اخي الكريم
لقد قمت بتحميل التعدين وعملت نفس الشرح حقك وكل شيء تمام
وعندما ابدا التعدين واضع الامر يقول التعدين بدا
ولا اري اي سرعه للتعدين او اي شي
06:51:58.756205 INFO Miner thread was started
06:51:58.771830 INFO Miner thread was started [1]
06:51:58.771830 INFO Mining has started with 3 threads, good luck!
06:51:58.771830 INFO Miner thread was started [2]
06:53:04.191396 INFO
06:53:04.191396 INFO ***********************************************************
06:53:04.191396 INFO The daemon will start synchronizing with the network. It ma
y take up to several hours.
06:53:04.191396 INFO
06:53:04.191396 INFO You can set the level of process detailization* through "se
" command*, where is between 0 (no details) and 4 (very ver
06:53:04.191396 INFO
06:53:04.191396 INFO Use "help" command to see the list of available commands.
06:53:04.191396 INFO
06:53:04.191396 INFO Note: in case you need to interrupt the process, use "exit"
command. Otherwise, the current progress won't be saved.
06:53:04.191396 INFO ***********************************************************
هل كذا يقوم بالتعدين ؟
وكذا يعمل صحيح؟
وكيف اعرف رصيدي وكيف اعرف معدل سرعت التعدين حقي؟..