Little skirmirsh between canada and uk? Bbc seems angry that canada is pretending to go climate while tarsanding (oopps sorry oil sanding) destroying the forest of the natives on yuge territories... why? BP didn't get access to lot?
They are all fucking fuckers liars.
You can bullshit me as long as you want about the border of israel ( safe and defendeable + destruction buffer ) because of the billion+ and 50 nations+ who just ALL want to destroy israel and the rest of the world (including hans, indians, anyone who doesn't agree with them).
As such when an organization of the united nations become an ennemy of israel...
Those are just the first stones...
Afteralll this org support the death of israel... what the difference sith hunting nazi worldwide?
It s a fucking war!!!
How much did irina make? $.
"When the rabbid dogs pack want to attack thy sheep flock at night, wear thy night visions, and have dry wood ready, we are gonna eat dogs tonight! "