
Topic: US health care mandate (Obamacare) II: The grubering... (Read 5846 times)

Activity: 434
Merit: 31

Chief Obamacare Architect Sacked After Fraudulent Billing Investigation

Vermont’s Attorney General has settled the state’s claims of fraud against Jonathan Gruber, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor who served as a technical consultant for President Barack Obama and as one of the chief architects of Obamacare.

Under the terms of the settlement, Gruber will no longer work as a taxpayer-funded economic consultant for the state’s health care system and he won’t seek to be paid any money he might be owed, reports the Rutland Herald, a Vermont newspaper.

For its part under the agreement, the Vermont’s attorney general will not pursue legal action under the Vermont Civil False Claims Act.

Vermont Attorney General T.J. Donovan announced the settlement on Friday after state investigators wrapped up an inquiry into Gruber’s billing practices.

What a surprise...  Cheesy

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

California Wants to Let Illegal Immigrants Enroll in Obamacare

The waiver California is seeking wouldn't make subsidies available to illegal immigrants. But it would allow them to use their own money to buy plans on Covered California, the state's Obamacare marketplace, instead of having to buy directly from insurers.

LOL!  That's like offering Kim's Market the opportunity to make use of Guido's protection racket deal.

I would not think of buying a 'qualifying plan' unless there was not a direct threat against a fuck-load of my money.  As it is, 'health care' that I don't want, and am in fact afraid to use since it is so dangerous to go to the doctor in this country, costs me more on a monthly basis than all of my other expenses combined.  It is a pure example of racketeering.

Now if I had some expensive disease and/or planned to scam the medical system in some way, the monthly premiems and amazingly high out-of-pocket costs might be worth it.  But that goes back to the underlying problem with medical care in this country in the first place: absolutely no mechanism to control costs.  Since I am paying the bill for other people, it doesn't matter to them nor to the 'health care provider' if they are getting gouged.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

California Wants to Let Illegal Immigrants Enroll in Obamacare

A bill that would allow illegal immigrants to buy Obamacare plans with their own money is headed to the desk of California Gov. Jerry Brown, after the state Senate passed the measure Thursday.

While President Obama's healthcare law bans illegal immigrants from purchasing Obamacare plans, California is trying to partially change that through what's known as a 1332 waiver. If Brown signs the new measure into law, it would allow the state to petition the federal government to let it allow illegal immigrants to buy plans through Covered California, although they couldn't get federal subsidies.

If California obtains the waiver, it would become the first state to expand the Affordable Care Act to illegal immigrants.

"Covered California should be able to live up to its name and serve all Californians, regardless of immigration status," said Anthony Wright, director of the consumer advocacy group Health Access California.

"People who have different viewpoints on immigration policy can come together in recognition that it is everyone's interest to connect as many Californians with coverage, and prevent the health and financial issues for not just uninsured families but the community as a whole."

The measure passed with bipartisan support in both the state House and the Senate, although the question of allowing illegal immigrants to buy Obamacare plans remains controversial elsewhere. California recently has made some other moves to expand benefits to illegal immigrants, last month extending full benefits to immigrant children enrolled in the state's low-income insurance program, Medi-Cal.

The waiver California is seeking wouldn't make subsidies available to illegal immigrants. But it would allow them to use their own money to buy plans on Covered California, the state's Obamacare marketplace, instead of having to buy directly from insurers.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Millionaires Are Qualifying for Medicaid Under Obamacare

Millionaires living in states that expanded Medicaid are benefiting from government-sponsored health insurance, and taxpayers are footing the bill for it.

In states that expanded Medicaid, people with high net worths and low monthly incomes qualify for Medicaid because of loosened eligibility requirements implemented under Obamacare. And in rural states like Iowa, Americans whom many would consider wealthy are taking advantage of this “loophole” and enrolling in coverage paid for by taxpayers.

Jesse Patton, an insurance broker living in Iowa, has had clients with net worths ranging from $2 million to $5 million, which often stem from farmland or assets from divorce settlements. And those clients, he said, are enrolled in Medicaid in expansion states like Iowa.

“It was designed to help the lower-income population,” Patton told The Daily Signal of Medicaid. “But without the asset test, there are folks that have the financial means and assets there that are good at figuring out how to work the system and capture a benefit they’re entitled to.”

Under the Affordable Care Act, states that opted to expand Medicaid did away with an asset test, which was previously used to determine eligibility in regular Medicaid. To qualify for the program, the government considered a combination of income and net worth.

Now, under the law, eligibility in states that did and did not expand Medicaid is linked solely to modified adjusted gross income, keeping it in line with the tax code.

“This was a move to standardize as much as possible, so you’re bringing in more people, but you’re not complicating the system to where you can’t figure it out,” Joy Wilson, director of health and human services policy at the National Conference of State Legislatures, told The Daily Signal.

Though changing the requirements for Medicaid eligibility put the program in line with the tax code, it also created a “loophole” for those many would consider wealthy to enroll in the government-sponsored program.

“When you get into the Midwest and states with an agriculture market, you can have several million [dollars] in farm ground that you’re not reporting with income,” Patton said.

Patton said he’s encountered Iowans whose net worths top $1 million, and they’ve had no problem enrolling in Medicaid because their annual incomes are below 138 percent of the federal poverty line, or $16,000 for an individual—the new income threshold to qualify for Medicaid in states that expanded the program.

The Iowa broker specifically recalled the case of one woman who had $1.5 million in land and received another $500,000 from a divorce settlement. The land and cash settlements, which went into a trust, were not reported as income, so the woman was able to enroll in the government-run health care program.

“In our market, we’ve got quite a few people people who are either farmers or have gone through divorce settlements where they received considerable amounts of money, but it’s not showing up as income to them at this point in time,” Patton said.

Wilson said that though it’s likely there are some worth millions who are enrolling in Medicaid, they represent a small share of the overall Medicaid population.

“With every system there are issues, and there are always some people trying to help someone who might have a workaround,” she said. “But I would hope that’s not a large number of people, and I suspect if it became big enough, they would have to go and amend the law.”

“It’s safe to say the bulk of the individuals who qualify by income don’t have a lot of assets,” Wilson continued. “There’s always an exception to the rule, maybe someone’s parents died and they got a $1 million house. But that’s not your typical person coming in at the poverty level.”

But those who are asset-rich, like enrollees who own large amounts of land, are not the only population who can qualify for Medicaid under Obamacare.

Ed Haislmaier, a senior fellow in health policy studies at The Heritage Foundation, said that graduate students may find themselves eligible for the program, as many likely qualify for Medicaid based solely on their incomes.

Such was the case for Hartford, Conn., student Brendan Mahoney, who signed up for health care through Connecticut’s exchange when it opened in 2013 and learned he was eligible for Medicaid. Mahoney, a third-year law student at the University of Connecticut, had a school-sponsored health plan prior to Obamacare’s implementation but found he could enroll in Medicaid instead.

“It’s distorting the program away from those whom it was designed to help who are most vulnerable and don’t have other options,” Haislmaier said. “Unlike the farmer or divorcée who could cover it out of dipping into their substantial assets, or the graduate student who could cover it through student loans or a part-time job, the poor kid or the disabled adult, don’t have those options. They’re the ones whom Medicaid was set up for.”

The Obama administration expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act with the intention of expanding coverage for low-income Americans. Under the law—and in the 31 states and the District of Columbia that expanded Medicaid—adults who earn below 138 percent of the federal poverty line, or around $16,000, can enroll in the program.

The federal government will cover all the costs of Medicaid expansion until the end of this year. Participating states are required by cover 10 percent of the costs by 2022.

Haislmaier warned that wealthy Americans who can dip into their assets to pay for health insurance are taking advantage of a program designed for people who don’t share the same lifestyle.

