
Topic: US Blinks: Kerry Says Prepared To Roll Back Sanctions On Russia (Read 773 times)

Activity: 56
Merit: 0
I don't think the average American understands why their government is concerned with Ukraine.
Activity: 54
Merit: 0
Of course Crimea was always Russia! Why does everyone question this? More people should be saying," why is the US involved in Ukraine?
Activity: 1110
Merit: 1000
Of course ... and well done for Russia ... nope .. because all know that Citizen will suffer from this economic agressive sanctions...

Poutine tell since the start he has no links to this shit ... but he drive a new hybrid war .... nothing less .

He do not send weapons to ?

From where these tanks are coming ? No insign, new one ...

US just released photos about russian Anti-Air system ... never used in Ukraina ... how they get it .. ho yes simple army Citizen stole it to Ukraina ...

This is like soldier .... have you ever wanted to know why they hide their Face Huh they live the same place .. if you fight in your town ... all people know you ... why hidding your face Huh To avoid to be published on Facebook & Vkontakt ... proof that russian solder fight in Ukraina ...

EU & US make the right choice to avoid the war ... but Poutine continue his dirty trick ... Yes i have the control ... he do not control anything more now ... LoL one told already today ..he do not care about the Minks2 ... and will continue to make war ...

This is just a fucking Mafia mob ... who is fighting ... killing Citizen ... and the great Poutine do a just clap clap ... money is for me ... Citizen is just shit ! I do not care about them ....

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
The United States welcomes the news that the OSCE-led Trilateral Contact Group, supported by Chancellor Merkel and Presidents Hollande, Poroshenko, and Putin, reached agreement on a ceasefire and heavy weapons withdrawal in eastern Ukraine, and on the implementation of the September Minsk agreements. We particularly commend the diplomatic efforts of our European Allies, Chancellor Merkel and President Hollande, and their teams in making this agreement possible. Actions will be what matter now. The first test of this agreement and the prospects for a comprehensive settlement will be the full implementation of the ceasefire and the withdrawal of heavy weapons by all parties – by Ukraine, the separatists, and Russia. All the parties must show complete restraint in the run-up to the Sunday ceasefire, including an immediate halt to the Russian and separatist assault on Debaltseve and other Ukrainian towns.

The parties have a long road ahead before achieving peace and the full restoration of Ukraine’s sovereignty. The United States stands ready to assist in coordination with our European Allies and partners. We will judge the commitment of Russia and the separatists by their actions, not their words. As we have long said, the United States is prepared to consider rolling back sanctions on Russia when the Minsk agreements of September 2014, and now this agreement, are fully implemented. That includes a full ceasefire, the withdrawal of all foreign troops and equipment from Ukraine, the full restoration of Ukrainian control of the international border, and the release of all hostages.

We also welcome the news that the Government of Ukraine and the IMF have reached an agreement that will allow the IMF to provide Ukraine with $17.5 billion in financial assistance in support of economic reforms. This agreement will enable Ukraine to continue implementing the reforms it needs to build a stronger, more prosperous, democratic future for the people of Ukraine.
So Crimea, which was not mentioned, and whose "annexation" by Russia so infuriated the western leaders, is Vlad's to keep?
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