I am in a big trouble now
1) after 2 days of waiting, I started linux again, turned on electrum, and see that the list of my sending isn't there ... it looks like I never sent anything; good thing: the BTC were back; in the lower left there stands NOT CONNECTED and the button of the server was red
2) so I upgraded my linux version, because you told me
3) after the upgrade, I wasn't able to start any program, so I started linux again. I see the boot screen, than the dialog in the beginning, but from there I can't move anything: no mouse and no keyboard. I tried it with the USB-Stick on 2 different computers and I am not able to start linux.
4) as nooby as I am I didn't saved the SEED, so I can't even install linux new and get connected
But there is one hope: I saved the persistance on the USB-Stick.
What shall I do now? I am afraid that I lost the BTC now really!
Can I somehow install tails again and integrate the old persistance? Can I then login the old wallet without knowing the SEED, but phassphrase? Can I maybe fix the upgraded tails version which seen to be destroyed?
Thanks for 4 help ..
Do you still have the transaction ID? If so paste it and we can check on the size of the fee etc and may be able to help accelerate it.
It is likely possible to fix the linux installation but it is difficult to say why it is not working correctly right now. Sounds like the mouse/keyboard drivers aren't working properly or something along those lines.
If the persistence is saved, you can likely recover your wallet from the USB stick on another working operating system.