
Topic: USA to be dismantled by internal & external threats (Read 6558 times)

hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Yeah, can´t say I´m surprised. Maybe they give him a blood transfusion/some medical wonders before those trips. Or he just watches. Good luck, g

I agree he is more than "half-dead", but so is she, and Hillary should not be considered a viable candidate for President.
Maybe she will pull out........LOL?

I think she´s just a placeholder for now so the psychos from the other side of the one-party don´t have the scene all for themselves. They´ll roll out something else in due course. Obama doesn´t seem totally certifiable, a first for decades. So, maybe a change is coming, one can always hope.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Yeah, can´t say I´m surprised. Maybe they give him a blood transfusion/some medical wonders before those trips. Or he just watches. Good luck, g

I agree he is more than "half-dead", but so is she, and Hillary should not be considered a viable candidate for President.
Maybe she will pull out........LOL?
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Yeah, can´t say I´m surprised. Maybe they give him a blood transfusion/some medical wonders before those trips. Or he just watches. Good luck, g

Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Man, what a shocker. First thing that comes to mind upon viewing that woman is why the hell isn´t she in some institution with rubber walls in the interests of public safety. It´s just staggering. And that half-dead husband she has in tow. What have you been thinking America ?

The "half-dead husband" has been busy on sex-slave island and there are airline records that prove it.

hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Man, what a shocker. First thing that comes to mind upon viewing that woman is why the hell isn´t she in some institution with rubber walls in the interests of public safety. It´s just staggering. And that half-dead husband she has in tow. What have you been thinking America ?
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
USA Public Are Fooled! Michelle Obama is very likely a Man, Barrack is alleged to be a Homosexual

Terrible, just terrible. Meanwhile on the other side of the pond

The Obama's will be gone soon enough, then Queen Lizard Hillary is preparing to take over.  

ps. re: "incompetence" == Sometimes that is an excuse for intentional evil.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
It´s always incompetence yet nobody is fired, only promoted. Just look at all the promotions after 9/11. And the same people that screwed up Iraq were sent to destroy Ukraine. These are just two examples, there´s tons more. It´s a pattern. Incompetence doesn´t seems to damage CV´s in this system, quite the contrary actually. So, either it´s all being ruined according to plan or the people in charge are just clueless maniacs of some serious mental disorder. Or both.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250
It´s just incompetence...

Since the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the 2011 “Arab Spring,” every regime that the United States has supported in Iraq, Yemen and Libya — including Saleh’s — has resulted in a failed state, with no rule of law and a collapsed economy.

The reportedly hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of U.S. weapons, equipment and supplies falling into enemy hands in Iraq, Syria and now in Yemen are more than just signs of strategic failure. Rather, they’re part of a long list of recent embarrassments, including the poor performance of U.S.-trained Iraqi military personnel when Islamic State invaded Mosul last summer, and the Islamic militant army’s confiscation of U.S. military weapons and supplies in the Iraqi territories it has occupied.

Millions in U.S. military equipment lost as Yemen heads down Syria’s path

No surprise if we look at the u.s. itself.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Pen is mightier than the sword; coming War Cycle will be mostly propaganda
Date:    Tue, April 21, 2015 5:57 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Recall my quotes of Howard Katz upthread wherein he stated, "THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD".

I was discussing the likelihood of a Russian EMP attack on the USA here and here, and basically it doesn't seem likely because the global elite want to maintain control.

The elite needed WW2 to prod the USA into war so they could take over the country with a corrupted central bank and income tax fueled by the need to borrow massively during that period. At this time, there are no such strong countries that resist the NWO, thus there is no need for total chaos. Instead the elite want a controlled burn. What we are seeing now is scripted show between globalists' elite controlled countries and leaders (e.g. the Russia vs. NATO scripted conflict propaganda), to scare and lead the masses into the NWO. Nevertheless globalist the-powers-that-be want to raise the fear factor as much as possible to keep the Marxist (reliance on government) sheep locked into the headlights all the way through. Thus limited EMP attack is not implausible, if they are sure they can prevent this from spinning out-of-control to full scale nuclear war. Rather it is much more likely this will be a "virtual war" where the war is mostly about propaganda on mass and social media (a viral disease of collectivist political correctness mass delusion) to program the minds of the masses to accept the NWO savior. Do you understand now why the CIA and bankster's such as Goldman and JP Morgan financed Facebook and control every major mass media operation? Thus if you are addicted to Alex Jones (Infowars, etc), ZeroHedge, or any other hyperventilated, sensationalists media outlet, then you are already hooked into this "virtual war" mind programming. You probably stack gold too which is another confirmation.

