1. kano: https://bitcointalksearch.org/user/kano-36044
Kano stated he doesn't do that for people, a while ago. Do you know for sure that he started doing it?
No kano still doesn't take requests to include transactions in a block.
The quote below explains how mocacinno suggested kano might offer that service, but he was wrong.
I mistakenly advised someone to ask kano for that service recently, and kano confirmed he doesn't do it.
However Quickseller does take requests to include transactions in a block.
wel i have the same problem i send message to both, this is the message i got from kano "No idea where you read it, but I didn't say that."
so i dont know why u say that ?
Sorry for my mistake, mocacinno suggested contacting kano together with quickseller or macbook-air, so I assumed kano sometimes helped confirm stuck transactions.
A last option would be to contact quickseller or macbook-air or kano on this forum and offer a reward if one of them includes your tx'es in a block they're currently solving.