
Topic: Untied States Dollar or FED Stamps? What are your thoughts on the current WRC? (Read 186 times)

Activity: 478
Merit: 66
Bitcoin drops below $36K as century-old financial model predicts big BTC crash

Cryptos Tumble After Musk Tweets "Cumrocket To The Moon"

I can disagree with the article about a century-old financial model if BTC moves back up to $42K and sustains this for one to two weeks only moving upward. However, if it fails to sustain $34-36K by next week and beyond then I can see this model being further validated and the downside hitting between $16K-25K.

Oh Elon, you finally realized your grasp on the crypto community has dwindled? I wonder if he is trying to FUD so he can buy the dip? This tells me that the financial model is flawed when it comes to the highly volatile BTC Smiley.

Less than one week to vote on the poll. Do you agree with the choices? If so vote accordingly or if you think I left a crypto out vote the bottom category and post it here as to why you think it is the new WRC. Voting Ends June 11th!!!

Activity: 478
Merit: 66
'Much Less Than Meets The Eye' - Biden Officially Unveils Budget With Retroactive Capital Gains Tax Hike

Market Wrap: Bitcoin Slides to $35K, ETH to $2.4K on Biden, Environmental Bearishness

Bitcoin Drops, Stocks Rally Ahead of Biden’s Budget Announcement

Seems the media trying to control the narrative once again they want bitcoin prices to go down so the institutions can buy on the dip. Definitely a good time to buy BTC and alts as it will only shoot back up to 60K at least if not 100K like most analysists have said. If I did not mention it in the poll what crypto do you think will dethrone the dollar? Do you think the dollar is here to stay? Would you vote for one of the cryptos on my poll? Voting ends on June 11th.

Activity: 478
Merit: 66
Elon Musk Declares Support For Crypto Over Fiat Currencies

Good to see Elon has clarified I think that one word tweet was to show how much power he had over the markets.

Cryptos Crash After China Again Vows Crackdown On Mining And Trading

Again, China? Sounds like you are mimicking Russia's stance on Crypto. Whats next India tries to ban it again? And everyone thinks Elon manipulate crypto (well he does to a degree) but it is the media that does.

Tales From The Sh*tcoin Boom: "It's Global, It's 24/7 And It's Completely Unregulated"

And this is why crypto has real value. It runs on a 24/7 market that anyone can trade.

Inflation Fears Soar As US PMIs Explode To New Record Highs In May

That DOGE coin or any crypto for that matter is looking good while the FED printing press goes brrrr!!

If you haven't already vote in my poll. Voting end on June 11th.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
I've had to rewrite this post because the article you link to is misleading. The title says:

78% of US Dollars created in the last 12 months

And then it says:

Jan 2020 there was $4 Trillion, now there is $18 Trillion.  $14 Trillion was created since Jan 2020 - that's a 78% increase

As of March 2021, the U.S. had a monetary base of almost $5.25 trillion.  M1 stood at $6.75 trillion, and M2 at $19.4 trillion.1

if the QE money jumps straight into the M0(monetary base) then yes scream hyper inflation
but if they can syphon it quick into the M2 mutual funds, reserves and derivatives they can avoid a sharp spike in the M0

in simple terms.
if they can take it out of active circulation of its citizens they can avoid hyper inflation

going from
m0 jan 2020 - $4 trill
m0 mar 2021 - 5.25trill
is not going to cause a hyper inflation as its only a 30% leap

but looking at for instance M3.
which only increased by 6% each year upto 2020(then jumped)
m3 2013 - $100trill
m3 q1 of 2020- $124trill
m3 jumped to $146trill in Q2 of 2020
m3 jumped to $163tril in Q1  of 2021

as you can see going from
100-124 in 8 year
then 124-163 in 1 year.

is alot of QE and money management stuff happening away from citizen bank accounts
and citizens only seeing a QU uptick of $4t-$5.25t .. which is nothing in comparison
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
This report is a little unclear. But, at least, Bitcoin is not the bad guy that it looked to be above.