“It has introduced new inequities into the system,” he said.

Questions regarding the population of Americans benefiting from aspects of the Affordable Care Act were raised after CNBC published a report last month detailing how millionaires are able to qualify for subsidies when purchasing coverage on the state-run and federal exchange.

Just like eligibility for enrolling in Medicaid in expansion states, eligibility for the health care law’s subsidies is based solely on income, not a combination of net worth and income.

As a result, the news organization found that a Florida-based financial adviser was helping clients whose net worths were in the millions enroll in coverage through Obamacare and qualified for subsidies.

In one case, one client in Florida received a monthly subsidy of $423, which lowered the price of the client’s coverage to $240 per month. Another client received a monthly subsidy of $737, lowering the premium to $435 per month.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

More than two-thirds of Obamacare enrollees unsatisfied with coverage: survey

Less than a third of Obamacare exchange customers are satisfied with their plans, according to a survey released Monday that finds enrollees in the signature heath overhaul are less happy than those covered through government programs or their jobs.

Researchers at Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, a research arm of the consulting firm, said cost is a key driver in their findings, which say 30 percent of exchange customers are satisfied with their plans, compared to nearly half of those on the Medicaid program for the poor, 58 percent on Medicare for seniors and the disabled and 42 percent with coverage from their jobs.

The Affordable Care Act of 2010 set up web-based marketplaces, or exchanges, where customers can compare plans and purchase coverage, often with the help of income-based government subsidies.

A recent Supreme Court decision said those subsidies should be paid to qualified customers making between 100 and 400 percent of the federal poverty level no matter where they live, despite contested language in a key section of the law.

As Obamacare nears its third signup period this fall, Deloitte says customers are better off than their uninsured counterparts but unhappy compared to people who hold other types of insurance.

“The exchanges have improved access to care, but affordability remains a problem,” the Deloitte report said. “Enrollees report getting care they may not have been able to afford without their [exchange] coverage and are connecting with primary care providers at twice the rate of the uninsured.”

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001


WASHINGTON (AP) -- Six years ago, a proposal for Medicare to cover end-of-life counseling touched off a political uproar that threatened to stall President Barack Obama's health care law in Congress. Wednesday, when Medicare finally announced it will make the change, reaction was muted.

At the time, former Alaska Republican Gov. Sarah Palin's accusation that voluntary counseling could lead to government-sponsored "death panels" dictating the fate of frail elders was widely discredited. But for the Obama administration, end-of-life counseling remained politically radioactive, even as the idea found broader acceptance in society.

Dr. Joe Rotella, chief medical officer of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, called Medicare's move a "little miracle," given the "death panels" furor. He said he believes the controversy has passed.

"I think society's going to get over it this time and see the good in it," said Rotella. "It's really about living in the way that means the most to you to the last moments of your life."

The original sponsor of the idea, Oregon Democratic Rep. Earl Blumenauer, was taking no chances even as he, too, sensed a political shift. Just a few weeks ago at the White House congressional picnic, Blumenauer said he personally lobbied senior officials, handing out pocket-sized cards with his talking points.

"There was a time when the federal government could have been a leader on this, but now it's basically responding to where the rest of America is going," he said.

The policy change, to take effect Jan. 1, was tucked into a massive regulation on payments for doctors. Counseling would be entirely voluntary for patients.

Some doctors already have such conversations with their patients without billing extra. Certain private insurers have begun offering reimbursement. But an opening to roughly 55 million Medicare beneficiaries could make such talks far more common. About three-quarters of the people who die each year in the U.S. are 65 and older, making Medicare the largest insurer at the end of life, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

"As a practicing physician, and a son, and someone who has dealt with this in his own family, I would say these are discussions ... that are critical to high-quality care," said Patrick Conway, Medicare's chief medical officer. "I would want any American who wanted to have this conversation with their clinician to have the opportunity to do so."

Medicare is using a relatively new term for end-of-life counseling: advance care planning. That's meant to reflect expert advice that people should make their wishes known about end-of-life care at different stages of their lives, as early as when they get a driver's license.

The counseling aims to discern the type of treatment patients want in their last days, with options ranging from care that's more focused on comfort than extending life to all-out medical efforts to resuscitate a dying patient.

The American Medical Association praised Medicare's decision. "This issue has been mischaracterized in the past and it is time to facilitate patient choices about advance care planning," said Andrew Gurman, the group's president-elect.

Before former Palin ignited the "death panels" outcry, there was longstanding bipartisan consensus about helping people to better understand their end-of-life choices and decisions.

A 1992 law passed under Republican President George H.W. Bush requires hospitals and nursing homes to help patients who want to prepare living wills and advance directives. Similar efforts gained resonance after the 2005 death of Terri Schiavo, the brain-damaged Florida woman whose family fought for years over whether she would have wanted to be kept alive in a vegetative state.

Then-Florida Gov. Jeb Bush got embroiled in the family's ordeal, ordering feeding tubes reinserted for Schiavo against her husband's wishes. The husband ultimately prevailed in a legal battle with Schiavo's parents, who wanted her kept alive.

In 2008, a year before debate over the Affordable Care Act spiraled into tea-party protests, Congress overwhelmingly passed legislation requiring doctors to discuss issues like living wills with new Medicare enrollees.

That history of bipartisanship dissipated almost instantly when Palin said the provision on end-of-life conversations in Obama's health care legislation would result in bureaucrats deciding whether sick people get to live. The language was ultimately removed.

Nothing in the discussions approved by Medicare will be focused on cost, but many experts believe if patients truly understood their alternatives, and doctors listened to them, bills would inherently go down.

A landmark report last year from the Institute of Medicine found that few people make their wishes known and too many deaths are filled with breathing machines, feeding tubes, powerful drugs and other treatments that fail to extend life and make its final chapter more painful and unpleasant. The report was called "Dying in America," and the institute - an independent organization that advises the government - has a section on its website distilling the issues for families.

After the report, Medicare said it would consider a change in policy for 2016.

Supporters say counseling would give patients more control and free families from tortuous decisions. Even so, there are often no simple answers. Patients may want less invasive care if they believe they will soon die, but predicting when death will happen is notoriously inexact. Terminal patients can live for years, potentially complicating a choice of less intensive treatment.

Interested parties will have 60 days to comment on the new regulation before it is finalized.


Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Morning Joe Mocks White House for Not Being ‘Fully Forthcoming’ on Gruber’s Reportedly Large Role in Obamacare

MSNBC’s Morning Joe panel Monday mocked the Obama administration for not being forthcoming on the large role of MIT economist Jonathan Gruber in the writing and shaping of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

Gruber, one of the law’s architects, caused the Obama administration a huge political headache last November after comments surfaced of him referring to the “stupidity of the American voter” and that it was a “huge political advantage” for the law to be written with a lack of transparency. Gruber later apologized for the remarks before Congress, calling them “glib.”

The White House sought to distance itself from him at the time, with Obama himself calling him “some adviser who never worked on our staff,” but the Wall Street Journal revealed “frequent consultations” between Gruber and top Obama staffers:

“I owe my Republican sources an apology, because they kept telling me he was hugely involved and the White House played it down,” author Mark Halperin said. “They were right. The Republicans were right … I think the [White House] was not fully forthcoming.”

Former Democratic Party chair Howard Dean laughed, also using the politically safe phrase, “They were not fully forthcoming.”

Host Joe Scarborough appeared to relish the article coming out, asking fellow guest and former Democratic congressman Harold Ford if the White House lied about his involvement.

“I would say they were not fully forthcoming,” Ford said, echoing the others’ remarks to laughter around the table.

