I'm not sure about your settings there, as I don't know if there is a frequency 0 setting, but you don't need to go that low.
It will also depend on what model you have. But for the most common, 700Gh, I use the following BFGMiner parameters to run around 500Gh @ somewhere about 330watts. This should get you somewhere close then just play with the values to get what you want, paying attention to the manual.
One important note to get this working, for me, I have to first run BFGMiner with the above parameters which loads up as 0Gh. Then press 'q' to quit and re-run BFGMiner as normal without the parameters. It should now run with the lower hash rate. To reset the speed just power off the miner for a couple of seconds then restart it as normal.
Hope that helps,
Hi, I have many monarchs and run them underclocked. I get, with 80+ bronze power supplies, about 500Gh/320W at he wall. Here are my settings:
--set bfl:_cmd1=F5x --set bfl:_cmd1=V6X
This sets the voltage at 0.63V. Also, I have the best luck by executing bfgminer with this setting, waiting until the "temp" shows then closing it and reopening
with no voltage/freq command. Just make two seperate shortcuts for this.
Hope this helps.