Bitcoin Energy Use Is Far Lower Than Banking System & Gold Industry, Report

Amid all the contention of the last few days, sparked by Elon Musk's virtue-signaling, the noise-to-signal ratio around the crypto market's energy use has gone to '11' on the Spinal Tap amplifier of social justice.

However, those darn 'facts' and 'science' keep getting in the way of the 'bitcoin = bad guy destroying the earth' narrative and new research by crypto firm Galaxy Digital (founded by former hedge fund manager Michael Novogratz) has shown that both the traditional banking system and the gold industry consume much more energy than the bitcoin network.

According to the report, compiled by Galaxy's mining arm, bitcoin's annual electricity consumption stands at 113.89 TWh (terawatt-hours). That includes energy for miner demand, miner power consumption, pool power consumption, and node power consumption. The amount is at least two times lower than the total energy consumed by the banking system, which is estimated to reach 263.72 TWh per year globally.


Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Most of crypto is burning so much electricity, that the whole economy will have to change drastically, just from there not being enough clean energy sources to supply crypto. This means that Bitcoin and other blockchain mining cryptos are doomed.

If you want to make $trillions in value, develop an altcoin that doesn't have mining, yet fulfills all the requirements of a 'coin' that can be used by anybody and everybody to trade, daily. One beneficial point would be that it has a literal in-hand cash counterpart, so that people don't have to rely on electricity to keep it going.

BITCOIN GREENWASHING: No, Bitcoin mining isn’t mostly powered by clean, renewable energy, but the cult-like self-delusion of Bitcoin apologists is itself a fascinating science experiment

Elon Musk just ignited a firestorm of controversy when he announced Tesla would not longer accept Bitcoin due to the environmental concerns related to Bitcoin mining and its gargantuan energy consumption.

The pro-Bitcoin community erupted in a fierce backlash, claiming that most of Bitcoin’s energy usage comes from renewables, and that the more energy Bitcoin uses, the better it is for the world. As you might have suspected, however, both claims are patently false.

Bitcoin uses enormous amount of energy, and most of it does not come from renewables, as you’ll see here. Such claims are little more than propaganda from Bitcoin propagandists who need to keep burning more coal to power their enormously wasteful Bitcoin mining ecosystem… but they want to pretend it’s all somehow “green.”

Bitcoin uses about half the electricity of the entire nation of Australia

Bitcoin mining currently consumes over 115 terawatt-hours per year, according to Digiconomist research, meaning Bitcoin consumes more energy than the entire nation of the Netherlands. Bitcoin uses so much electricity that it could power nearly half the electricity usage of the entire nation of Australia.

Bitcoin operations also produce more CO2 than the nation of Singapore (over 55 Megatons per year), and over 11 kilotons of electronic waste.

Shockingly, every single Bitcoin transaction has a “footprint” of using over 1,100 kWh of electricity, which is the amount of power that a typical U.S. household would consume in about 38 days, explains Digiconomist:

The continuous block mining cycle incentivizes people all over the world to mine Bitcoin. As mining can provide a solid stream of revenue, people are very willing to run power-hungry machines to get a piece of it. Over the years this has caused the total energy consumption of the Bitcoin network to grow to epic proportions, as the price of the currency reached new highs.


Activity: 478
Merit: 66
FYI here is the US Debt clock for reference:

World Debt clock for comparison:

So what do these clocks prove? Does government debt really matter or make a difference? Is it all just magic money illusions? Your thoughts?

If you haven't done so already please vote with your opinion in the poll above listed for the next 20+ days.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
There isn't any United States Dollar, except if you have one of those old ones before the Federal Reserve took over.

Just because the Federal Reserve has the word "federal" in its title, doesn't mean that it has anything to do with government.

The FED is volunteer usage. Nobody is required to use it. Some stores make their own currency, called 'grocery store coupons'.

The FED is squirming because crypto threatens its domination. Somebody will figure out a private crypto that will be easily used, privately, for buying and selling anything. The FED is done for, and they know it, and they are scared.

