
Topic: UNIVERSAL INCOME .Best way to implement it to the world. (Read 202 times)

Activity: 1218
Merit: 1027
With the 2 new different tokens £1 token and the £20k token it will make it so easy to USE Grin..

Now that's my idea of how we do a universal income ..

Now just a few post on politics and i am gone..
No fraud     no whales owning it all               a fair distribution ..

Activity: 1218
Merit: 1027
Now for the world to do this we would have to spread the news and give people time to get ready to start creating ..

So we would say to the world our UNIVERSAL INCOME will be going into practice in

4 YEARS then everyone can get ready with plenty of time for work..
No one can say i never got to know the world has been splashing it all over TV for 4 years..

This is one way we can save this planet from madness

A universal income for all humans A STARTING POINT TO LIVE..
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1027
How does money work ?..
How do we get it?..

So in order to get money we need to produce something
make something to sell..

So i say why not make each other a picture and sell it to each other for our universal income
that way we save trees from getting cut down fuel to move our pictures around all saving the earth from pollution and saves more vans on the roads ..

So how do we produce this picture to get paid?..


How we get our UNIVERSAL INCOME is we create a picture and sell it to each other on a blockchain..

How do we do this?..

Right almost everyone starts work on a Monday and finish on a Friday ..

So you we would start work on a Monday to produce our picture on the Monday and then after the blockchain finishes it's sums it pays us on the Friday our UNIVERSAL INCOME for all humans..

This is how the BLOCKCHAIN would work..

First you need to sign up with your details finger print and eye recognition for a wallet and work
that way we know it's you and only can be 1 human per job ..
So if you sign up the blockchain knows it can only be you in your wallet ..

And anyone can sign up for work on the Monday to get paid by the Friday ..
WORK will only start on the Monday ..

Now what happens is everyone who signs up on the blockchain gets a chance on the Monday
from 12am to 12 pm to create a picture on the blockchain and sell it to another person ..

So all you have to do is sign into your wallet because you created it before hand on the blockchain with your details finger prints and what not JUST sign in and press the create button in your wallet
and that's all you do..

Now you have from 12am to 12pm if you miss it you don't get paid in your wallet because you never turned up for work because it's important for statistics that we know who showed up..

Now this is how the blockchain pays out..
everyone who presses the create button on the Monday all go in a pool and the amount of people in the pool gets split in half and if one left over you can automatically pay the left over picture out..

Imagine no matter how many people there is you can always split half and half with only 1 left out
always split what ever number in half and it will go exactly in half or with 1 left over..

So the blockchain would always pay if ever 1 left is out automatically ..

Now what happens is everyone who signed in and pressed the Create button would all be in a pool
the blockchain would know how many people signed in then split them in half create
2 PICTURES  and then cross the 2 picture over in a sale to each other..

Then by Friday the blockchain would of worked out how many people wanted to create a picture
then produce 2 different pictures and then give one half one picture and the other half the other different picture..

Then the blockchain swaps the 2 different pictures for sale then on the friday
by 12 am you get your UNIVERSAL INCOME ..
It works out how many people splits them in half and does the sale plus destroys the picture after it's paid everyone out on the Friday..

Now everyone can sign up for work on the Monday ..

Now what happens is with the statistics we know because of fingerprints and what not we know
where you are how many are there and if your area as high numbers of people because so
many claiming it the statistics will come in handy ..

Should you put a business there or not ..
The blockchain will have so much statistics it will be very helpful for crime and the environment ..

And the best thing anyone can sign up for work to create a picture on the MONDAY..

Now all we need is a SUPER COMPUTER and a excellent coder to implement my
Blockchain picture creator ..IT'S WORK..

Plus the whole world would have to agree AND no one has power over the BLOCKCHAIN
It belongs to everyone on this planet NO ONE IS THE RULER..

Activity: 1218
Merit: 1027
I have been thinking how would be the best way to give this planet a UNIVERSAL INCOME
for all humans ..

So lets get started ..
It will take a few post but i will explain the best i can Grin..

For everyone to get a universal income first we need a new type of cryptocurrency it cannot be a
cryptocurrency that's already on the market it has to be started from scratch ..

So the best way to do this new cryptocurrency would to bring out 2 new coins the first coin would be
a £1 and the 2nd coin would be a £20k coin ..

You cannot buy the £20k coin only with the £1 coin new cryptocurrency ..
So you cannot walk in a bank and exchange 20 thousand dollars for the new £20k cryptocurrency ..

You can only use the new £1 cryptocurrency to exchange for the £20k cryptocurrency so basically
you would have had to save enough £1 new cryptocurrency to exchange ..

Now why this is so is because only £1 tokens will be generated as long as you do the work ..
I will explain what the work is later on ..

See i need you to understand what token or coins we need and how they are used and how they are broken up into units for shops to spend and exchanged ..

So we would have 2 cryptocurrency and this is how they are used..

From the UK so working it out in pounds But you could call it anything we likes besides the pound
but pound better easy to use Grin..

£1 TOKEN or COIN breaks up into 100 units so if something 99p you can use the new £1 token or
cryptocurrency in any shop ..

Now the £20k new token or coin that breaks up into 20 thousand units so over time people will be able to exchange £1 new token for a new £20k token or coin..

The blockchain will not generate a new £20k token or coin unless you exchange the new £1 token
or coin for the £20k token..

So you need to have saved up 20 thousand new £1 tokens or coins to then exchange because what happens the blockchain destroys the 20 thousand new £1 token or coins to exchange they get
DESTROYED never to exist again..

so that way no more can exist in the crypto space unless people   DO THE WORK..

So people will get issued with new £1 new tokens or coins then after time they can exchange for the 20k tokens to buy homes and land and what not..

Now when you exchange for a new £20k the banks the government can take tax out of the exchange before the blockchain destroys the rest ..

Imagine the blockchain destroying 18 thousand and then pays the government 2k tax straight away
all countries would issue the new tokens or coins then when ever anyone exchanges it for a
£20K new token the government would get 2k tax every 20k exchange..

Now why would people want to pay the tax?..
Because without a new 20k token issued in your wallet you cannot buy land or houses that way it gives people a drive to earn more instead of being lazy ..

You want a car and it cost over 20 grand you need a new £20k token to buy it out right same goes with homes and land ..

Remember you can still use gold dollars and what ever other form of money BUT to issue everyone
with a starting point to live Doesn't mean i buy you a home you need to earn it..

You can also still get finance using your new £1 tokens because they are making a profit on the finance they give you..

Say your bill is £600 month you can still use your new £1 tokens because they are making a profit
on the finance they give you ..

So using them for a mortgage no problem profits are getting made..

Now imagine i want to buy land out right to build homes on i would need to own 20K new tokens
to buy it out right because that way the government gets it's profits from the blockchain because of the exchange plus the buyer of the land makes money by building stuff on the land..

But still gives you an incentive to want to earn more ..

Because people say well they just sit and do nothing NO THEY WONT ..
They want to get to the point to exchange for a new £20k token because that open up more new doors like buying expensive items ..

Now i have explained how these new cryptos would work in shops and exchanging now i will explain how we give it out and why..

The new crypto ..

£1 new token splits into 100 units = 100 bits

£20k new token splits into 20,000 units = 20,000 bits
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