The transaction fee is getting high every hour that i think there are lots of transaction right now are having the same thing or stuck transaction..
The only thing that i know is to submit your parent transaction to free accelerator if you don't want to pay here
Just register and go to in that page and submit your parent transaction.. And hope for 1 day to confirm your transaction..
Or hire miners to confirm your transaction there are some paid services to accelerate transaction.
I had the suspect that Electrum resends the rejected transactions all the time , because a friend of mine has Electrum too, he tried to send this transaction the 6th December
and still unconfirmed!!
Transactions are supposed to be rejected by the network after max 1 week, but now it's taking 2 weeks
2 weeks is not normal
I think this is the big problem right now because there are lots of bitcoin users are having the same problem in their transaction..
Or miners from bitcoin are getting convert to bitcoin cash to mine because its more profitable than bitcoin..
For now better to look for paid service.. check this section
As you can seen there are lots of accelerator thread created that i think we are not the only bitcoin user having this issue..
just find legit paid service to accelerate your transaction without waiting queue like in antpool accelerator or viabtc..
Also check this for default fee
And i notice that the fee is really too much high there are lots of transaction will result not confirm if they know what is the recent default fee or fastest fee..