A great way to check to see what recommended fees are (before sending) would be https://bitcoinfees.earn.com/. Scroll down to underneath the chart, and you'll see the heading "Which fee should I use?". The current recommended fee is 510 sat/byte.
Here is some slightly good news. You can rebroadcast or accelerate your transaction to see if anyone is willing to include your transaction in the next block. Don't pay for any premium services; just visit this link and follow the steps: https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/free-btc-tx-accelerators-stop-paying-for-something-that-is-free-2510862
Be patient. I just had an unaccelerated BTC transaction with 280 sat/byte that took over 12 hours to get its first confirmation. You're not completely out of luck.
Cheers, and I hope this helps!
With the help of this post my transaction got confirmed.