In short, Armstrong's coming War Cycle will be an informational war, because we have moved into the information age. Also because people are mostly zombies now (rational, critical, independent thinkers are rare).

There will be a POTUS "election" in November 2016 but it will be a farce and this will propel the rebellion after 2016 which leads to the breakup of the USA over the coming decades, especially as the economy turns down hard starting later in 2017. For the elite's NWO plans, all that matters is to control the mass media propaganda that will portray patriotic civil disobedience as anarchy, warlordism, terrorism, extremism, and lack of order (i.e. chaos).

As I wrote previously, it won't be until after 2017 that the USA turns down hard economically (although the actuarial decline is underway and accelerating, it is masked by the international capital inflows and the $trillion cash deficits to keep the masses oblivious).

As I wrote previously, the USA peaked and began it's decline on April 2013 with Edward Snowden's expose.

As I wrote previously, a global pandemic circa 2018-2019 could be caused by or exacerbate the coming wars.

I have written many times about China's ruling party being fully on board for the plan of the global elite to turn the world into a global technocracy, most recently here from page 8 of iamback's posts. Technocracy means a world controlled from the top-down, including for example Smart Meters in the home so that even they can monitor and shut off your appliances from the central command station.

P.S. Anyone on the lookout for something I might be working on should note the post I made in the Skycoin thread.
Activity: 3304
Merit: 1128
USA is not in the current position without the massive hard work they have done to become who they are and with a massive GDP of 10+ trillion dollars, I don't see any one even coming close to dismantling them  Smiley
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
As usual, I get the final world when my predictions always seem to come true.
sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 250 | Click my signature to join!

No NWS, even Russia, would do an EMP attack on the United States (or any other NWS) other than one with a Tactical-EMP weapon (a.k.a. non-nuclear EMP device) with localized effect like the ones already employed since Desert Storm. An EMP attack on a wider scale, like the one required to put the United States in a pre-electricity age, could be achieved only with EMPs from nuclear weapons thus riskying inadvertently provoking an accidental nuclear exchange. So Russia or any other NWS would do such a massive EMP strike only as opening salvo of a nuclear first strike. Also, the damage from such an EMP attack would only be a % of the total damage done by nuclear strikes (civilian losses due to a laking of an extensive network of bomb&fallout shelters, blast & thermal damage to infrastructures, etc.). Massive damage to a country like the United States could be achieved even with only a nuclear warhead aimed maybe at New Orleans, like Stratfor pundits once said; so, more warheads would exponentially do even more damage.
EMP defense preparadness while important should thus be evaluated against defenses from other important threats; but doing this don't make enough good headlines for the evening news.

The ETA is 2017 to 2019 for start of full blown war, chaos, and a global pandemic also. Armstrong's reliable cyclical models are all pointing to this.

Oh good, as long as there's a reliable cyclical model to base on this on. For a second, I was worried this was ridiculous.

+1. I never saw reliable futures analysis models disclosed via gmail accounts.  Grin
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Armstrong starting to regurgitate some of my points
From:    wearefucked
Date:    Sun, April 5, 2015 3:31 am
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Armstrong is starting to get some of my points, such as how the rise in 3rd party activity for the 2016 election will likely be a rebellion against federal government and the start of the breakup of the USA, not a victory within the political system.

Yet he still doesn't understand the entire thing is being coordinated by the powers-that-be to bring the world to a one-world reserve currency.

Quote from: Armstrong
Political Dark Side of 2016 & Obama’s Intent to Bring War

NATO wants to take back the Crimea from Russia. The US wants to send in arms to Ukraine. All of this has provoked a response from Putin that has escalated the stakes. Taking back Crimea Putin has warn would lead to a nuclear conflict. Otherwise, Putin is looking to now escalate the conflict using  Russian nationals in the former Soviet states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as well. A the economy turns down from 2015.75, the geopolitical tensions will rise for this is how governments on both sides will distract the people.


It has also been suggested that if Obama can start a war before the 2016 election, he can suspend the elections in 2016 and stay in office. He has allowed the same people that were running the show under Bush to stay in place. They let him tinker with healthcare provided they ran all the war games and data collection unmolested. They would certainly NOT want anyone to come in and clean house. They have the power now and there is a serious risk we may see all our freedoms vanish whatever is really left.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Most people want more. The wealthy certainly want more. If they didn't, they probably wouldn't be wealthy in the first place. The middle-class want more. Even many of the poor want more, though they don't have a clue about how to get it.

