More addresses will be created as you use the existing addresses. If you want bulk addresses then I guess you will have to make use of the command line/console but I'm not sure what commands to use there.
The below will reveal 50 more addreses from the seed. Caution though, if you skip addresses the restoration from seed might not be working as you expect. When restoring a wallet the software can not know how many addresses to generate. It will keep generating addresses until it finds a number of unused ones. I dont know the exact number. Lets just say its 5. If you skip 5 addresses and use the 6th it will not be restored automatically and you might have forgotten about that when you have to restore from seed in a year or two. Its better to just use the ones shown as more will pop up the more addresses you use anyway.
for x in range(0, 50): print wallet.create_new_address()