“Mika, let me see if one person will talk straight,” Scarborough said. “The White House assured us that Mr. Gruber was a bit player. It appears now that was not true. Did the White House lie about Mr. Gruber’s involvement?”

“It certainly appears they did,” co-host Mika Brzezinski said.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Treasury Dept Gave $3 Billion To Health Insurers Without Authorization From Congress

The U.S. Treasury Department has rebuffed a request by House Ways and Means Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan, R- Wis., to explain $3 billion in payments that were made to health insurers even though Congress never authorized the spending through annual appropriations.

At issue are payments to insurers known as cost-sharing subsidies. These payments come about because President Obama’s healthcare law forces insurers to limit out-of-pocket costs for certain low income individuals by capping consumer expenses, such as deductibles and co-payments, in insurance policies. In exchange for capping these charges, insurers are supposed to receive compensation.

What’s tricky is that Congress never authorized any money to make such payments to insurers in its annual appropriations, but the Department of Health and Human Services, with the cooperation of the U.S. Treasury, made them anyway.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber Under Fire For Cheating Vermont (Video)

Jonathan Gruber’s work for Vermont is done, but the controversy surrounding the health care consultant returned to the spotlight Monday after State Auditor Doug Hoffer released a memo indicating his time cards do not add up.

Gruber drew criticism for his role in national health care reform, which included big pay-days and comments about Americans stupidity — and there were also questions about the work he did for Vermont. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist’s computations led the Governor to conclude that Vermont would not be able to afford single-payer health care.

State Auditor Doug Hoffer began looking into Gruber’s contract at the request of two state lawmakers. He says Gruber’s invoices should have included more detail about the work he performed for Vermont. However, Hoffer says the larger concern is that the number of hours billed for Gruber’s sole research assistant strain credibility — 14 hours-a-day, seven days-a-week.

“The one that jumped out was pretty evident, was both of the first two invoices indicated a certain number of hours, both for Dr. Gruber and for the one, sole research assistant. And once I learned that there was only one individual, it became evident that it didn’t really square with what would be normal practice,” Hoffer said

Vermont amended its contract following coverage of his controversial remarks late last year, barring any further payment for Gruber’s time. However, Hoffer’s memo indicates the consultant still presented a bill for his time, and billed more for his assistant’s time than he paid.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Surprise: Poorest Obamacare Enrollees Face $530 IRS Tax Bill

The majority (52 percent) of Obamacare enrollees receiving an advance premium tax credit to purchase Obamacare insurance is facing the prospect of paying back $530 of that tax credit to the IRS, according to a new study from H&R Block.  This clawback is reducing the refunds for these taxpayers by 17 percent this filing season.

Under Obamacare, taxpayers earning between 133 and 400 percent of the federal poverty level are eligible to receive a tax credit to help purchase insurance on Obamacare exchanges.  This tax credit is calculated using old tax data of the recipients.  The credit is advanced ahead of time to the taxpayer's insurance company.  The taxpayer must reconcile at tax time the advance credit received with the actual credit she is eligible for.

Families of four earning less than $97,000 are eligible for a credit.  So is a single mother with two children earning less than $80,000 and an unmarried/childless taxpayer earning less than about $12,000.  By definition, these are the lowest income recipients of Obamacare health insurance outside the Medicaid-eligible population.  Higher income taxpayers received no tax subsidy and aren't facing this tax season surprise.

According to the study, a majority of credit recipients--52 percent--have had to pay back the IRS an average of $530, reducing their refunds by an average of 17 percent.

It remains unclear how this information relates to the revelation last week that 800,000 Obamacare customers (and a further 100,000 in California) received inaccurate 1095-A tax reporting forms.  Doing the reconciliation described here would not be possible for these nearly 1 million families.

Also in the H&R Block report is the news that the individual mandate penalty is averaging $172. This is likely to rise in future years as the penalty for most taxpayers will equal 2.5 percent of their adjusted gross income.  A family earning $100,000 would see a penalty of $2500 for failing to obtain qualified Obamacare health insurance.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

10,000 People Will DIE If Supreme Court Rules Against Obamacare…

It should go without saying, but health care is not a luxury good. According to a Harvard study, in 2005, before Obamacare became law, close to 45,000 Americans between the age of 18 and 64 died because they lacked health insurance. Diabetics lost their sight and slowly watched their organs fail because they were unable to afford insulin. Mothers delayed care for curable infections until the wait proved fatal. Wives rationed the medication they needed to get out of bed in the morning in order to pay for their husband’s care. Doctors would base treatment decisions for their uninsured patients on which drug company had most recently provided them with free samplesof their product.

A lawsuit called King v. Burwell would take health insurance away from millions of Americans, returning them to the world that existed before Obamacare. The case relies on a few words of the law that, if read out of context, seem to deny tax credits intended to help people pay for their health insurance to people who live in the wrong states. Once those words are read in the context of the entire law, however, it becomes clear that tax credits are available in all 50 states.

A brief filed on behalf of multiple public health scholars and the American Public Health Association, estimates that “over 9,800 additional Americans” will die if the justices side with the King plaintiffs. It reaches this conclusion by starting with an Urban Institute study showing that 8.2 million people will become uninsured in this scenario. As other research examining Obamacare-like reforms in the state of Massachusetts found that “for every 830 adults gaining insurance coverage there was one fewer death per year,” that translates to between 9,800 and 9,900 deaths if the justices back the plaintiffs in King.


Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001 sent out 800,000 bad tax forms

The Obama administration says it sent about 800,000 customers the wrong tax information, and officials are asking those consumers to delay filing their 2014 taxes. …

The errors mean that nearly 1 million people may have to wait longer to get their tax refunds this year.

Update: Officials don’t know what happened

The errors disclosed Friday are in new forms that sent to millions of consumers receiving coverage through the federal insurance market that serves most states. Those forms, called 1095-As, are like a W-2 for health care. They provided a month-by-month accounting of the subsidies consumers received to help pay their premiums. That information is then used to make sure everybody got the right amount, not too much, or too little.

Andy Slavitt, a top administration official overseeing federal health insurance programs, said the administration is still investigating the root cause of the problem. Slavitt said it had to do with erroneous calculations of a “benchmark” premium that is used to help determine the amount of subsidies that individuals receive.

The incorrect insurance information is used in computing taxes. Consumers can expect to receive corrected data in the first week of March. With the new data, officials warned, some taxpayers will owe more and some will owe less.

Officials said they did not know why the error had occurred.

Amateur hour...

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Liberal Cornell Students Outraged At Obamacare Fee, Stage Sit-In

To be filed under: We Told You So!

Via Bizpac Review: Cornell students erupt over healthcare fee; ‘elections have consequences’ messages pour in
Sometimes, the best education is the one life gives you.

Students at the prestigious but liberal-leaning Cornell University found that out the hard way last week, when they stormed the office of school President David Skorton to protest a modern-day example of socialism at work.

On Feb. 5, Skorton posted a memo on the school’s website notifying students that all who opt out of Cornell’s health care program next year will be charged a $350 fee….

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
Another source to keep you all wise to the rampant ACA "Obamacare" deception:

No, you will not be keeping people "wise" by presenting misinformation.

But thanks for revealing your colors.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
Loose lips sink sigs!
Another source to keep you all wise to the rampant ACA "Obamacare" deception:
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
Loose lips sink sigs!

The millions who are renewing their individual market coverage under the Affordable Care Act — or signing up for new coverage — are finding that they have more choices than in 2014, and that the average cost of a policy has risen only modestly.

More insurance companies are competing in the new ACA marketplaces. “There are over 25 percent more issuers participating in the Marketplace in 2015″ than in 2014, according to the most recent official figures from the Department of Health and Human Services.