In the free world, there is more fighting among the elite of government than there is competition among businesses. Because of the freedom in the free world, there is free thinking among even the military... even individual soldiers.

Collapse of the public starts at the top with fighting among the elite of every operation in the world. Sure there is agreement for awhile. Sometimes the agreement works for decades. Then envy among the elite is the thing that takes their empire down from the inside.

Look at the great empires of the past. Most of them fell because of fighting within, among the elite. If Hitler had succeeded, Germany might have ruled the world throughout the days of Hitler, but it, too, would have fallen because of fighting among those of power inside their government.

There is way more behind the scenes to the things that you are saying. The one thing that I clearly agree with you is, there is trouble coming. But isn't this the way that it has always been? Everybody dies, like it or not. The elite government is collapsing just as fast as they are building it. It is a shell of strength, that can be cracked as easily as an egg. Much of the cracking comes from within, just like a new chick pecking its way out of its incubator-egg.

Activity: 28
Merit: 0
BADecker okay. As for specific solutions, I mention one below but don't go into technical detail. I think this thread is more high-level about what sort of reactions the powers-that-be will do. My theory is they will become increasingly desperate.

> Regarding Bitcoin, I thought we both agreed it was an elite psy op
> (Bitcoin itself, not the concept of crypto currency).  Bitcoin is
> manufactured dissent, if you will.

TPTB either created Bitcoin or they co-opted it.

You are looking MOSTLY at the propaganda markers.

You are focused on the masses or even the mental manipulation of sectors of society. Whereas I am pointing out that those fodder are irrelevant!

I am pointing out that if the knowledge capitalists shift their monetary system to one that can't be taxed and controlled, TPTB have lost. The masses are irrelevant (or a liability) except to the extent they can give political power to the TPTB. Now the jury is still out on whether that will be achieved technologically, but I am reasonably certain it can and will be achieved. TPTB will respond by trying to ramp up regulation of the internet, e.g. the recent FCC net neutrality take over. But I think it is technologically impractical to exist widespread web hosting and websites and for the TPTB to have the level of regulatory control they would need to squash a properly implemented anonymity protocol (something like Tor but can't be Sybil attacked).

They do not have the ability to murder all the knowledge capitalists. If they started down that road, the knowledge capitalists would turn their vast knowledge towards protection against the threat.

The basic problem for the TPTB is they've declared war against the knowledge capitalists and sorry they can not win. The hackers can run circles around the NSA, because remember what I wrote:

"Unsophisticated thinkers have an incorrect understanding of knowledge creation, idolizing a well-structured top-down sparkling academic cathedral of vastly superior theoretical minds. Rather knowledge primary spawns from accretive learning due to unexpected random chaotic fitness created from multitudes of random path dependencies that can only exist in the bottom-up free market. Top-down systems are inherently fragile because they overcommit to egregious error (link to Taleb's simplest summary of the math). Given Kurzweil's sensationalized magnum opus is the technological singularity, it is surprising that he is apparently not well studied in the field of social knowledge formation."

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
This has become a Maidsafe thread now?    Huh

You are criticizing me for not providing solutions in this thread, which wasn't the point of this thread. Then you advertize MaidSafe from your signature line as a solution.

If you want to talk about solutions, then be prepared to be shown your technological errors.

Are you saying I was criticizing when I was only asking? If there are technological errors in Maidsafe, then it is their problem.

Activity: 28
Merit: 0
This has become a Maidsafe thread now?    Huh

You are criticizing me for not providing solutions in this thread, which wasn't the point of this thread. Then you advertize MaidSafe from your signature line as a solution.

If you want to talk about solutions, then be prepared to be shown your technological errors.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
BADecker Maidsafe is total bullshit. I explained the technical reasons in my past posts. I am not going to go dig up my old posts. It was one of my prior usernames.

Ah I will be telling and providing you the solutions, but you won't know it is me (or at least you won't be able to prove it is me). Can't you imagine why it must be that way? Duh.

The personality or identity of the person isn't important. Satoshi proved that. It is the solutions they bring that matter.

Unfortunately most all of you are incapable of analyzing the technical aspects, e.g. you think MaidSafe is a solution because you are incapable of analyzing the flaws that render it entirely useless (for the applications you are imagining). MaidSafe can work only for private storage of individual files with infrequent access (because its monetization unit is storage space not bandwidth) and not for anonymization of websites nor the public internet-at-large. And its anonymization claims are technical nonsense. It can make files unrecoverable by those who don't have the private key, but can't successfully make the user anonymous from the NSA.

