In the US there's been a growth in politically correct behavior expectations. Some people are big fans of being politically correct always, others are more lenient, believing instead that context and intent needs to play a part in whether an action or word is politically
incorrect.One way this politically correct movement is manifesting itself is in a small but growing protest agains sports team names after the indigenous people of the North American continent.
- Cleveland Indians (baseball)
- Washington Redskins (football)
- Kansas City Chiefs (football)
What do you all think about this? Are these team names "insulting"? Should they be banished? Or are they celebratory and, in a way, honoring the heritage of North America?
The hype is currently found in the US but I realize this could apply globally, so global discussion is certainly welcome!
I think the most fair thing to do, since they are 'honoring' those cultures (with cartoon racial stereotypes) is to ask them if they think the symbols are flattering.* To save everyone some trouble, I doubt seriously people like having their race reduced to a burnt sienna midget with buck teeth and a feather. Especially when it's being used for a game, and on top of that, they don't get paid.
It's one thing to directly reference the correct name of a group if you would like to reference them. The Spartans, for example. It's another thing to take a deragotory term (call a NA a redskin and see how far you get) and use it to represent a group. Chiefs and Indians are fine. Redskins, is like having a team called 'The Yellow Fellas' or 'The Darkies'. It could be better, basically.
Also the mascots. Before they changed or dropped them, they were kinda fucking racist, but meh.
*With that being said, apparently, 9/10 Native Americans surveyed in the one poll I just read, don't really give a fuck and don't find it offensive at all. That's one survey, and personally I think the sampling method may have been flawed, but to be fair, it did include Native Americans from a diverse set of backgrounds.
But Fox does manage to get 60 percent approval ratings for Trump in polls while others get sub 30s. And the survey said Hillary was supposed to win the election. In a nutshell, surveys suck