Meanwhile, the average cost across all U.S. counties for a benchmark (second-lowest-cost) “silver” policy rose only 2 percent, according to the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation. HHS also reported a 2 percent average rise for a benchmark “silver” plan.

The cheaper and less generous “bronze” plans rose an average of 4 percent, KFF said. And it found that premium changes varied widely depending on location, from an increase of 34 percent for a benchmark silver plan in southeastern Alaska, to a whopping 45 percent reduction in Summit County (Breckenridge), Colorado. Also, it will pay for policyholders to shop around: A New York Times analysis of the rate data showed many with existing marketplace plans would see a premium hike (as high as 20 percent) unless they switched policies.

Previously, there were indications the average premium would actually decrease. In our last report, we quoted a preliminary KFF study that showed the average premium had gone down by 0.8 percent. But as we noted at the time, that was based on analysis covering only the largest cities in 15 states and the District of Columbia where information from rate filings was available. KFF later revised the figure when filings from all 50 states and the District of Columbia became available.

The ACA’s second annual open enrollment period began Nov. 15 and will remain open through Feb. 15. So it is still too early to say how many more will sign up for coverage this year, compared with last. So far, enrollment has been brisk, and without the technical foul-ups that plagued the system a year earlier.

There’s solid evidence that the new law has extended health insurance coverage to millions. But how many millions have gained coverage, and how many will remain uninsured, won’t be known for some time. According to the most recent release of the National Health Interview Survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the percentage of people without health insurance at the time they were interviewed fell to 12.2 percent of the population during the first six months of 2014, down from 14.4 percent during 2013, before the ACA’s insurance marketplaces took effect (see Table 1).

One thing we can say with certainty is that the law’s basic tax penalty for failing to obtain coverage has doubled for 2015, going from 1 percent of household income for those who were uninsured in 2014 to 2 percent of household income for those who don’t get coverage this year.

The minimum tax penalty, for those with very low income, has more than tripled. It went from $95 per adult for being uninsured in 2014 to $325 for 2015. The penalty amounts have been part of the law since it passed in 2010, and the higher rates went into effect Jan. 1.

Those who were uninsured in 2014 must pay the tax penalty when they file their 2014 income tax returns, which are due by April 15. (The IRS is calling it an “individual shared responsibility payment,” neatly avoiding taking sides on the politicized question of whether it’s a “tax” or a “penalty.”)

Personal Impact

My premiums when up about $2 per month, 2%...i'll pay that to get more people covered. But I'll fully admit that Obama made two big errors with it 1) he forced the insurers as the route to get coverage, when he should have made strides to provide state funded care (not state forced insurance coverage), and 2) he outsourced the website construction when he has the best web engineers and designers within the US...what a foolish move!
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Fail: Consumers Discover They're 'Insured, But Not Covered' Under Obamacare

Yes, it's time once again for yet another post illustrating a core criticism of Obamacare, and various forms of government-run or -micromanaged healthcare more generally; namely, the fact that "coverage" or "insurance" does not equalcare. Various media outlets have been reporting on this phenomenon for months, including the New York Times, which published another cautionary piece this week:

WHEN Karen Pineman of Manhattan received notice that her longtime health insurance policy didn’t comply with the Affordable Care Act’s requirements, she gamely set about shopping for a new policy through the public marketplace. After all, she’d supported President Obama and the act as a matter of principle. Ms. Pineman, who is self-employed, accepted that she’d have to pay higher premiums for a plan with a narrower provider network and no out-of-network coverage. She accepted that she’d have to pay out of pocket to see her primary care physician, who didn’t participate. She even accepted having co-pays of nearly $1,800 to have a cast put on her ankle in an emergency room after she broke it while playing tennis. But her frustration bubbled over when she tried to arrange a follow-up visit with an orthopedist in her Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield network: The nearest doctor available who treated ankle problems was in Stamford, Conn. When she called to protest, her insurer said that Stamford was 14 miles from her home and 15 was considered a reasonable travel distance. “It was ridiculous — didn’t they notice it was in another state?” said Ms. Pineman, 46, who was on crutches. She instead paid $350 to see a nearby orthopedist and bought a boot on Amazon as he suggested. She has since forked over hundreds of dollars more for a physical therapist that insurance didn’t cover, even though that provider was in-network.

Here is a staunch Obama supporter who's so ideologically loyal that she refused to become upset when her existing healthcare plan was deemed non-compliant and canceled under Obamacare.  She made her peace with paying higher premiums and higher out-of-pocket expenses. She was even willing to live with her pared-down network of doctors and healthcare facilities.  Being personally betrayed by multiple, major presidential promises wasn't enough to shake her commitment to the president or his signature law.  But the long drives to see an in-network provider and the hundreds of extra out-of-pocket dollars flying out of her bank account finally led to "frustration bubbl[ing] over."  She's now a poster child of discontentment with Obamacare, featured in the nation's most prominent left-leaning newspaper.  The story goes on:

The Affordable Care Act has ushered in an era of complex new health insurance products featuring legions of out-of-pocket coinsurance fees, high deductibles and narrow provider networks. Though commercial insurers had already begun to shift toward such policies, the health care law gave them added legitimacy and has vastly accelerated the trend, experts say...For some, like Ms. Pineman, narrow networks can necessitate footing bills privately. For others, the constant changes in policy guidelines — annual shifts in what’s covered and what’s not, monthly shifts in which doctors are in and out of network — can produce surprise bills for services they assumed would be covered. For still others, the new fees are so confusing and unsupportable that they just avoid seeing endorsing and expanding the complex new policies promoted by the health care industry, the law may in some ways be undermining its signature promise: health care that is accessible and affordable for all.

Higher costs, "constant changes," surprise bills, outright confusion, and the avoidance of seeking care. Devatasting stuff from the Times, which quotes a healthcare industry professional who rejects the happy talk emanating from the administration and its supporters (by the way, I dealt with and debunked virtually every major point attempted in that Newsweek piece):

“I’m always curious when I read this ‘good news’ that health costs are moderating, because my health care costs go up significantly each year, and I think that’s a common experience,” said Mark Rukavina, president of Community Health Advisors in Massachusetts. While much of the focus in the past has been on keeping premiums manageable, “premiums now tell only a part of the story,” Mr. Rukavina said, adding: “A big part of the way they’ve kept premiums down is to shift costs to patients in the form of co-pays and deductibles and other types of out-of-pocket expenses. And that can leave patients very vulnerable.”

True.  And the premiums are still increasing -- by double-digit percentages for some consumers -- across the board, and are likely to push higher over the coming years.  Of course, we were told Obamacare would significantly slash rates.  And the "coverage" those rates are paying for doesn't kick in until deductibles are exhausted -- if you can find an in-network provider nearby, of course.  This is the "Affordable" Care Act at work. And as millions more Americans lose their employer-based coverage over time (again underscoring a major Obamacare deception), they'll encounter the privilege of navigating the cost and access landmines inherent in the individual market plans offered on the exchanges.  Nevertheless, President Obama again declared the law a success in an interview with Buzzfeed, citing "high satisfaction" (not among the general public, not among those impacted by the law, not among the uninsured) and low premiums (see above).  He also slammed office supply retailer Staples for its policy of strictly capping part-time employee hours at 25 percent to avoid compliance with the expensive employer mandate and its 30-hour rule. (This guideline has been in place for years, Staples says, although the new law seems to have added to the urgency its enforcement).  "Shame on them," Obama said of Staples:

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Mother Jones: America's Largest Health Care Company Tells Supreme Court That Anti-Obamacare Argument Is "Absurd"

If getting rid of Obamacare is such a good idea, why isn't corporate America getting behind King v. Burwell, the Supreme Court case designed to demolish the Affordable Care Act? More than 52 different parties have weighed in with briefs in advance of oral arguments on March 4. Of those, 21 have been filed on behalf of the plaintiffs, who claim millions of Obamacare consumers are receiving illegal health insurance subsidies. The groups filing these briefs include libertarian think tanks, pro-life organizations, Christian legal shops, and some conservative Republican legislators. But not a single business group—not the US Chamber of Commerce, not any of the health industry companies and trade groups that opposed the law when it was being drafted—has presented a brief endorsing this lawsuit.