This has become a Maidsafe thread now?    Huh
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
The EMP outcome looks more probable from my perspective of the evolution of the order-of-things:
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
BADecker Maidsafe is total bullshit. I explained the technical reasons in my past posts. I am not going to go dig up my old posts. It was one of my prior usernames.

Ah I will be telling and providing you the solutions, but you won't know it is me (or at least you won't be able to prove it is me). Can't you imagine why it must be that way? Duh.

The personality or identity of the person isn't important. Satoshi proved that. It is the solutions they bring that matter.

Unfortunately most all of you are incapable of analyzing the technical aspects, e.g. you think MaidSafe is a solution because you are incapable of analyzing the flaws that render it entirely useless (for the applications you are imagining). MaidSafe can work only for private storage of individual files with infrequent access (because its monetization unit is storage space not bandwidth) and not for anonymization of websites nor the public internet-at-large. And its anonymization claims are technical nonsense. It can make files unrecoverable by those who don't have the private key, but can't successfully make the user anonymous from the NSA.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
BADecker, is there any doubt which side I am on?

vvv8, Bitcoin plays an important role but remember it isn't really anonymous and it is controlled by about 1 - 4 mining pools, and thus it is easily taken over and expropriated by the powers-that-be (regulating the mining can control all the coins, regardless that they won't have the private keys). Thus better technology must come. Bitcoin will still be important as a reserve currency of the altcoins, with the most market mass and penetration.

I don't know what side you are on. We need the info you are expressing. However, remember Tokyo Rose in WWII? She sounded so sweet and loving. But we all know whose side she was on, or we can look it up.

There are fear mongers all over the place - Alex Jones, Dave Hodges, L. Niel Smith, Lew Rockwell, Freedom's Phoenix, loads more. Who is showing the practical answers? Are we supposed to know the answers - the ways we can fight - just off the top of our heads? Let some of the fear mongers show the answers as well.

Freedom's Phoenix often shows some answers, and other times shows tons of ideas that could be turned into answers. And, of course, there is Bitcoin.

Activity: 28
Merit: 0
In Bitcoin, mining controls transactions. Transactions don't happen without mining.

That is one of the first flaws I would fix.

Mining can't be decentralized because there is always a variance cost to not joining a pool with double-digit hashrate share. From that size, it is easy for the economics to drive it towards oligarchies of a few pools in control.
Activity: 420
Merit: 10
BADecker, is there any doubt which side I am on?

vvv8, Bitcoin plays an important role but remember it isn't really anonymous and it is controlled by about 1 - 4 mining pools, and thus it is easily taken over and expropriated by the powers-that-be (regulating the mining can control all the coins, regardless that they won't have the private keys). Thus better technology must come. Bitcoin will still be important as a reserve currency of the altcoins, with the most market mass and penetration.

I realized a while back that mining is essentially the same thing as printing dollar bills, except it's the digital equivalent. I'm very well aware that controlling a larger amount of the mining nodes would allow an entity to have control over bitcoin.

The best, most powerful technology will always be available to the people with the biggest pockets. I always thought to myself, if TPTB wanted to start controlling bitcoin, all they gotta do is set up mega mining farms, like the ones currently operating in China that we've seen pictures about, except with better technology that is not available to the public, through their own R&D. Then again, I never really believed the Satoshi fairytale, I knew that bitcoin was something with much more importance than people were making it out to be.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
BADecker, is there any doubt which side I am on?

vvv8, Bitcoin plays an important role but remember it isn't really anonymous and it is controlled by about 1 - 4 mining pools, and thus it is easily taken over and expropriated by the powers-that-be (regulating the mining can control all the coins, regardless that they won't have the private keys). Thus better technology must come. Bitcoin will still be important as a reserve currency of the altcoins, with the most market mass and penetration.
Activity: 420
Merit: 10
I've read through this whole thread. While I take the things the OP says to mind, i don't personally want to state anything that I don't feel in my gut to be true.

What I do feel, is that the coming crisis will be intertwined with the collapse of the dollar as the reserve currency. They know that when the economy falters, there will be chaos. Because people have been dumbed down, because most people these days don't care about what is REALLY happening, these are the kind of people that will be part of the chaos, because their whole fantasy world comes crashing down to the swift reality that they are now broke, without shelter, food and without future.

There are a few things that I do recognize with the MSM. Usually, when they start heavily repeating the same rhetoric over and over, they're trying to put an idea into your head. The global economy has been under the spotlight for a while now. People are openly talking about how things are becoming progressively worse. To me this is a sign that the global financial economy is going to change. Whether or not bitcoin is apart of this, time will tell, because there are those that are pro bitcoin, and those that wish its death. From a technological standpoint, I don't see bitcoin disappearing anytime soon.

