
Topic: Ukraine: Still Smouldering Tinderbox (I) (Read 472 times)

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February 01, 2016, 07:56:46 PM
Ukraine: Still Smouldering Tinderbox (II)

Michael Jabara CARLEY | 02.02.2016 | 00:00

See Part I

Back in the 1930s, the Soviet government knew better how to deal with the Nazis. Fashizm – eto voina was a well-known Soviet slogan, fascism means war. Only after six vain years of attempts to organise an anti-Nazi coalition with the West did the Soviet government seek to buy time by signing the Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact in August 1939, another example, incidentally, of sinuous Russian diplomacy. Come to think of it, one might even compare the Minsk accords to the non-aggression pact. «Play for time», the strategy seems to be in Moscow: count on a favourable turn of events, hope for a genuine implementation of Minsk leading to the end of fascism in Ukraine, and obtain security and real autonomy for the Donbass. If these scenarios sound like wishful thinking, they are, for the Kiev junta has not respected the Minsk accords for a single day.

In fact, for Kiev and its minders in Washington, Minsk is only a breathing spell to gain strength to destroy the anti-fascist resistance in the Donbass and then to turn against Russia itself. This strategy was obvious from the first day. Has the Russian government forgotten its own history? It is not the first time when foreign powers are seeking to use Ukraine as a weapon against Moscow. Nor should the Russian government ever forget that fascism and war are apocalyptic, conjoined twins.

The United States acts as though it has Putin at a disadvantage. In Kiev Proconsul Pyatt boasts of it. And just to remind Russia of who has the upper hand, Washington is pushing NATO into more and more provocative military activities in Eastern Europe, applauded by Poland and the Baltic states, those historic nesting grounds of fascism and antisemitism during the interwar years. General Mark Milley, the US Army chief of staff, said recently that Russia is an «existential threat» to the United States. Given the Russian Federation’s repeated attempts to become a more integral part of the western and especially European world, US hostility toward Russia seems gratuitous. «Existential threat» should be decoded to mean that the Russian Federation will not submit to US hegemony. Of course everyone else is entitled to ask whether the US quest for world domination – hidden in fairy stories about «democracy» – is worth another World War.

Russia has responded to the NATO menace by announcing the organisation and deployment of three new divisions to its western frontiers. No doubt the US government will declare that this action is «aggression» for it does not recognise the Russian Federation’s rights to defend its national security. During the interwar years, the Soviet government considered the Baltic states and Poland to be potential jumping off points for an invasion of the USSR. Operation Barbarossa saw Nazi armies attack through these places. Is NATO taking up an old strategy, long anticipated in Russian contingency planning?

Fortunately for the United States, NATO is still its whip hand to keep Europe in line. Any European leaders who see the danger of being dragged into a war with Russia by the United States has little chance of stopping the Atlanticists’ compliance with orders from Washington. In France President François Hollande now supports complete «reintegration» into NATO, thus surrendering the last bits of French independence to the United States.

If his predecessor, Charles De Gaulle, could rise from the dead, he would no doubt throttle the pathetic Monsieur Hollande. What began as tragedy now ends as farce.

Not coincidentally, and not to be left out of anti-Russian posturing, the British government has just published a 300 page document purporting to show that the Russian government and President Putin himself «probably» or «possibly… could have» ordered the assassination ten years ago of a Russian turncoat in London, the unfortunate Mr Litvinenko. The report even lends credibility to his accusation that Putin was paedophile during the 1990s and that the FSB (or Putin himself) ordered the assassination because Litvinenko knew too much. It’s a great story for the British yellow press. But it is also a disgusting personal attack on the president of the Russian Federation, demonstrating just how low the British government has descended into the dark sewers of compulsive, atavistic Russophobia. Not coincidently, the governing Tories have proposed more military spending in view of Russian «aggression». The British have thus adopted the US modus operandi of the aggressor targeting a victim for destruction by accusing it of aggression. In other words, Pot calls Kettle black. Not that Great Britain could ever threaten Russia. It is only a barking lapdog of the United States. Remember the British lion? The poor creature had only one tooth left and had to be euthanized.

After the black propaganda attack from London against Putin, another came from Washington via BBC from the US Treasury Department. Putin is guilty of corruption, said a Treasury Department spokesman. Is the Treasury Department thinking of extending extraterritorial rights to the Russian Federation in order to indict Putin for tax evasion? How far is the United States willing to go? Anglo-American gutter attacks against Putin are increasing in intensity. The shrillness of the attacks appears to be in direct proportion to the absence of any evidence to support them. Not to mention the flagrant hypocrisy of accusing Putin of assassinations or corruption when the US President Obama issues kill orders on a regular basis and presides over corruption and profligacy on a scale beyond anything Russians could match. This Anglo-American black propaganda or disinformation constitutes a form of aggression against the Russian Federation and appears to be part of an ongoing campaign of objectification and «villainisation» of President Putin. Restraint has been cast to the four winds. Is the United States preparing for war against Russia?