These outfits are either backing the Obama administration's attempt to defeat the suit or sitting out this case. Briefs in the case help explain why: Obamacare is working. There's no better evidence of this than a brief filed on behalf of the government in King by the Hospital Corporation of America, better known as HCA, the largest health care provider in the country (once run by Obamacare foe Florida Gov. Rick Scott). HCA argues that the legal theory advanced by the plaintiffs is "absurd," but, more importantly, it presents detailed data drawn from its own operations that demonstrate that the health care law is helping patients and the company itself.

If getting rid of Obamacare is such a good idea, why isn't corporate America getting behind King v. Burwell, the Supreme Court case designed to demolish the Affordable Care Act?

Because: guaranteed bailout and monopoly from 0bamacare... No $$$ loss, either way, for $$$ America's Largest Health Care Company $$$.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250

A lot of people in this forum love 0bamacare no matter what. I expect none of them to complain about those back-taxes...

From what I have seen many people on the forum are some form of libertarianism which favors small government. Obamacare greatly increases the size of government.

Granted there are a lot of people on here that are unemployed, who tent to be liberal......
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Oh my: Harvard profs find ObamaCare’s reforms are costing them more for health care

The definition of liberal academia...

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

A lot of people in this forum love 0bamacare no matter what. I expect none of them to complain about those back-taxes...

They'll just turn right wing and small government, after big government comes after them.

No doubt. I just wish they could do it publicly and not quietly...

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386

A lot of people in this forum love 0bamacare no matter what. I expect none of them to complain about those back-taxes...

They'll just turn right wing and small government, after big government comes after them.
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250

Got Obamacare? Great! Now here’s your audit.

“As many as 3.4 million people who received Obamacare subsidies may owe refunds to the federal government, according to an estimate by a tax preparation firm… H&R Block is estimating that as many as half of the 6.8 million people who received insurance premium subsidies under the Affordable Care Act benefited from subsidies that were too large, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.” Although it’s definitely going to be a problem: ‘several million people suddenly discovering that they now owe back taxes to the government over Obamacare’ is not exactly a good scenario, especially if you belong to the political party that set that scenario up in the first place. But it’s still not the worst thing for Democrats.

No, the problem for Democrats here is that this is going to happen every year. The system is more or less designed to assume that people would twiddle with their coverage on a regular basis: as plans changed, improved, or degraded the consumer would be obligated to follow suit, in order to keep the subsidy. This sounds perfectly reasonable… if you’re not the one doing it. But out in the real world?

A lot of people in this forum love 0bamacare no matter what. I expect none of them to complain about those back-taxes...

I would say that as long as Obama is in office the IRS is going to be very liberal (no pun intended) regarding enforcing and auditing people who may have misrepresented their income levels to get higher subsidies. The subsidy system is flawed in that it relies on the honor system in order to give initial insurance rates
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Got Obamacare? Great! Now here’s your audit.

“As many as 3.4 million people who received Obamacare subsidies may owe refunds to the federal government, according to an estimate by a tax preparation firm… H&R Block is estimating that as many as half of the 6.8 million people who received insurance premium subsidies under the Affordable Care Act benefited from subsidies that were too large, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.” Although it’s definitely going to be a problem: ‘several million people suddenly discovering that they now owe back taxes to the government over Obamacare’ is not exactly a good scenario, especially if you belong to the political party that set that scenario up in the first place. But it’s still not the worst thing for Democrats.

No, the problem for Democrats here is that this is going to happen every year. The system is more or less designed to assume that people would twiddle with their coverage on a regular basis: as plans changed, improved, or degraded the consumer would be obligated to follow suit, in order to keep the subsidy. This sounds perfectly reasonable… if you’re not the one doing it. But out in the real world?

A lot of people in this forum love 0bamacare no matter what. I expect none of them to complain about those back-taxes...

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Obamacare tax surprise looming

The next Obamacare controversy is right around the corner.

Obamacare enrollees who received subsidies to help pay for coverage will soon have to reconcile how much they actually earned in 2014 with how much they estimated when they applied many, many months ago.

This will likely lead to some very unhappy Americans. Those who underestimated their income either will receive smaller tax refunds or will owe the IRS money.

That's because subsidies are actually tax credits and are based on annual income, but folks got their 2014 subsidy before knowing exactly what they'd make in 2014. So you'll have to reconcile the two with the IRS during the upcoming tax filing season.

It won't be surprising if many enrollees guessed wrong. The sign up period began in October 2013 and many people did not know what they'd earn in 2014. Some went off what they earned in 2012.

Also, it was up to consumers to report major changes in their circumstances, such as landing a new job or getting married, so their subsidy amounts could be recalculated.

We're not talking chump change. Those who applied through the federal exchange received an average monthly subsidy of $264, according to the most recent figures reported by the Obama administration. They only had to pay $82 a month, on average, for coverage, Roughly 85% of total enrollees received help with insurance premiums. The administration last month said 2014 enrollment was 6.7 million.

Those who underestimated their earnings could owe thousands of dollars, though there is a $2,500 cap for those who remain eligible for subsidies. The threshold for eligibility is based on income - $45,900 for an individual and $94,200 for a family in 2014.

Of course, those who overestimated their 2014 income may get a healthier-than-expected refund. And some will see no change.

Here's what happens next:

Obamacare enrollees should receive Form 1095-A from their exchange by Jan 31. It lists who in the household had policies and how much they received in monthly subsidies.

Taxpayers will then use that documentation to fill out Form 8962, which asks details on insurance, subsidies and income. If they were not covered for the entire year, they have to break down the subsidy payments by month.

"It will be very difficult for those individuals who received premium tax credits to prepare their taxes on their own and get this straight," said Timothy Jost, a law professor at Washington and Lee University.

Also concerning is whether the Form 1095-As will contain accurate information and whether the exchanges will send them by the end of January, said Jost, who writes about Obamacare for the Health Affairs blog.

Exchange officials interviewed do not expect there to be problems with their record keeping. The federal exchange is currently testing its process to confirm premium and subsidy amounts with insurers to make sure can generate accurate tax forms.

"Consumers will receive their 1095-A from the [exchange] in the mail and it will be posted to their online account during tax filing season," said Aaron Albright, a spokesman for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, which oversees the federal exchange. If there are errors, they can go to to get a corrected form.

Covered California, the largest state-based exchange, expects to mail its forms on Jan. 20, said Dana Howard, the exchange's deputy director of communications.

Consumers who have trouble filling out their returns shouldn't expect to get timely help from the IRS. The agency had its budget cut, and its commissioner recently said it may only be able to answer just over half the phone calls received.

"Phone calls won't be answered even as poorly as they were last year," said Roberton Williams, a fellow at the Tax Policy Center.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Feds Looking for Company to Run 'National Data Warehouse' for Obamacare, Medicare

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is looking for vendors to run its "National Data Warehouse," a database for "capturing, aggregating, and analyzing information" related to beneficiary and customer experiences with Medicare and the federal Obamacare marketplaces. Although the database primarily consists of quality control metrics related to individuals' interactions with customer service, potential contractors are to "[d]emonstrate ... experience with scalability and security in protecting data and information with customer, person-sensitive information including Personal Health Information and Personally Identifiable information (personal health records, etc.)." Vendors are also instructed that one of the requirements of a possible future contract would be "[e]nsuring that all products developed and delivered adhere to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance standards."