It is also very true that American military has become wary of its own leadership. This is a huge problem on its own, and very well might be the reason for the militarized police,  FEMA, UN, and/or foreign "peacekeepers".

I also see an EMP attack as something plausible, because an EMP is a different type of warfare as compared to traditional weapons, like big guns or bombs. It's a way to control populations without directly killing anybody. Somebody could launch an EMP, and nobody would know where or who made the order.

Something big is happening behind the curtains
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Someone I am corresponding with in email believes an EMP attack would be too risky because it might motivate people to wake up or work together. The powers-that-be prefer the less risky slow-grind into a global Technocracy.

This assumes patriots don't become too strong.

For example, let's say an anonymous crypto-currency becomes a reality and hordes of Americans become emboldened to opt-out of the tax system and the dollar.

If this starts to spread and the powers-that-be are unable to contain it with traditional control methods (and that is a big "if" because there are technological vulnerabilities that would need to be addressed such Sybil attacks on anonymity networks such as Tor), they would resort to riskier methods in order to attempt to regain control.

Shutting off the internet would not be popular. However an EMP attack would justify such a result.

So while I agree an EMP attack is not a first option, it could become a necessity for the powers-that-be.

Indeed it all hinges on an anonymous protocol which destroys their (e.g. NSA surveillance) advantage and behooves them to take away that protocol by destroying the infrastructure.

I see no other way for the patriots to gain critical mass of organization and defense against divide-and-conquer.

BADecker, those who are easiily frightened aren't capable of availing of the solution, so it is pointless and unproductive for me to cater to them. I hope to be one of those programmers working on the solution and unfortunately as I wrote above the solution will cause the powers-that-be to take more extreme actions.

It is time for the real men to stand up and not be afraid. I hope I can count on you BADecker as being one them.

Yes and no. Yes, if I can see that it is an attack rather than simply the order of organized government.

Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Someone I am corresponding with in email believes an EMP attack would be too risky because it might motivate people to wake up or work together. The powers-that-be prefer the less risky slow-grind into a global Technocracy.

This assumes patriots don't become too strong.

For example, let's say an anonymous crypto-currency becomes a reality and hordes of Americans become emboldened to opt-out of the tax system and the dollar.

If this starts to spread and the powers-that-be are unable to contain it with traditional control methods (and that is a big "if" because there are technological vulnerabilities that would need to be addressed such Sybil attacks on anonymity networks such as Tor), they would resort to riskier methods in order to attempt to regain control.

Shutting off the internet would not be popular. However an EMP attack would justify such a result.

So while I agree an EMP attack is not a first option, it could become a necessity for the powers-that-be.

Indeed it all hinges on an anonymous protocol which destroys their (e.g. NSA surveillance) advantage and behooves them to take away that protocol by destroying the infrastructure.

I see no other way for the patriots to gain critical mass of organization and defense against divide-and-conquer.

BADecker, those who are easiily frightened aren't capable of availing of the solution, so it is pointless and unproductive for me to cater to them. I hope to be one of those programmers working on the solution and unfortunately as I wrote above the solution will cause the powers-that-be to take more extreme actions.

It is time for the real men to stand up and not be afraid. I hope I can count on you BADecker as being one them.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
If we take away their ability to tax, they fail.

Indeed the only potential solution is technological as I have always said since 2013 on this forum. And Bitcoin is not currently anonymous.

The elite laugh at all the other noise about legal tax resistance you wrote (for a reality check go visit Peter Schiff's dad in prison or listen to what the former IRS tax commissioner told Aaron Russo in Yiddish on camera). They love to see the pigs squeal in vain before they are harvested. The elite are preparing for all forms of resistance and they can't do everything instantly, but they are preparing for the right time to implement their objectives.

Westerners have not experienced war. An EMP attack won't be propaganda. It will be real survival instincts taking over. Even you might be glad when the Chinese arrive to restore order and feed you. Especially after they have turned the uncontrolled area farms into uninhabitable war zones, as they righteously attempt to restore order (imagine foraging gangs stealing food and raping people in these areas and thus U.N. forces will demand to confiscate all guns which of course the patriots will resist). The public in the cities will support the U.N. forces and the restoration of order under a temporary martial law which requires guns be "temporarily" confiscated. Katrina was a dry run test, and they did "temporarily" confiscate guns.

U.N. Agenda 21

It's one thing to warn people, even with details. But it is entirely wrong to scare them so badly that they panic or freeze, thereby becoming prey for the enemy.

