error: {u'message': u'TX rejected', u'code': -22}
I have the requested balance & the transaction fee inside my electrum wallet, and also I've tried multiple send-to addresses.
Anyone have a guess what could solve this error?
I'm using the latest osx client, 1.9. It worked for lots of transactions before this error.
Try this:
Run Electrum through the Python command console
Recreate the error.
Read the traces (the last few lines of code before the error.)
Open the file in the trace before the error, find the line of code a few lines above where you hit the error.
Paste in the following code:
from pdb import set_trace
Recreate the error again, this time the python console will stop the program inbetween whatever lines you're in.
In the console, type in major variables that are being used in the function.
See if any of the variables are weird.
search for hours
give up
wait for someone to fix it...
wait, we were talking about what I do, right? lol :-P
Edit: This is how you step through the code using python debugger
Edit 2: It would be nice if we could get more information too. The error message you gave is the default transaction rejected error from the Bitcoin Network, and isn't something specific to Electrum.
The Bitcoin network is mad at you for something... like maybe trying to spend coins freshly mined etc.