Indian law enforcement officials are investigating the claims from a 29-year-old female employee of the Energy and Resources Institute, or TERI, in New Delhi. The allegations against Pachauri, 74, include claims that the influential climate change authority repeatedly sent suggestive text messages, e-mails, and WhatsApp messages to the researcher, the woman’s lawyers told the Guardian. Some of those alleged messages have been published in Indian media reports.
A woman 45 years his junior. Cheez.
this how it works, remember in the private money printing business, scalping is the name of the game, what does it mean? if you mother fucker or what ever being you are, aren't working your ass to make money for the group you better take your card box and live now, better jump you are useless anyway...
now in the public sector... ahahaha.
solution: Kill the dude. execute him, use it as I.H.O.D. finish... or use his connection he ain't alone, it's systemic, DSK (IMF director, SILVIO prime Italy) what the fuck do you want more? Potus was VETED, little risk on this one (I hope).
those have no honesty, they can't lead me to and from death.