For a number of years, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the division of HHS responsible for Medicare and now Obamacare also, has maintained a "national data warehouse" (NDW) related to the 1-800-MEDICARE helpline. The passage of the Affordable Care Act and subsequent establishment of the Marketplaces has expanded the scope of the NDW. The CMS notice explains the NDW as follows:

The NDW performs a significant role with oversight and monitoring functions under the Virtual Call Center Strategy (VCS) initiative and Medicare Reform legislation. The NDW acts as the central repository for capturing, aggregating, and analyzing information related to the beneficiary experience with Medicare and the consumer experience with Marketplaces. The NDW also serves as a foundation for operational and management reporting to support improved decision-making, business practices, and services to callers.

The type of data included in the NDW "includes information for CMS’ Virtual Contact Center operations including, but not necessarily limited to" items such as "Workforce management data,""Quality monitoring," "Medicare disenrollments," "Beneficiary satisfaction surveys," and "Web Chat metrics." The NDW is part of CMS's larger $15 billion "Virtual Data Center" program awarded to multiple vendors in 2012. The eventual vendor for the NDW must be able to integrate and share data with the other Virtual Data Center vendors.

The description for the "NDW Functional Requirements" included thirty-six items, several with multiple subpoints, and even this list is not meant to be "all inclusive" according to CMS. In addition to these functions, the "contractor shall implement a security program that adheres to CMS security standards." Interested vendors have until January 19, 2015, to respond.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

A whopping 87 per cent of Obamacare customers to get taxpayer-funded subsidies in 2015 – but the Supreme Court could throw out the whole $65 BILLION system

About seven out of every eight Obamacare insurance customers who enrolled between November 15 and mid-December are poor enough to qualify for taxpayer-funded subsidies designed to lower their monthly premiums.

The Department of Health and Human Services reported that number Tuesday, saying it’s up from 80 per cent a year ago.

Americans who participate in government-brokered medical insurance can get subsidies from the federal treasury if their households earn less than four times the government’s official ‘poverty’ level.

That situation describes 64 per cent of all U.S. residents, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. But far more are qualifying, suggesting that the Obamacare subscriber base is dramatically tilted toward low-income earners.

And as poor Americans depend inreasingly on handouts to manage their monthly health insurance bills, the U.S. Supreme Court could be months away from invalidating the entire subsidy system that supports the 34 states that chose not to run their own Obamacare marketplaces.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
If I don't comply with Obamacare, have I broken the law? Or is it only the code? If they take me to court, will I have to pay a fine?

Listen to what Karl has to say directly about Obamacare - .

Try legal vs. lawful - .

Hand guns and Obamacare - .

Codes are not law. Codes are a condensed version of the law, made so that it is easier for the courts, because the law can be thousands of pages long. No judge or prosecutor will legally take responsibility that the code is a correct interpretation of the law. What they try to do is get you to say that you have broken the law. Then they prosecute you on your confession. Thompsons of Canada publishes the code -

Law and Code are not the same, but even if they were, have I signed the law so that I am part of it by contract? - .

We are not part of their Code world - .

There are only 3 things that the courts can hold you for if you don't comply with some of their code:
1. Have you harmed someone?;
2. Have you damaged someone's property?;
3. Have you broken a contract?

If you haven't harmed someone or damaged their property, and if you don't have a contract with them, be very careful that you don't make a contract with them in court. If you do, you have just confessed to having to obey their code. If you don't contract with them, you don't owe them a dime.

hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 500
A Single-Payer Health Care System is the opposite direction where the health care industry/insurance industry needs to go. It is much better to use a system when the consumer pays the first health care dollar so they can question the necessity of procedures, medicines, ect instead of asking when they can get their "free" health care services that is covered by insurance
I would like them to pay for my beer therapy.  It's unnecessary for anyone to question the necessity of this procedure.
This is exactly what is wrong with a single payer system. The consumer does not care about the cost nor the value of any procedure nor do they have any incentive to keep their medical costs in line
It's okay.  I'm connected.  My brother is in charge of the South city school district and my older sister's husband is the police chief.  You understand?  There shouldn't be any questions about my beer therapy payments?

It isn't about the individual payments. It is about the cost of the treatment and the potential benefit/risks to the treatment. If a treatment is going to cost a lot of money but is only going to have a small chance of making you a little bit better then you should not be receiving such treatment, however someone that is not paying for the treatment directly is not going to care about price
I should have made it more obvious, but I was joking....

Mocking the actual way that socialized medicine may work...

I would not be surprised if some people actually wanted a single payer health care provider to pay for beer therapy
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
A Single-Payer Health Care System is the opposite direction where the health care industry/insurance industry needs to go. It is much better to use a system when the consumer pays the first health care dollar so they can question the necessity of procedures, medicines, ect instead of asking when they can get their "free" health care services that is covered by insurance
I would like them to pay for my beer therapy.  It's unnecessary for anyone to question the necessity of this procedure.
This is exactly what is wrong with a single payer system. The consumer does not care about the cost nor the value of any procedure nor do they have any incentive to keep their medical costs in line
It's okay.  I'm connected.  My brother is in charge of the South city school district and my older sister's husband is the police chief.  You understand?  There shouldn't be any questions about my beer therapy payments?

It isn't about the individual payments. It is about the cost of the treatment and the potential benefit/risks to the treatment. If a treatment is going to cost a lot of money but is only going to have a small chance of making you a little bit better then you should not be receiving such treatment, however someone that is not paying for the treatment directly is not going to care about price
I should have made it more obvious, but I was joking....

Mocking the actual way that socialized medicine may work...
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 500
A Single-Payer Health Care System is the opposite direction where the health care industry/insurance industry needs to go. It is much better to use a system when the consumer pays the first health care dollar so they can question the necessity of procedures, medicines, ect instead of asking when they can get their "free" health care services that is covered by insurance
I would like them to pay for my beer therapy.  It's unnecessary for anyone to question the necessity of this procedure.
This is exactly what is wrong with a single payer system. The consumer does not care about the cost nor the value of any procedure nor do they have any incentive to keep their medical costs in line
It's okay.  I'm connected.  My brother is in charge of the South city school district and my older sister's husband is the police chief.  You understand?  There shouldn't be any questions about my beer therapy payments?

It isn't about the individual payments. It is about the cost of the treatment and the potential benefit/risks to the treatment. If a treatment is going to cost a lot of money but is only going to have a small chance of making you a little bit better then you should not be receiving such treatment, however someone that is not paying for the treatment directly is not going to care about price
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
A Single-Payer Health Care System is the opposite direction where the health care industry/insurance industry needs to go. It is much better to use a system when the consumer pays the first health care dollar so they can question the necessity of procedures, medicines, ect instead of asking when they can get their "free" health care services that is covered by insurance
I would like them to pay for my beer therapy.  It's unnecessary for anyone to question the necessity of this procedure.
This is exactly what is wrong with a single payer system. The consumer does not care about the cost nor the value of any procedure nor do they have any incentive to keep their medical costs in line
It's okay.  I'm connected.  My brother is in charge of the South city school district and my older sister's husband is the police chief.  You understand?  There shouldn't be any questions about my beer therapy payments?

hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 500
A Single-Payer Health Care System is the opposite direction where the health care industry/insurance industry needs to go. It is much better to use a system when the consumer pays the first health care dollar so they can question the necessity of procedures, medicines, ect instead of asking when they can get their "free" health care services that is covered by insurance
I would like them to pay for my beer therapy.  It's unnecessary for anyone to question the necessity of this procedure.
This is exactly what is wrong with a single payer system. The consumer does not care about the cost nor the value of any procedure nor do they have any incentive to keep their medical costs in line
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
A Single-Payer Health Care System is the opposite direction where the health care industry/insurance industry needs to go. It is much better to use a system when the consumer pays the first health care dollar so they can question the necessity of procedures, medicines, ect instead of asking when they can get their "free" health care services that is covered by insurance
I would like them to pay for my beer therapy.  It's unnecessary for anyone to question the necessity of this procedure.
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
A Single-Payer Health Care System is the opposite direction where the health care industry/insurance industry needs to go. It is much better to use a system when the consumer pays the first health care dollar so they can question the necessity of procedures, medicines, ect instead of asking when they can get their "free" health care services that is covered by insurance
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

The Dream Is Dead: Vermont Governor Kills Plan To Enact Single-Payer Health Care System…

Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin on Wednesday dropped his plan to enact a single-payer health care system in his state — a plan that had won praise from liberals but never really got much past the framework stage.