However, there might be turmoil with the changeover. Current Covid stuff is designed to take you eyes off the fact that the FED is dead. Covid is all fake. If you don't think sop, can you show any different WITHOUT HEARSAY from a doctor or other medical person? Let's see the real science that goes right diwn to actually isolation a virus.


You're right the USD is just a note of debt to be paid for another debt (ironically your bills). The question is when is the debt of the debt due? And is there a point to debt at all if there is an overarching entity or government rather than a direct person that you physically owe? The reason I call the USD "The Stamps" is because they're constantly devalued everyone wants more and some people get them for nothing from the government. The USD has lost its luster everyone that actually wants to make more of them the right way either invests in themselves ie. business, equipment, education, etc. they invest in stocks or gold and now crypto which is the new currency of the people. Their power to bribe and convince people otherwise is now in focus and now they just want that over all of us and that is power to control us without the Stamps because their time is up.

But explain this...

You go to the bank to borrow $50,000. The preliminaries are all take care of. You're credit is good. You are at the last step... the signing of the final paperwork.

You are sitting across the desk from the loan officer. He slides the promissory note paperwork across the desk for you to sign. Here is the fun part...

If you don't sign the note, will you get your loan? Almost certainly not! But if you sign the note paperwork, and slide the paperwork back across the desk to the loan officer, he'll go and get you your money.

Here is the funny part. The unsigned paperwork is worth what? Probably less than a penny. It won't get you your loan, unsigned. The whole loan process will fall apart if you don't sign. If you don't sign, and don't pay them their several hundred dollar fee for doing all the leg work and credit checks, they might even sue you.

But what is the signed paperwork worth? The loan officer shows you. He goes and gets you your $50,000 loan.

But is it a loan? After all, you gave value to the paperwork by placing your signature on it, and then you traded the bank, even up, the promissory note paperwork for $50,000 in cash or bank check. EVEN TRADE!

So, where is the loan? At worst, all you did by signing is to prepay your loan. It's paid off. You paid it off with your signature on the paperwork.

Then, a month or two later, you get a letter in the mail that says you owe your first payment amount. Included in the letter is the number that was on the promissory note for identification... you think. But really, it is a whole new loan that you agree to with your first payment. UCC says that if there is a transfer of money, the payment process is set in place.

And it was when you got the $50,000. If you signed the paperwork, and the bank didn't give you your loan money, you can actually sue them, because they kept your promissory note.

"But, but, but..." you say, "After you pay the principal and interest back over the term of the loan, they give you your promissory note back stamped 'PAID'." Of course they do. They want to play the game. After all, they received $150,000 over the term of the loan in principal and interest, from you, FOR NOTHING !!!

They're happy. Why not keep you happy? You might even apply for another loan, and give them more money.

All the bank and legal lending institution loans work like this. The banks are taking up ownership of the whole country, because people don't realize that they donate to the banks when they pay the loans back over the term. After all, they prepaid their loan with the promissory note they signed.

Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
That's actually a 450% increase. If that's true we are heading to hyperinflation non-stop, but given how the info is presented I'll wait until I see more evidence. And even more so when all I had heard so far was that 20% of the total had been printed by 2020:

All these numbers are bullshit. There are no sources provided (except for circular links to opinion pieces) so it's unclear which money supply it's referring to, but it looks like it's comparing the total budget expenditures to paper bills in circulation... which doesn't make any sense since it's apples and oranges.

That's not to say that the deficit spending isn't catastrophic... it is, which makes it even more bizarre to make shit up about it when there is enough legitimate serious criticism to be had.
Activity: 478
Merit: 66
There isn't any United States Dollar, except if you have one of those old ones before the Federal Reserve took over.

Just because the Federal Reserve has the word "federal" in its title, doesn't mean that it has anything to do with government.

The FED is volunteer usage. Nobody is required to use it. Some stores make their own currency, called 'grocery store coupons'.

