Alright, so since the fees of Wirexapp are just ridiculous since the last 2.0 update they have made. I decided to look for alternative services and It looks like UQUID is good from the fees perspective. I decided to give them a shoot but like most of the services out there, my country is restricted.
They however said the following:
Unfortunately, Uquid cannot issue nor ship the Uquid Prepaid Visa Card to users who reside in the following countries:
( In order to get a virtual debit card you should change your country out of this listing)
I see from this that they are encouraging people who have their countries restricted to create virtual cards using fake info (or country). I just want to make sure that I'm not breaking any rules and I won't get my account frozen, could someone confirm that I could create my account with another country and still be able to use it fine as long as I don't reach the limits?
thank you for your information
the list of
Restricted countries are all country we are not allow to delivery card to. However, if you come from a country in that list and you travel to one of
174 another countries we supported for sure you still can buy card (for example: you go to holiday, and you need card for shopping in there) . that not mean we encouraging people using fake info, as far as the information is correct, that still no problem at all (you can not get blocked by card vendor - simple because you have right to buy card for your friends, for your brothers or family in anywhere.
I can confirmed it 100% not break any rules and your card will not get frozen by card vendor.
Most of reasons you get block :
- you register with junk information : for example : awer2waejjhjjj awhhereee ( that will blocked)
- you loaded direct fund from third-party (paypal, bet, casino...) while your card still level 1
- you using same information to buy many card same currencyhope this helpful