We're all probably going to die. So far, there doesn't seem to be any way out of it. So, let's fight. When it comes down to it, a whole lot of us will fight. All this talk about "we.are.fucked" is crap designed to scare us into submission.

Whose side are you on?

Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Is it not understandable why the elite view the masses as dumb-as-shit cows?

Democrat Claims Global Warming Will Turn Women into Prostitutes

You really could not make this up for nobody would believe such an argument. But California Democrat Barbara Lee this week introduced a proposed a resolution in the House of Representatives which amazingly claims women will eventually be forced into prostitution in order to obtain life-sustaining food and water for their families because of Global Warming. So why does she fly or drive a car? She should walk barefoot from California to Washington. When she gets there, then immediately turn around. By the time she get back, her two years will be finish and look how many trees she will save from all the wasted paper.

If the American women will experience prostitution to eat, it won't be due to the lie of global warming rather the ignorance, apathy, selfishness, and arrogance.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
What´s the "surplus" male population of China again after years and years of one-child policy? Certainly a few dozens of millions of young men that will need wives outside of China´s borders. What to do ? Invade neighbors ? Be "invited" here and there ? Good luck, g

Even you might be glad when the Chinese arrive to restore order and feed you. Especially after they have turned the uncontrolled area farms into inhabitable war zones, as they righteously attempt to restore order (imagine foraging gangs stealing food and raping people in these areas and thus U.N. forces will demand to confiscate all guns which of course the patriots will resist). The public in the cities will support the U.N. forces and the restoration of order under a temporary martial law which requires guns be "temporarily" confiscated. Katrina was a dry run test, and they did "temporarily" confiscate guns.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
If we take away their ability to tax, they fail.

Indeed the only potential solution is technological as I have always said since 2013 on this forum. And Bitcoin is not currently anonymous.

The elite laugh at all the other noise about legal tax resistance you wrote (for a reality check go visit Peter Schiff's dad in prison or listen to what the former IRS tax commissioner told Aaron Russo in Yiddish on camera). They love to see the pigs squeal in vain before they are harvested. The elite are preparing for all forms of resistance and they can't do everything instantly, but they are preparing for the right time to implement their objectives.

Westerners have not experienced war. An EMP attack won't be propaganda. It will be real survival instincts taking over. Even you might be glad when the Chinese arrive to restore order and feed you. Especially after they have turned the uncontrolled area farms into uninhabitable war zones, as they righteously attempt to restore order (imagine foraging gangs stealing food and raping people in these areas and thus U.N. forces will demand to confiscate all guns which of course the patriots will resist). The public in the cities will support the U.N. forces and the restoration of order under a temporary martial law which requires guns be "temporarily" confiscated. Katrina was a dry run test, and they did "temporarily" confiscate guns.

U.N. Agenda 21
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
At what point does expressing massive amounts of information that you can't do anything about, become fear in the hearts of the people so that the people are demoralized?

If the enemy without and within was ready, they would have struck. They wouldn't have waited. What they have is a shell. The shell is the fact that as they prepare against us, we find out and prepare against them. They are helped because there are so many people who go into panic mode from the information in their shell. Much of what the enemy has is propaganda that causes fear.

Do you want to do something about the enemy? Keep on using and spreading Bitcoin. When they come after you for not paying the appropriate tax, use the freedom you have to conquer them.

The 9th Amendment =
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
We set up the government. We are above it. The government didn't exist before we set it up. We lose nothing by setting it up. Taxes are not a legal requirement except if we volunteer.

The 10th Amendment =
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
It is the same for the States. And it is confirmation for the people. There is no place in the Constitution where you or I or any other man or woman has turned over authority of ourselves and our property to the government. The government gets its authority from our voluntary giving of it to them.

The 7th Amendment =
In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.
There are certain principles of law that cannot be denied.

If you are accused by THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA for violating a tax law, in court first ask if the case can be appealed. If they tell you that it can, require them to try you in a court of common law where there will be a jury trial and the decision can't be overturned, as the 7th Amendment states.

The plaintiff must appear. Since you are standing as a man or woman, present, without representation, without representing yourself, a man or woman MUST come against you. A man or woman plaintiff must come against you. Since THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is not a man or woman, it can't appear. You win. Sue it for false claim. Sue it for all your back taxes paid.

