If you trust universities to host bio-safety level (BSL) 4 laboratories, then you are a suicidal fool. Universities love to pander to those who scream in the middle of class and make threats of violence against their professors. They refuse to acknowledge that this is a problem. They refuse to apologize. This means that those universities will also pander to those who behave badly in BSL-4 labs and the result will be that a pathogen that is genetically modified to kill you will escape and do just that. I know how academic institutions act since I was a professor. But I bet that most of you would rather just take death than try to solve the problem. It is really pathetic.
https://www.bu.edu/neidl/2014/03/bu-questions-claims-behind-proposed-ordinance/"It came to the conclusion that an event causing an infection of a community member might occur no more than once in 500 to 10,000 years."-What about when someone at the BSL-4 lab drinks a lot of vodka at the lab and causes a lot of mayhem? Don't say that you are above this because universities have promoted violence against me, so I will not believe anything you say. I will instead always assume that you will always behave as unprofessionally as possible because you always have in the past.
'The panels of scientific experts concluded that this was “the most scientifically sound and rigorously conducted study that is possible at this point.”'-Saying this is just evidence that such a study is not sound because it does not take into consideration the vodka.
'She concluded: “…the Court is satisfied that the FSRA adequately analyzes the risks associated with building the BioLab, including ‘worst case’ scenarios and suburban and rural alternatives. '-Do these worst case scenarios include the case where universities promote violence and where the people in the lab drink a lot of vodka? No? Because universities do promote violence.
"With over 100 years of cumulative operation and hundreds of thousands of man-hours of research, there has never been any laboratory-acquired infection or community infection by such organisms. That track record is also proof that you don’t need to ban something to make it safe."-ATTENTION: This is what lying out your ass looks like. Oh. And I am looking at the date on this post, and it says 2014 which is before 2019. I will let you think about that for a moment.
-Joseph Van Name Ph.D.