
Topic: Ukraine, Kazakhstan to prepare ..., further on the list (Read 292 times)

Activity: 3220
Merit: 1022
Kazakhstan during the visit to the US President Nursultan Nazarbayev signed agreements on the purchase of American products for 2.5 billion dollars, the State Department said.
RIA Novosti
At 2.5 billion, and you can buy the Jewels. In the long term, Kazakhstan plans to increase purchases in America by 7.5 billion. It is interesting that the increase in the volume of trade between America and Kazakhstan goes against the complete zeroing of trade with Russia. Also worthy of attention is the fact that Kazakhstan buys 300 locomotives, which gives serious reasons for thinking about Kazakhstan's intention to actively participate in the newly constructed transport line of the New Silk Road through Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey to Europe (http: //alikbahshi.livejournal. com / # post-alikbah ...).
By the way, this highway is of strategic importance for the unification of the Turkic countries in the economic and political sense.
Activity: 3220
Merit: 1022
Moscow is increasingly speculating about the political lies about the presence of Islamic terrorists in Central Asia, in order to lead the Russian troops for allegedly combating them, so to say "on the far approaches." It turns out that the Arabs fighting for the establishment of an Islamic state are planning an invasion of Russia. Under the distant approaches, presumably, there are all Turkic countries of Central Asia, and possibly Azerbaijan. In this way, Putin will realize his general goal of life to restore the Russian Empire in its former borders and correct, as he said, a global geopolitical mistake - the collapse of the USSR.

  So, on October 4, FSB director Alexander Bortnikov also warned that members of terrorist groups leave the Middle East for other unstable regions of the world, including Central Asia. According to the ministry, Islamic militants are planning to create a "worldwide terrorist network".
Activity: 3220
Merit: 1022
In Georgia, military exercises were conducted, in order to work together with NATO forces to combat international terrorism. Russia sharply condemned such doctrines. That only Russia has the right to fight terrorism, interacting with other countries, for example, with Belarus? Georgia is an independent country and it is up to itself to decide with whom it should resist international terrorism. Here is the Russian political scientist Satanovsky says that the countries of Central Asia are threatened by international terrorism, and therefore it may happen that, for example, Turkmenistan will hold military exercises with Americans who, like Russia, are fighting terrorism.
Activity: 3220
Merit: 1022
Alik Bakhshi
Ukraine, Kazakhstan to prepare ...,
further on the list

    One of the permanent participants in the television show of the famous, second-ranking liar after Kisilev Kremlin nightingale Solovyov, political scientist Satanovsky predicts:
“In Central Asia there will be big problems. We are looking at how the Americans have fallen badly in Afghanistan, and here we will have to ensure the security of Central Asia together with the Central Asian governments. Today the main terrorist groups are Central Asian.”

 A natural question, but who is actually threatening the countries of Central Asia? It turns out that according to Satanovsky already today in these countries there are terrorist groups. However, neither in Kazakhstan, nor in Kyrgyzstan, nor in Turkmenistan, has anyone heard of terrorist groups existing there, much less about the terrorist attacks they have committed. Who are these unknown and invisible terrorists? The Kazakhs? The Kirghiz? Islamists like Arab Islamists or Taliban? Where are they? Must be a Muscovite Satanovsky better than residents living in these countries, aware of what is really happening.
   Thus, under the pretext of fighting terrorism at distant approaches, the Russian army can invade Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. Under the term "distant access", specially invented by the Kremlin, Azerbaijan is also fully involved. By the way, in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan there are already Russian military bases for the supposedly forthcoming fight against Islamic terrorists.

     Here it should be noted that Moscow has a rich historical experience in the creation and use of its bases in other countries. So after the conclusion of a well-known non-aggression pact with Germany on August 23, 1939, which, according to secret protocols, provided for the division of spheres of influence in eastern Europe, the Soviet Union hurried to dispatch to Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Turkey the ultimatum requirements for deploying military bases for security these countries. Finland and Turkey refused such an impudent offer, for which Finland had to defend its sovereignty in the war. With Turkey, the Soviet Union did not have to fight, as both predators had time to cling to each other in a deadly battle (1), and Moscow was already not up to the old dream of the Russians - the Black Sea straits. However, the three Baltic countries had no choice but to compromise under the threat of force, allowing the Russians to create military bases. For a short time from October to November 1939, the Russians brought troops into these countries, followed by annexation through the soon conducted referendums with the will of the peoples to join the USSR. An interesting detail, no country has recognized the annexation of the Baltic countries except for friendly Germany, where in April 1940 appeared in print the maps of the USSR, including the captured countries.

