Firstly, we're happy that you took the time to go through the site and provide us with your feedback and I'd just like to say thank you for that. I'm glad that you're overall comfortable with the current color scheme and layout.
I like this colour scheme, but still, maybe you can light scheme options for people who are like it more than dark. day/night choice can be enough. but this way everything seems pleasing to the eye and everything is clearly indicated, so it doesn't take much time to get acquainted with the application.
We considered adding a light color scheme before, but we weren't really sure how many users would actually want it. Now we know to prioritize it and add it in the future.
to me, this is pretty similar to Bitsler casino. Levels, XP points, menu and chatbox layout, part with switching currency etc... But I guess this is okay, better have someone who works well as your role model.
Being completely honest, we're not really familiar with Bitsler casino so any similarities in design are purely coincidental. We worked alongside a web designer who gave us iterative updates and asked for our feedback throughout the whole design process.
For the test period probably for later, it will be fine if you integrate a faucet or some other form of free coins so that users can test all the features of the games. XP points can be useful for that (same as on Bitsler)
Our actual goal is to eventually integrate our own testnet faucet (for all coins) that users can utilize throughout the lifespan of our website. Even after we go live with non-testnet cryptocurrencies, we would like to have a place where users can test out games with testnet currency (ex: something like However, currently we only use other testnet faucets that are publicly available on the web such as
this one.
About registration, it will be fine if you add options to register with social media accounts. I mean registration in one or two clicks.
In the future we'd like to integrate 3rd party accounts (Google, Twitter, etc.) to the sign in and registration process, but this will most likely be taken care of after the Jackpot and Rock, Paper, Scissors game modes are live on the beta.
Also, you didn't really create any special security to create the password. It is possible to create a new account using "11" as a password. This can make you have complications sometime in the future.
Despite the fact that there was missing form control on the front-end of the registration modal (which is currently fixed now, we just added it), our backend validates that certain fields must abide by certain rules. It would actually not be possible for users to generate a password under six characters. Screenshots of invalid registration attempts (pre-update) are shown in the screenshots below.
Too short of a password example:
Invalid email example:
We definitely appreciate and value the feedback you gave us and hope to hear more from you after our future updates! Let us know if there are any other things that you would like to see added or changed or feel free to message us with any other questions or concerns. Thanks again