See how to do it. = Angela Stark's Talkshoe. = TrustInAllLaw snippets of Karl's audios. = Karl's main page. = Karl's United Kingdom page. = TrustInAllLaw snippets page. = Craig Lynch's snippets page. = Ten great Youtube videos, might be the best introduction to Karl. = Karl's Talkshoe site. = Karl Lentz - The Brian Bonar Incident - YouTube. = Lentz-Sense - don't be a More~On - YouTube.

Other Info = The Secret is most judgments are Void on their face and not merely voidable. = Trinsey v. Pagliaro - Attorneys cannot "speak" in common law trials if the one who is bringing the suit orders it. Holding from Trinsey v. Pagliaro: "An attorney for the plaintiff cannot admit evidence into the court. He is either an attorney or a witness."

Start now, while you can with your studies. It is very simple, so simple that it is difficult, winning against government. Get rid of your former thinking, and learn how to stand as a human being and win.

If we take away their ability to tax, they fail.

Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Is a starvation EMP attack on the USA required for the "Club" to maintain control?

> Keep in mind, TPTB value control above all else, as was strongly confirmed
> by Aaron Russo.  An EMP would be too risky, they might lose control of the
> situation, and, more importantly, such an attack would be highly
> disruptive to the technocratic system they are building - in a number of
> ways you can well imagine.

Why did the elite build impenetrable bunkers in USA such as the Cheyenne Mountain Complex which are certified to be able sustain an EMP attack?

Do you have a confirmation bias because of where you reside?

TPTB need to wipe out the independent minded gun owners in the USA. They need an excuse to do so. We can see with the Bundy Ranch incident that the BLM was defeated in public opinion because they could not slaughter the 100s of women and children who joined ranks with their husbands and fathers.

In order to get the public to support a massive culling of the human population, they always need an extreme situation (e.g. Nazi Germany). The deprivation of an EMP attack would cause the public-at-large in the cities to cry out for protection from the UN blue hats that Kissinger promised would be on U.S. soil one day, because the domestic forces would AWOL (to scavenge for food) as they did at Katrina. Kissinger likely wants his goal to be achieved before he dies.

The infrastructure in the USA is outdated. An efficient way to get full coverage of Smartgrid and smart meters is to have to replace everything with the patriots exterminated and Chinese doing the work and policing. Perhaps a good use for the excess Chinese males since there will be a high body count to mop up the guns under every blade of grass in the U.S.A..

The goal of turning the rural areas of the USA into war zones has to effect of making them uninhabitable for all except a battle of attrition with the gun toting patriots.

Third party activity will rise significantly by 2016 and beyond and a big threat to the control of the elite is that rise of gun toting local governance and communities in the USA. The Bundy Ranch incident was an initial flashpoint.

The USA is headed for a breakup (breakaway from WA D.C. which is a dictatorship in disguise and can't be taken back with a vote), and so for the elite to retain control they need a means by which to make gun toting local governance and communities dysfunctional. The only way of killing the Yankee "can do" attitude is war. The elite have known this and have planned for this. Study their actions and the various documents such as DHS's classification of patriots as terrorists.

The hard-core patriots have stockpiled and prepared for war. Some of them will be prepared to survive an EMP attack. So these ones have to be mopped up with fighting; no other way around it. Otherwise they will continue to home school their kids and continue to be a resistance movement to the elite new world order. There is no way Kissinger will allow that without a counter strategy. He is too smart.

TPTB are going for broke. Don't be so comfy in your confirmation bias. We are headed into a tempest of epic proportions. You've been warned. Continue on enjoying your life oblivious to threat if you wish.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
"God" help us if the conspiracy of a new world order (which elder Bush spoke of to the entire nation) is true.
Where we're going, fairy tales aren't going to be able to help us.

USA to be dismantled by internal & external threats
The deadline for the disaster was supposed to be shortly after the 2008 election, then 2012, now it's after 2016?
At least we got to enjoy some extra time...
It all seems vaguely religious, doesn't it?

Maybe the true believers can be convinced the world already ended, over 2 years ago?

hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
"God" help us if the conspiracy of a new world order (which elder Bush spoke of to the entire nation) is true.
Where we're going, fairy tales aren't going to be able to help us.

USA to be dismantled by internal & external threats
The deadline for the disaster was supposed to be shortly after the 2008 election, then 2012, now it's after 2016?
At least we got to enjoy some extra time...
It all seems vaguely religious, doesn't it?
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
USA to be dismantled by internal & external threats
The deadline for the disaster was supposed to be shortly after the 2008 election, then 2012, now it's after 2016?
At least we got to enjoy some extra time...
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
I was on the fence while reading the first page of this thread....then i read some more..and then i read the rest.
Now im certain that this is my new favorite thread on bitcointalk.  Grin

Nugget after nugget of pure reading gold.
I look forward to seeing what the future pages will bring.