“This is not the right time” for enacting single payer, Shumlin said in a statement, citing the big tax increases that would be required to pay for it.

Shumlin faced deep skepticism that lawmakers could agree on a way to pay for his ambitious goal and that the feds would agree to everything he needed to create the first state-based single-payer system in 2017.

And that was all before Shumlin, a Democrat, almost lost reelection last month in one of the country’s most liberal states. And it was before MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, the now notorious Obamacare consultant who also advised Vermont until his $400,000 contract was killed amid the controversy, became political poison.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

More Videos: Gruber Talks About Writing Obamacare; Said Under Oath He Didn't Write It








But now new video dug up by investment advisor Rich Weinstein, the man behind Grubergate, shows the Obamacare architect boasted on numerous occasions about writing the legislation.

March 20, 2010 just one day before President Obama signed Obamacare into law: (comments 3:55 time mark).

"Once again, unabashed, I helped write the federal [healthcare] bill as well. I was a paid consultant for the Obama administration to help develop the technical details of the bill, so I come to you with my biases."

Noblis healthcare talk 2012: (comments at 44:50 time mark)

"The one bit of the bill I actually wrote."

Another video found by American Commitment President Phil Kerpan shows Gruber telling his students at MIT that he has a bias because he "wrote part of the law."

"What does this bill do? This bill tries to...full disclaimer, I'm going to describe objectively but I helped write it. I'll be objective, I'll try to be objective but full-disclaimer I was involved in writing the legislation so there is some bias involved here."

When Jonathan Gruber testified in front of the House Oversight Committee earlier this week, he took an oath to tell the truth. During his testimony, he tried to claim he didn't write Obamacare, yet his own words repeatedly prove otherwise. As a reminder, lying under oath is a crime.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
You know, I just thought of something.

If we got rid of Obamacare, wouldn't we get rid of all the lying about Obamacare?

It'd just fade away in the junkyard of socialist failed programs.  Or is that junkyard full?

It'd certainly be nice to not have that yet-another-stream-of-lying-propaganda from the District of Criminals.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Still cooking the ObamaCare books

The ObamaCare lies keep coming. In two highly publicized announcements last week, top Obama health officials claimed the Affordable Care Act is slowing health care spending and improving hospital safety.

The media parroted these boasts, but the evidence shows they’re bogus.

Even as administration figures — from President Obama down — distance themselves from Jonathan Gruber, the ObamaCare adviser caught calling the public stupid, they’re still relying on his playbook: They assume we’re not going to check their facts.

On Dec. 3, federal actuaries released data showing that health spending inched up only 3.6 percent in 2013.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Talk to my lawyer: Gruber won’t commit to turning over documents he produced for ObamaCare

MIT Prof: "I have documents in front of me. I am so stupid. What is the meaning of your question again?"

 Grin Cheesy Cheesy Grin

Jonathan Gruber math explained by Lou Costello

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386

Talk to my lawyer: Gruber won’t commit to turning over documents he produced for ObamaCare

MIT Prof: "I have documents in front of me. I am so stupid. What is the meaning of your question again?"

 Grin Cheesy Cheesy Grin
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Talk to my lawyer: Gruber won’t commit to turning over documents he produced for ObamaCare

MIT Prof: "I have documents in front of me. I am so stupid. What is the meaning of your question again?"

 Grin Cheesy Cheesy Grin

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Gruber: I Knew Obama Would Break His ObamaCare “Keep Your Plan” Pledge For “Some People”

Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI): The Obama administration promised the American people 37 times that if you like your plan you can keep your plan. When you were working on the law did you believe that no one would lose their plan if they liked during Obamacare.

Gruber: I believed that the law would not affect the majority of Americans.

Walberg: But did you believe that no one, as the president said, would lose a plan they liked?

Gruber: As I said I believed it would not affect a vast majority of Americans. But, it is true that some people would have to upgrade their plans because their plans were not comprehensive as defined by the law.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Trey Gowdy GRILLS Jonathan Gruber. Did You Apologize Because You Said It Or Meant It?

Gowdy's House... Cheesy

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Jonathan Gruber Repeatedly Refuses To Disclose How Much He Earned From ObamaCare

From a 2010 report:

Liberal economist Jonathan Gruber touted Obamacare to state-run media outlets but did not disclose that he was under contract with Department of Health and Human Services for $297,600.

Gruber was paid over $4 million for scheming and deceiving the “stupid” American public.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Feds Plan for 35 Agencies to Help Collect, Share, Use Electronic Health Info

Along with the primary goal of expanding the availability of health insurance, the Affordable Care Act aims to make the use of Electronic Health Records (EHR) universal. This plan actually began with the 2009 stimulus (the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act), which included the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act. Doctors and other health providers have been offered incentives to convert patient information and health histories to a compatible and transferable electronic format, and as of June 2014, 75 percent of eligible doctors and 92 percent of eligible hospitals had received payments under the program.

This week, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced the release of the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan 2015-2020, which details the efforts of some 35 departments and agencies of the federal government and their roles in the plan to "advance the collection, sharing, and use of electronic health information to improve health care, individual and community health, and research." The plan is illustrated with the following graphic:

Each step of the plan includes three-year and six-year goals, and the various goals, depending on their focus, require the involvement of department and agencies as disparate as the Department of Defense, the Federal Trade Commission, and NASA, in addition to the expected participation of entities such as HHS, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and the Indian Health Service. The report includes a comprehensive list of all departments and agencies involved:

While Electronic Health Records (EHR) are the most visible example of the type of information the plan discusses, other technologies include "mobile and telehealth technology, cloud-based services, medical devices, and remote monitoring devices, assistive technologies, and sensors." The plan stresses the importance of government in developing these technologies given its roles to "provide direct care and health insurance, protect public health, fund health and human services for certain populations, invest in infrastructure, develop and implement policies and regulations, and advance groundbreaking research."

Now that HHS has publicly released the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan, the agency is seeking the input from the public before implementation. The plan is subject to two-month period of public comment before finalization. The comment period runs through February 6, 2015.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
Pro abortionists for 'the greater good for all' never abort themselves... A bit like al gore loving 4X4s or Kerry moving his sailboat away from the state he resides to avoid paying taxes, etc... Pretty much what Chief Ramsay said...

Never mind.  I just realized Gruber IS an abortion.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Gruber co-authored a paper during the Clinton years which argued that legal abortion had saved the U.S. taxpayer upwards of $14 billion in welfare benefits and that it also lowered crime.

By GOD how'd we miss aborting that damn Gruber?  Is it too late?


Pro abortionists for 'the greater good for all' never abort themselves... A bit like al gore loving 4X4s or Kerry moving his sailboat away from the state he resides to avoid paying taxes, etc... Pretty much what Chief Ramsay said...