The FED is squirming because crypto threatens its domination. Somebody will figure out a private crypto that will be easily used, privately, for buying and selling anything. The FED is done for, and they know it, and they are scared.

However, there might be turmoil with the changeover. Current Covid stuff is designed to take you eyes off the fact that the FED is dead. Covid is all fake. If you don't think sop, can you show any different WITHOUT HEARSAY from a doctor or other medical person? Let's see the real science that goes right diwn to actually isolation a virus.


You're right the USD is just a note of debt to be paid for another debt (ironically your bills). The question is when is the debt of the debt due? And is there a point to debt at all if there is an overarching entity or government rather than a direct person that you physically owe? The reason I call the USD "The Stamps" is because they're constantly devalued everyone wants more and some people get them for nothing from the government. The USD has lost its luster everyone that actually wants to make more of them the right way either invests in themselves ie. business, equipment, education, etc. they invest in stocks or gold and now crypto which is the new currency of the people. Their power to bribe and convince people otherwise is now in focus and now they just want that over all of us and that is power to control us without the Stamps because their time is up.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
There isn't any United States Dollar, except if you have one of those old ones before the Federal Reserve took over.

Just because the Federal Reserve has the word "federal" in its title, doesn't mean that it has anything to do with government.

The FED is volunteer usage. Nobody is required to use it. Some stores make their own currency, called 'grocery store coupons'.

The FED is squirming because crypto threatens its domination. Somebody will figure out a private crypto that will be easily used, privately, for buying and selling anything. The FED is done for, and they know it, and they are scared.

However, there might be turmoil with the changeover. Current Covid stuff is designed to take you eyes off the fact that the FED is dead. Covid is all fake. If you don't think sop, can you show any different WITHOUT HEARSAY from a doctor or other medical person? Let's see the real science that goes right diwn to actually isolation a virus.

Activity: 478
Merit: 66
I don't think that there is any chance that the Yuan or any alt coin would become the new global reserve currency. China is definitely pushing for it, but western countries will never accept it. So the only two plausible choices are USD and BTC in my opinion. If BTC keeps growing at the same rate it did in the last 6 months than it could definitely become a big rival to USD. But maybe it takes another 15-20 years.

I don't know I'd say hyperinflation will eat away at its status quickly but your projection seems pretty conservative.
hero member
Activity: 1694
Merit: 516
I don't think that there is any chance that the Yuan or any alt coin would become the new global reserve currency. China is definitely pushing for it, but western countries will never accept it. So the only two plausible choices are USD and BTC in my opinion. If BTC keeps growing at the same rate it did in the last 6 months than it could definitely become a big rival to USD. But maybe it takes another 15-20 years.
Activity: 1372
Merit: 2017
I've had to rewrite this post because the article you link to is misleading. The title says:

78% of US Dollars created in the last 12 months

And then it says:

Jan 2020 there was $4 Trillion, now there is $18 Trillion.  $14 Trillion was created since Jan 2020 - that's a 78% increase

That's actually a 450% increase. If that's true we are heading to hyperinflation non-stop, but given how the info is presented I'll wait until I see more evidence. And even more so when all I had heard so far was that 20% of the total had been printed by 2020:


As for the dollar losing its status, we cannot know a priori, but it is more endangered than ever since the Bretton Woods agreements. Bitcoin enthusiasts say so, that Bitcoin will be the world's reserve currency, and I would like that.
Activity: 478
Merit: 66
Hello BTC and Crypto community,

What are your thoughts on the current World Reserve Currency?: The United States Dollar, is it here to stay as the World Reserve Currency? Or will it be displaced due to hyperinflation from overprinting and poor fiscal money practices? Do you think the USD should change its name to "FED Stamps" due to 78% of the money supply being printed within the last 18 months?

If you don't think the USD will be the reserve currency then what do you think will take over as the World Reserve? Will it be BTC, ETH, USDC, XRP, Digital Yuan, DOGE or if I failed to list your favorite currency then list it in the thread comments below and vote Option 8.
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