Careful what you wish for Mr Obama. If you sling mud in a storm, it’s bound to blow back on you.

All of these developments are related to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. Whilst attention is focused on Syria, the Ukrainian tinderbox smoulders. Minsk is the only solution, Putin says, but to what end? As long as fascists hold power in Kiev, there will be no peace or stability in Eastern Europe and no security for Russia. That’s just fine with the US government, but what about Moscow?

The French economy minister says anti-Russian sanctions should be lifted by this summer, in so far as the «peace process» is respected. But it is Kiev which does not respect the Minsk accords; Russia is not even a direct party to the conflict. The sanctions of course are intended to force Russia to compel the capitulation of anti-fascist forces in the Donbass, people who Proconsul Pyatt calls «terrorists». Talk about an «ugly American» and Orwellian narratives. Anyway, France can make all the suggestions it wants about lifting sanctions. But Washington calls the tune, and the sad little Europeans, including the French, still dance to it.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
February 01, 2016, 11:06:40 AM
I want to add a few comments of my own, which should be kept in mind while reading the article.

The city of Odessa was founded in 1794 by Russian Empress Catherine II and was the first free trade port in Russia.

The city of Nikolaev was founded in 1789 by Russian Count Potjomkin as a ship-building docks. It got its present name in commemoration of the victory by the Russian troops, when Turkish fortress Ochakov was taken in 1788 on the day of St.Nikolaj.

Regarding what the American handler of the Ukrainian puppet government, Proconsul Pyatt was saying, that Russia wants to “create Novorossia”. Russia has no need to create Novorossia. Novorossia is actually an old concept – it was an administrative region within Russia at the time, when the European emigrants were still stealing the land from the Native Americans. For an in-depth look at Novorossia, see my article Two Ukraines.

And finally, I disagree with the author’s conclusion in the last paragraph. Putin is not intimidated, but is rather trying to resolved the conflict and free Ukraine from the American occupation diplomatically and not militarily. There was also no homogeneous resistance in Donbass, but rather several groups with varying interests, which were united by not wishing to cow-tow to the coup government. This cost Donbass the loss of momentum. The situation is all to close to what Russia (an by that I also mean Ukraine) experienced after the coup d’etat of 1917 and the subsequent civil war and Western interventionism…
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
January 31, 2016, 07:06:00 PM

Donetsk Republic’s Ministry of Defence Briefing: Jan. 29, 2016 Ceasefire Violations by Kiev – ENG SUBS
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
January 31, 2016, 06:11:32 PM
Ukraine: Still Smouldering Tinderbox (I)

Michael Jabara CARLEY | 01.02.2016 | 00:00

The international situation is very dangerous. Syria seems to be holding everyone’s attention, but the Ukrainian tinderbox still smoulders. Fascists hold power in Kiev. They do not miss an opportunity to make provocative declarations or commit hostile acts against Russia or against Russian people in Ukraine. The Kiev junta is a repressive, murderous regime intolerant of political opposition.

Former Nazi collaborators like Stepan Bandera have been transformed into national heroes remembered in torch light parades evocative of Nazi Germany. Violence is exalted and tawdry fascist masculinity is openly celebrated.

Recently, Petro Poroshenko, the president of Ukraine declared that in 2016 the junta would retake control of the Donbass and Crimea. Whilst the fate of the Donbass remains uncertain, the status of Crimea is clear. As Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said recently, Crimea is an integral part of the Russian Federation and there is nothing to «negotiate» about it. In fact, the only way Ukraine can hope to take over Crimea would be in the aftermath of a Third World War won by the United States and its NATO vassals. To say the least, this is an unlikely eventuality. Not that a world war would overly trouble the burlesque Poroshenko, who still seeks to drag the European Union (EU) and the United States deeper into the Kiev junta’s conflict with Moscow. It is his lone hope for success.

Poroshenko is only nominally «president» of Ukraine. In fact, he is an executor of directives received from the US embassy in Kiev or the US government in Washington.

He has presided over the destruction and looting of the Ukrainian economy, but he continues in power, propped up by the United States and its EU vassals. The fascist or Maidan coup d’état in February 2014, backed by the United States, has enabled Washington to seize control of Ukraine though without Crimea and Donbass. Thus it is a victory which may eventually lead to a defeat.

