2. Civil war in Ukraine is a mirror of hidden war inside Russia elites
3. Civil war in Ukraine doesn't serve to Ukraine national interests in any case. Actually it already burned Ukraine as independent international subject.
4. Civil war in Ukraine is targeted primary against EU and its interests - both by Russia and US. And against Russia by US.
5. EU are impotents. They absolutely have no independent position which serve their national interest. They serve US. And they will pay for this.
6. United nations will repeat fate of League of Nations. They actually do nothing they'd have to do. They will exist until Russia will remove chapter 15 point 4 from its constitution.
Ukraine will die, unfortunately. EU will be fucked up. US will step back. This would be start of the end of US.
This is the best "in a nutshell" summary of the situation presented. Ukraine may survive as two countries, but I cannot see people of the East and West living under the same roof after what is transpiring now. The real irony would be if Ukraine does survive as a loosely federative state - a form that was suggested right from the start and that people of the East asked for - it would mean that the whole bloody mess could have been avoided if only "the international community" took time to listened to Lavrov.
There is this lengthy reader comment:
Oh, my the guy is pessimistic, but he is absolutely onto something.