The USD fiat is a Ponzi system. It is based on loaning more funds to keep the Ponzi going. The loaning is fake. Here is how it works... the main thing that keeps the USD Ponzi going.
You sit across the table from the loan officer. Your credit is good, so he is willing to loan you the $10,000 you asked for. He slides the promissory note across the table for you to sign.
Does the promissory not have any value before you sign it? NO! If you don't sign it, there will be no transaction. You won't get your "loan."
If you sign the promissory note, does it have value then? YES! Then the loan officer accepts the promissory not as having value. The value is based on the assumption that you will pay off the loan.
When will you pay off the loan? Most loan terms include an early payment clause... that you can pay off the loan any time you want. But even if you don't have
that clause in your terms, the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) says that if they don't accept your payment, the loan is essentially cancelled.
So, what do we have so far? We have a signed promissory note... something that has value because you signed it. After you sign it, you slide the paperwork across the table to the loan officer. Did you catch
that? You just gave something of value to the loan officer. Lawfully he must give you something of equal value in return. Why? Because he must act faithfully. He said your credit was good. He accepted the idea of the loan. So, he must give you something of equal value in return.
What does he give you? He gives you a $10,000 bank check, or $10,000 in cash.
But didn't you see what just happened? You essentially paid off the loan in advance before the loan was even issued. How did you do this? You gave something of value to the loan officer. The Promissory note was worth $10,000. If it wasn't, the loan officer would have never given you the $10,000 in return.
You might say, "But the value of the money he loaned you was based on your promise to pay." And you are absolutely correct to say this. The point is that you paid off the loan in advance, by signing the paperwork, and sliding it across the table to the loan officer. You paid off the loan before it was even loaned to you.
How does anyone know this? It's in the bank ledger this way.
Cryptos are real money. Fiat is just a Ponzi scheme based on the ignorance of the people, and based on the lie that the loan repayment happens after the loan has been issued. the loan repayment happened entirely before the loan. It happened when you gave the promissory note (or other instrument that you signed) to the loan officer.