US intervention in Ukraine is a grave matter and a direct attack on the security of the Russian Federation. It is also an attempt to change the course of history and to break the bonds of culture, religion and kinship dating back more than one thousand years. The first Russian state was established at Kiev in the 9th century. During the Late Medieval and Early Modern periods Ukraine was a contested borderland and no-man’s land between Muscovy, then tsarist Russia, Poland-Lithuania and the Ottoman Empire. Before 1991 Ukraine never existed as an independent state, or did so only in Kiev for a few months in 1918 and 1919, and then as a puppet regime of Wilhelmine Germany or France. It is ironic that so-called Ukrainian «nationalists», then as now, could only establish their putative authority under foreign domination. Then as now, foreign powers seek to use a Ukrainian client state as a place d’armes or as a proxy to attack Russian power in Moscow.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, an eccentric politician and member of the State Duma in Russia, had this to say recently about Ukraine. Zhirinovsky often speaks the blunt truth that others may not want to hear or will not say. «All of the present day Ukraine», he said on a Russian talk show, «are the historical lands of Russia… All of Ukraine, this is Russia… When the Russian princes sat in Kiev [9th-13th centuries], was Ukraine ever a word? Who built [the cities of] Chernigov… Odessa, Nikolaiev?» It was not Ukrainians, Zhirinovsky concluded in so many words, it was Russians.

Of course, this is a Russian point of view for which the US government has no respect. Who would dare to make a claim on parts of the United States just because at one time or another they belonged to someone else? We stole those territories, fair and square, or made war to get them, an American joker might reply, and we’re not giving them back. The US ambassador or proconsul in Kiev, Geoffrey Pyatt, declared recently on Ukrainian television that Kharkov and Odessa would never again be part of Russia. «You have managed to defeat Putin», he said, «When the troops came to the Donbass the Kremlin wanted to seize Ukraine, it wanted to create Novorossia and seize Odessa, it wanted Kharkov. Now it will never happen. What Russia and terrorists supported by it are left with is a little piece of the Donbass. We will do our best to help you regain these territories». What an American fairy story.

More candidly, the US proconsul might have said (he certainly came close to saying it): «we’ve hijacked Ukraine right from under your nose, Mr Putin, and you can’t do anything about it». Does American pride go before a fall?

It remains to be seen how the crisis in Ukraine will evolve. In the meantime, Poroshenko plays the role of a dangerous US popinjay and bootblack who can only justify his existence by selling off Ukrainian resources and spewing out clownish threats against Russia.

The Kiev junta might make a great story line for an Opéra bouffe, except that it’s no laughing matter. Kiev’s fascist militias wage war against civilians and repress political opposition. In fact, any activities connected to the USSR are illegal. Sing the Internationale, for example, and hop!, you could get ten years in prison. Come to think of it, an Opéra bouffe is not the right way to showcase fascist Ukraine; better a dark Kafkaesque theatre of the absurd, or vaudeville mixed with horror.

The Kiev junta has refused to repay a $3 billion loan to Russia and blockaded Crimea, cutting off water, electricity, and food supplies. It bombards Donbass cities, targeting civilians, on a daily basis. Yet it expects cheap natural gas from Russia and transit payments for gas intended for Europe (which it often siphons off), trade benefits, and various other advantages.

The Russian government has in return attempted to avert an all-out confrontation by dampening down the anti-fascist resistance movement in Novorossia and by promoting the Minsk accords. For those who may not remember, these accords resulted from the defeat, not once but twice, of Ukrainian punitive forces attempting to put down the anti-fascist resistance in the east. Notwithstanding Proconsul Pyatt’s peculiar narrative, the Donbass opolchentsy won the war and lost the peace. They did not have much choice for they counted on Russian support, and Moscow insisted on Minsk. Novorossia became a concept to be forgotten. Militia commanders who spoke too much about independence or Russia were mysteriously assassinated. Anti-fascist élan has been doused, though not extinguished.

Why does the Russian government pursue such a sinuous, seemingly self-defeating policy? Well, for one thing, Moscow was faced with damaging western economic sanctions and growing Russophobic hysteria excited by the United States and its EU Atlanticist vassals. Only people with top secret security clearances in Moscow or Washington can say, but the United States may have threatened the Russian government with war if it did not take a less forward policy in Ukraine. Responding as though he might have been threatened, Putin endorsed the Minsk accords, although this meant accepting the continuation of the fascist junta in Kiev and accepting in effect the US hijacking of Ukraine out of the Russian world. Putin does not use the word «fascist» to describe his Ukrainian «partners», even as the Russian Federation celebrates annually the Red Army’s triumph over Nazi Germany. The Donbass is different from Crimea, Putin says in effect. Therefore, autonomy will have to do, whatever the people in the Donbass might want.

(to be continued)
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