You should definitely stop using until they can figure out how to properly create transactions. In this case...
Your transaction f89b79d5222a2016d0d2e0059d8834a61da817fd9ad31b3d58e0770cba4ddd87 is trying to spend bitcoins from 14 unconfirmed transactions:
- 50f297c4a5b21e388daee36dc28bd60a19982f0dfbe3cdd71815cc532c033c27 (transaction fee only 1 sat/B)
- 787a5be43866e5eaa156aeb81b908d98eef88c3431515bd59779ebbde22934c1 (transaction fee only 1 sat/B)
- 846ee142c8a67aec0d85f4f79b6d77cc3b0544b9749a51c72dffba67a6da97bb (transaction fee only 1 sat/B)
- f5e05b10bae4e43ca92c64c3fc5221b27611d3003647ca096a67ed00c83b56fe (transaction fee only 1 sat/B)
- 6456fbfa94a9e8b59d837fa8ab7aa71ad6613f9a51829affc6ce3a48b291ca9b (transaction fee only 2 sat/B)
- 076654918d9adba729d3dcaf7d030ffb9d934b3b51b773d25cdaa1cce540c0bd (transaction fee only 2 sat/B)
- 5183b6349fed6fb86c93c8fe2c7bb6bff5bfe996c5d3d5688107b0e712609002 (transaction fee only 2 sat/B)
- 9eb2de76ddda2a0f630e68ea359425a57a73398408f9c1ee94ca560085a55c51 (transaction fee only 2 sat/B)
- 9faa6b20986f8c32865a3a68192c5955f4037fa002df471b651ad601aa2805a2 (transaction fee only 2 sat/B)
- 39c7524f2237b0cab663077aa98a13e99dba95c241efb9563d9afba674e9140d (transaction fee only 2 sat/B)
- 6cd5de85e14dd1f46ff15e4ede649f44d9b18b7be68ea94f509c4984cac5c429 (transaction fee only 2 sat/B)
- 30132040ebe219bad8c5846fd33c6b6de9ff2e9822f936aecaf9072515207faf (transaction fee only 2 sat/B)
- 4fefbb6ab9b6b321aa7ce5c4df2fae74e14f4b794cebe896cbce3471ac836e86 (transaction fee only 2 sat/B)
- 1d7371da636f215fbb7d5df8eca12aed98a930647885b190ddcfe9db67f217b6 (transaction fee only 2 sat/B)
Your transaction will not be able to confirm until all 14 of those earlier transactions confirm.
Unfortunately, all of these pending transaction paid an extremely low transaction fee so it is unlikely that any of them will confirm soon.
Additionally, two of those earlier transactions:
- 787a5be43866e5eaa156aeb81b908d98eef88c3431515bd59779ebbde22934c1
- 846ee142c8a67aec0d85f4f79b6d77cc3b0544b9749a51c72dffba67a6da97bb
are both trying to spend bitcoins from even earlier unconfirmed transactions:
- 68c0414bc7b8cf88cfd7d56c12e5c05bfc33bd6e534754ce5aca884a31c0eb51 (transaction fee only 1 sat/B)
- 709f12127cf4ae81f99ff6f591d9f1e53c363a67547e3bc22c6175cdb40d4bf5 (transaction fee only 1 sat/B)
The transactions you are waiting on will not be able to confirm until these two even earlier transactions confirm.
Those two transactions ALSO paid an extremely low transaction fee so it is unlikely that either of them will confirm soon.
You won't be able to fix this unless you can get access to all the private keys AND the redeem script for:
If you have access to all the private keys, AND the redeem script for that address, then it should be possible to create a replacement transaction that invalidates:
If that replacement transaction pays a high enough fee to confirm quickly, then the following transactions will become invalid and will disappear from the network:
- 68c0414bc7b8cf88cfd7d56c12e5c05bfc33bd6e534754ce5aca884a31c0eb51
- 787a5be43866e5eaa156aeb81b908d98eef88c3431515bd59779ebbde22934c1
- f89b79d5222a2016d0d2e0059d8834a61da817fd9ad31b3d58e0770cba4ddd87
This would effectively "cancel" your transaction, but would not free up all the pending funds in the other 13 unconfirmed transactions.
Any of those pending transactions that were sent by you using private keys and redeem scripts that you can get access to can also be effectively "cancelled" by including their funds in your replacement transaction. Any of those pending transactions that were NOT sent by you or used private keys or redeem scripts that you can NOT get access to will require assistance from the person (or persons) in control of the private keys and redeem scripts.