Do you guys know what is SIP meaning?
It is mentioned in the OP
It's not much clearer in your OP, so I asked you. Anyway I would like to share few thoughts on this.
As per the SEBI Master circular ( dated May 11, 2012, only Asset Management companies and Mutual fund trusts can issue SIPs with NAV.
Lets say Bitcoin is not comes under securities nor your company is not listed in SEBI hence this will not applicable to you.As per RBI guidelines certain categories of NBFC's ( can collect money as deposits.
Let’s say you are not collecting deposits, you are collecting money against the good or service hence you are not comes under NBFCAs per the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014, an advance in lieu of supply of goods will not be a deposit only if it is appropriated and the goods supplied within 365 days.”
The rules further state that “any amounts received by a company, whether in the form of installments or otherwise, from a person with a promise or offer to give returns, in cash or in kind and any additional amount contributed by the company (Bitcoin in your case), will also be considered as a deposit.”
The Act also holds that any company that raises money from the public for tenures of more than 365 days has to get rated for its repayment capacity from a credit rating agency and take deposit insurance.
As of my knowledge you are private limited company and may comes under this law.
I have to give few cases , which may helpful to you to consult your compliance head.
SAHARA house who is backed by NO:1 corporate lawyers grilled under SEBI act.Jeweler companies backed by TATA and Reliance (Tanishiq , Tata Jewelers and Reliance Jewelers ) stopped Gold monthly schemes cause of new companies act( know you are well reputed company backed by big corporate lawyers and big investment companies. Your scheme really apprehension by Bitcoin community and no doubt on it but may comes under compliance violation. You may consult your compliance dept to avoid that.