other more profitable pools around.
The main advantage of Bitminter for the casual miner is that it requires no setup whatsoever.
Just plug/download/mine.
and the U3 is still pretty affordable for casual mining.
or maybe it's just me....