Its tagged as double spend. The user paid the right fees of 0.0004 but somehow the size of the trx went too high that it is now stuck. ViaBtc isn't helping me they are giving some kind of issue. Edit: Submissions are beyond limit is the error i am getting.
Please help me too with my transaction.
It's too late, your coins were spent in a double spend transaction that now has 68 confirmations.
Some block explorers have already forgotten your transaction and only show the confirmed double spend transaction. Eventually they will all forget yours. I made this snapshot of your transaction so you can prove it was made after all the block explorers have forgotten about it.
I'm sorry, I don't want neither to hijack the post of the @OP nor to increase my paid posts but I found the chance and I would like to ask how this happened? I mean the same time two different explorers, and blocktrail, to show different results?
Yeah i want to ask the same think how could be this possible that blocktrail is showing confirmations but isn't showing any and showing double spend!
This is your transaction. It paid a low fee of 55.423 sat/B.
This is the confirmed double spend transaction. It paid a higher fee of 200.889 sat/B
This address 17jjXhAt6yT2Lsr7mm1YRbw1xiv7zqm222 spent the same 0.041254 Bitcoins twice in two different transactions, one with a low fee, and the other with a higher fee. In that situation the miners are likely to confirm the transaction with the higher fee and ignore the other because they get paid the fees.
Most wallets won't let you spend the same coins twice, but a few of them will.