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Gruber reminds me of quite a few liberals I know in that they aren't below misrepresenting something to get to the end goal or the end justifies the means MO. They talk a good game in public about minorities but would definitely cross the street rather than have to walk by a few of them, depending on their perception of course. Furthermore, these liberals are for the welfare and housing stuff as a way to throw them a bone and give them the bare essentials to keep them away from the former. None of this surprises me anymore.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386

Gruber co-authored a paper during the Clinton years which argued that legal abortion had saved the U.S. taxpayer upwards of $14 billion in welfare benefits and that it also lowered crime.

By GOD how'd we miss aborting that damn Gruber?  Is it too late?

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Gruber co-authored a paper during the Clinton years which argued that legal abortion had saved the U.S. taxpayer upwards of $14 billion in welfare benefits and that it also lowered crime.

Gruber’s work heavily influenced other researchers, including a paper called The Impact of Legalized Abortion by Steven Levitt of the University of Chicago, whose later book Freakonomics and whose ongoing work makes the strongest case that abortion legalizations in the 1970s caused a dramatic drop in crime twenty years later.

Pro-lifers have always wondered why the black community has not responded more aggressively to the fact that so many abortion clinics are located in poor neighborhoods and why the black abortion rate is so much higher than whites.
A documentary called Maafa 21 argues that abortion is a part of what they called a “black genocide.”

African-American marketing expert Ryan Scott Bomberger founded an organization called The Radiance Foundation that makes commercials for the unborn child with a special emphasis on the high incidence of black abortion. Emmy-wining Bomberger’s campaign looks specifically at black abortion. One meme calls abortion a “civil wrong” and that blacks are “still not free at last” because of abortion. Bomberger is being sued by the NAACP for calling the group “pro-abortion.” 

A group called 41 Percent tracks all abortions in New York City, which has an abortion rate at twice the national average, points out that the abortion rate in the largely black borough of The Bronx is an astounding 47%.
These are the types of communities Gruber meant when he referred the “marginal children” who were the most likely to end up on welfare and committing crimes if they were allowed to be born.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Obamacare Coauthor Says It Was A Mistake To Pass The Law, “Complex And Convoluted”…

Sen. Tom Harkin, one of the coauthors of the Affordable Care Act, now thinks Democrats may have been better off not passing it at all and holding out for a better bill.

The Iowa Democrat who chairs the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, laments the complexity of legislation the Senate passed five years ago.

He wonders in hindsight whether the law was made overly complicated to satisfy the political concerns of a few Democratic centrists who have since left Congress.

“We had the power to do it in a way that would have simplified healthcare, made it more efficient and made it less costly and we didn’t do it,” Harkin told The Hill. “So I look back and say we should have either done it the correct way or not done anything at all.

“What we did is we muddle through and we got a system that is complex, convoluted, needs probably some corrections and still rewards the insurance companies extensively,” he added.

He admits 0bamacare was in purpose NOT created to help the citizen with their healthcare but instead help democrats to win elections...

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

The president rewrites the ObamaCare law — again

On Thanksgiving eve, the Obama administration dumped reams of mind-numbing ObamaCare regulations into the Federal Register — including yet more unilateral rewrites of the Affordable Care Act.

Dropping the rules as most Americans were busy preparing for the holiday made a mockery (again) of President Obama’s promise to have “the most transparent administration in history.” The stunt has even worked to keep most of the media from reporting on the rules.

Yet the changes these regulations make in the health care law are substantial.

For one, the president is redefining what health plans are “adequate” for larger employers (100-plus workers) to offer under the Affordable Care Act. He’s also “asking” insurers to pay for new benefits — while warning that, if they don’t, they may be forced to.

Under the Constitution, Obama lacks any authority to make such changes to the health law, or any law. Only Congress has that power. But he’s doing it, and not for the first time.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Sebelius: Americans don’t like Obamacare because their “financial literacy is low”

Still, Sebelius didn’t dispute the point that many Americans don’t fully understand how health insurance and the Affordable Care Act work, including the trade-offs involved in expanding coverage.

“A lot of Americans have no idea what insurance is about,” she said. “I think the financial literacy of a lot of people, particularly people who did not have insurance coverage or whose employers chose their coverage and kind of present it to them, is very low — and that has been a sort of stunning revelation. It’s not because people hid it from folks. It’s because this is a complicated product.”

Kathleen Sebelius: Jonathan Gruber? Who?

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Gallup: Record Number Of Americans Forgoing Getting Medical Care Because Of Costs

One in three Americans has put off seeking medical treatment in 2014 due to high costs, according to Gallup — the highest percentage since Gallup began asking the question in 2001.

Thirty-three percent of Americans have delayed medical treatment for themselves or their families because of the costs they’d have to pay, according to the survey. Obamacare, of course, had promised that it would help make health care more affordable for everyone, but the number of people who can’t afford a trip to the doctor has actually risen three points since 2013, before most Obamacare provisions took effect.

The hardest-hit: the middle-class. Americans with an annual household income of between $30,000 and $75,000 began delaying medical care over costs more in 2014, up to 38 percent in 2014 from 33 percent last year; among households that earn above $75,000, 28 percent delayed care this year, compared to just 17 percent last year.

hero member
Activity: 532
Merit: 500
Back when this bill was rammed through there was major tensions going on at Congressional town halls across the country so it's not like the voters didn't know what was up. Sure, there were the idiot drones that bought some of the BS PR that was being sold but the average voter had their say in the immediate election afterwards and voted republican in droves. It's more like during this pitch scam, the media kept repeating the BS and the democratic Congresspersons were playing partisan politics rather than getting to the bottom of what this health care bill would do and who it was written to benefit.
The ACA (aka obamacare) was really never popular with the public. House republicans even tried (unsuccessfully) to force members to cast their vote one at a time on camera. It was speculated that republican opponents would use this footage during the next election cycle to attack members who voted for the aca; this was not done because democrats knew how unpopular the bill was with their constituents.   
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Back when this bill was rammed through there was major tensions going on at Congressional town halls across the country so it's not like the voters didn't know what was up. Sure, there were the idiot drones that bought some of the BS PR that was being sold but the average voter had their say in the immediate election afterwards and voted republican in droves. It's more like during this pitch scam, the media kept repeating the BS and the democratic Congresspersons were playing partisan politics rather than getting to the bottom of what this health care bill would do and who it was written to benefit.

I guess what I'd like to see admitted by the true Democrat believers is that this thing is a mistake by way of the way it was rammed through - never going through the committee review process either in the House or Senate.

This is essentially what Gruber did and has done and why he deserves respect at least for his honesty.

One of them, number 3 in line of power did that.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
Back when this bill was rammed through there was major tensions going on at Congressional town halls across the country so it's not like the voters didn't know what was up. Sure, there were the idiot drones that bought some of the BS PR that was being sold but the average voter had their say in the immediate election afterwards and voted republican in droves. It's more like during this pitch scam, the media kept repeating the BS and the democratic Congresspersons were playing partisan politics rather than getting to the bottom of what this health care bill would do and who it was written to benefit.

I guess what I'd like to see admitted by the true Democrat believers is that this thing is a mistake by way of the way it was rammed through - never going through the committee review process either in the House or Senate.

This is essentially what Gruber did and has done and why he deserves respect at least for his honesty.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Back when this bill was rammed through there was major tensions going on at Congressional town halls across the country so it's not like the voters didn't know what was up. Sure, there were the idiot drones that bought some of the BS PR that was being sold but the average voter had their say in the immediate election afterwards and voted republican in droves. It's more like during this pitch scam, the media kept repeating the BS and the democratic Congresspersons were playing partisan politics rather than getting to the bottom of what this health care bill would do and who it was written to benefit.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

!!!!!!!!HAPPY THANKSGIVING 2014!!!!!!!!

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