I saw many people that have problems setting up their MN, because of this I created a universal Masternode guide which should work for most Masternodes-coins out there.
Open and Run the Altcoin wallet for the first time. In the lower left hand corner of the User Interface, you will see “Synchronizing with network” and other sync messages each time you open your Altcoin Wallet. If there is a problem synchronizing, it may say “No Block Source Available” instead. If this happens, just close and re-open the wallet until it synchronizes.
Go to Help -> Debug Console.
In the Console window enter getaccountaddress 0 and copy the result.
This is your MASTERNODE DEPOSIT ADDRESS, where you will deposit the coins to create a masternode.
Pay the
Masternode collateral exactly into this address. No more, no less.
Go to Tools -> Open Wallet Configuration File. Open the file in Notepad. Then paste in the following two lines.
In the Console Debug window enter masternodegenkey and copy the result.
Go back to the config file in Notepad and paste your privkey after the equals sign of “masternodeprivkey=”. Now save and close the file.
Close the wallet by going to File -> Exit.
Open the Altcoin Wallet again.
This is how you will always start the wallet going forward.
Go to Tools -> Debug Console. Enter masternode start.
You will see the response “Masternode started successfully”.
Congratulations, your masternode is now running.
Now click the Masternodes tab that is now visible.
You should see your new masternode appear in the list with the status PRE_ENABLE.
This will change to ENABLED after a small amount of time.
All masternodes need to be active for a certain amount of blocks before they are recognized by the network and eligible for rewards.
If you have questions you can ask me here