Not that I trust your source very much
Good idea. Natural News is a pseudoscientific quackery site run by conspiracy nutjobs. The entire article is utter nonsense.
Brytney Cobia completely fabricated her story, and her name doesn’t even appear in the hospital’s directory.
The hospital directory they refer to hasn't been updated since 2016, which you can see if you follow their link and download the PDF. She didn't start working there until 2018-2019. If you really believe she is some fictitious character, you can check her licenses here: fact, the hospital has not admitted a single pediatric patient for covid-19 since their data was made available, a year ago
Grandview does not have any pediatric inpatient beds. What a shocker they have not admitted any pediatric patients!
And the average number of adult covid-19 patients from week-to-week ranges between 4 and 8 in a hospital with 449 hospital beds and 91 ICU beds.
The data actually show that for the last week of reported data (16th July), there were 127 patients with confirmed COVID in the hospital and 10 in ICU. Feel free to look up the data yourself here: importantly, there have only been six hospital admissions for covid-19 during this 7-day period
Wrong, as the data show.
and all of these admissions are for adult patients who can recover with the right treatment protocol
Ahh yes, the writer of a blog who has no medical knowledge has never met any of these patients
knows they can all make a quick and speedy recover. Come on. This is beyond stupid.
Moreover, neither Dr. Cobia nor the hospital has admitted a single healthy pediatric patient, according to publicly available information
Oh no! The humanity! Imagine a hospital with no pediatric beds not admitting pediatric patients! Next you'll be telling me my local drug store hasn't admitted any pediatric patients either!
I could keep going, but the rest of the article is similarly misreporting the data (I suspect intentionally), or just flat out stupid.
But of course, BADecker won't care that that entire article is utter bullshit, because it backs up his baseless opinions. So he'll ignore this post, and continue to fire out bullshit articles from bullshit conspiracy nuts and their bullshit blogs in to every thread on this board.