I mean your kind of right about the 2nd part, My aunt did tell me I should kill them with kindness but I am not doing it to stir up anger, I am doing it so we change, or at least think about changing. You know how many people these fuck bankers have killed? you know how many they en$laved ALL THE GENERAL PUBLIC You think they did it peacefully? you want me to be peaceful? I have had my face smashed in by my own police force multiple times, I have had my medical sector hold me down and inject me with random fucking needles. I did nothing, never tried to even swing back, did not even yell at them. You want me to be peaceful? I was peaceful not anymore. I swear the next person that test me gets annihilated then will see about peaceful.
Brother, you vote people to vote for your no matter what nation you live in.
You nation borrows money from private families instead of just creating the supply themselves (with no interest on it)
They have enslaved everyone in your nation, for there endless bullshit $upply your kids will give up their entire life for. Your little daughter and her friends going to suck that old man banker dick for a little imaginary delusional fake ass monopoly money. "OH BUT BTC WHEN UP ANOTHER $5000 U$D $CAM $LAVERY MONEY TO MOON!! TO MOON!", fucking morons.
Everyone could make the money supply at a fair rate, it`s the only way to be fair. Everyone generating the supply at a fixed rate. Instead of letting these cunts create all of it and en$lave us.
Everyone could also vote, the tech is there, but the general public is just brain washed to $hit.
You know when I go to the park and yell this shit at people they listen. Most of them come up and agree and say yah your right, we should be doing the voting on issues and we should be making the money supply, dat shit makes sense.
Vote, shmote. You wanna vote? Go ahead. But if you want change, stop partaking of that which you despise.
Drop use of fiat. Live off Bitcoin and bartering. Learn how to use common law and the court system to stop them when they come after you to steal your property.
Learn how to use a Private Membership Association to make it easier to do.
Squawking about how bad the FED is, and then supporting them by using their fiat product, makes you a hypocrite.