But we are on the verge of the next major boom in the world economy with United states truly being a global leader and savior to the all these issues the world faces today. With the Shale oil boom the US can now export oil and gas to all European and Asian countries thus cutting out the dominance and monopoly of Russia and Middle east.
The United states no longer have to serve the interest of the Saudi royals, hence aggressively promote democracy in African nations without bending to the whims and fancies of vested interest. The Huge gain from oil export will cut the trade deficit for US thus solving many domestic and economic issues within united states. There can be more investment to Asian countries and countries like India can benefit from the Foreign direct investment from United States.
But the situation is different from those boom markets earlier, Today we have bitcoin and blockchain technologies, and projects like SWARM, Ethereum which will define how capital is raised in this century. So far the startup projects all are confined mostly to silicon valley tech industry.
How does this situation change such that oil exporting companies of united states raise capital using blockchain based technologies so that people around the world take part in this boom, and not just a bunch of wall street wealthy elite.
What needs to be done so that bitcoin and blockchain moves beyond tech markets and into oil markets and much more and truly be a platform where people can participate globally in the upcoming shale oil boom and in future.
What you talk about was only reason why USA did not fall into huge crysis after 2008. Without this USA BDP would be way under 2008 year and there would be huge unimplemented. In Europe this is forbidden in most countries. I think Poland use this technology. Main reason is ecology.
USA still spends more oil then produce. I think plan is to get even around 2030.