     A similar picture, but with a slightly different variation, was observed in Ukraine with the annexation of the Crimea. It all started with the sudden appearance in 2014 on the territory of the Crimean peninsula of unknown soldiers from where they came without identification marks, the so-called green men. And although the only language they understood was not Ukrainian and not English, but Russian, and they were armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles, official Moscow completely renounced involvement, well, not otherwise than as an aliens. Then the events developed according to the well-known scenario: a referendum, volition and accession, there is not to another planet, but to Russia. I dare to assume that if it were not for the Russian military base in Sevastopol, then there were no green men in the Crimea.
    The aggression of Russia against Ukraine points to Putin's revanchist intentions to revive the Evil Empire in its former borders. Like Hitler, Putin actively uses false propaganda in the hope of deceiving the world community and guilty of unleashing military conflicts. Insidiousness and lies have become a hallmark of the Kremlin's policy, and to call Russia today the Lying Empire will not be a mistake (2). The lieutenant colonel of the KGB very clearly demonstrated to the world community that evil and lies are concomitant concepts. Such categories as conscience, good, morality are unknown to the former employee of external intelligence, who worked for 15 years in Dresden under the guise of the director of the House of Friendship of the USSR-GDR. The West must understand that it is completely hopeless to agree with Putin, let alone sign any agreements with him. Russia, violating the Budapest Memorandum and changing the borders of states in Europe, in fact, brought down the established postwar world order. The threat of universal chaos and lawlessness looms over Mankind. Revanchist Putin is following in the footsteps of the revanchists of Hitler and Stalin, who were planning to restore Germany and tsarist Russia within the borders of 1914, which could plunge the planet into the Third World War. The truth between Hitler and Putin is an important and significant difference, which lies in the fact that Hitler came to power through the creation of a political party. Putin did not need to create a party and ideology, he found support in Great Russian chauvinism and the imperial worldview of the Russian people (3,4).

    The Russian Fuhrer is guided by two slogans "to protect the Russian world" and "the fight against terrorism at distant approaches". To protect the "Russian world" Putin is going exclusively outside of Russia, he does not care that the Russian people are begging and dying out without medicines and modern medical services. Putin worries, the fact that the Russians, remaining in the former colonial countries, are forced to learn the language of those peoples, among whom they live. Russification, the extermination of indigenous peoples (the Holodomor in Ukraine, murders in Central Asia), the deportation of peoples and settlement by the Russians, the planting of the Cyrillic alphabet, the flood of Russian literature placed the Russians in a privileged position. The Russians did not bother studying the language of indigenous peoples, the conditions created were such that on the contrary, Kazakhs, Tajiks, Estonians, Azerbaijanis and others mastered the Russian language, without knowledge of which there was no prospect not that they would advance in their republic, . Now, after the collapse of the USSR in the countries that have become independent, the picture has reversed the exact opposite, in which Putin found infringement of the national rights of the Russians and is ready to defend their rights with the help of weapons, as happened in Ukraine.
    Kazakhstan's plans to translate the script into Latin script, which more successfully reflects the peculiarities of the Turkic language, met the discontent of Moscow, so it is possible that Kazakhstan will become the next victim of Russian aggression after Ukraine. And, if this happens, then, most likely, after the holding of the World Cup in Russia, as happened with Ukraine, when after the Sochi Olympics in 2014, Russia tore away part of its territory. By the way, I foresaw the aggression of Russia against Ukraine in the article "A terrible payment for the roof from the pink revolutions" for 2005 (5) and in the article "Whose Crimea" for 2006 (6). I hope that my forecast will not be justified this time.
1. Fatal error of Stalin, which saved the world.
2. The Empire of Lies and its main liar.
3. Chechnya and the road to power, or the revival of the empire by Putin.
4. Great Russian chauvinism and Putin its Fuhrer.
   5.Resovaya fee for the roof of the pink revolutions.

6. Whose Crimea.

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