"Eyes get opened one eyelash at a time".
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
"God" help us if the conspiracy of a new world order (which elder Bush spoke of to the entire nation) is true.

Any way, we individuals need to think about how survive and prosper.

Again computer science technology is what I know. Also I know how wipe my ass with dirt and leaves and dig up root crops to survive. I just hope I can leverage the former skill and not the latter in our future.

Good luck to all readers, their families, children, and love ones. I pray the conspiracy theories are false.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Speaking of incompetence, did you know that crazy screwball Victoria Nuland worked for Dick Cheney in Little Bush´s administration and did so well in helping defraud through the Iraq war that Obama had her messing up things in the Ukraine ?
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
It´s just incompetence...

Since the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the 2011 “Arab Spring,” every regime that the United States has supported in Iraq, Yemen and Libya — including Saleh’s — has resulted in a failed state, with no rule of law and a collapsed economy.

The reportedly hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of U.S. weapons, equipment and supplies falling into enemy hands in Iraq, Syria and now in Yemen are more than just signs of strategic failure. Rather, they’re part of a long list of recent embarrassments, including the poor performance of U.S.-trained Iraqi military personnel when Islamic State invaded Mosul last summer, and the Islamic militant army’s confiscation of U.S. military weapons and supplies in the Iraqi territories it has occupied.

Millions in U.S. military equipment lost as Yemen heads down Syria’s path
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
galdur that makes sense except that I assume the powers-that-be want to bring society to its knees in order to obtain their one-world new order where nations give up their sovereignty.

I think nations and people will only relinquish sovereignty when they've been thoroughly pummeled.

However I do hold out hope for your scenario too.

Well, I´m actually a conspiracy theorist myself and it certainly hasn´t escaped my attention that all this chaos is the result of terrorist attacks and hopeless war adventures. And always as those Hollywoodshows and wars flop the excuse is incompetence. And stupidity. I guess that diverts people from thinking about these issues in psychopathic terms if you get my drift. In any event; those so called incompetent dumbasses are never fired only promoted. Or kicked somewhere upstairs whatever. Got to have you thinking.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Kissinger has said we may need 30 years of war & pestilance

Interview with Henry Kissinger: 'Do We Achieve World Order Through Chaos or Insight?'

SPIEGEL: Dr. Kissinger, when we look at the world today, it seems to be messier than ever -- with wars, catastrophes and chaos everywhere. Is the world really in greater disorder than ever before?

Kissinger: It seems that it is. There is chaos threatening us, through the spread of weapons of mass destruction and cross-border terrorism. There is now a phenomenon of ungoverned territories, and we have seen in Libya, for example, that an ungoverned territory can have an enormous impact on disorder in the world. The state as a unit is under attack, not in every part of the world, but in many parts of it. But at the same time, and this seems to be a paradox, this is the first time one can talk about a world order at all.

SPIEGEL: What do you mean by that?

Kissinger: For the greatest part of history until really the very recent time, world order was regional order. This is the first time that different parts of the world can interact with every part of the world. This makes a new order for the globalized world necessary. But there are no universally accepted rules. There is the Chinese view, the Islamic view, the Western view and, to some extent, the Russian view. And they really are not always compatible.

SPIEGEL: In your new book, you frequently point to the Westphalian Peace Treaty of 1648 as a reference system for world order, as a result of the Thirty Years' War. Why should a treaty dating back more than 350 years still be relevant today?

Kissinger: The Westphalian Peace was made after almost a quarter of the Central European population perished because of wars, disease and hunger. The treaty was based on the necessity to come to an arrangement with each other, not on some sort of superior morality. Independent nations decided not to interfere in the affairs of other states. They created a balance of power which we are missing today.

SPIEGEL: Do we need another Thirty Years' War to create a new world order?

Kissinger: Well, that's a very good question. Do we achieve a world order through chaos or through insight? One would think that the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the dangers of climate change and terrorism should create enough of a common agenda. So I would hope that we can be wise enough not to have a Thirty Years' War.

On February 17, 1950, James Paul Warburg confidently declared to the United States Senate: “We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” [1] James Paul Warburg (1896-1969) was the son of Paul Moritz Warburg, and a nephew of both Felix Warburg and Jacob Schiff, both associated with Kuhn, Loeb & Company which financed the Russian Revolution through James’ brother Max, banker to the government of Germany. [2] A world government is a world without borders, national sovereignty, constitutions, privacy, autonomy, individual liberties, religious freedoms, private property, the right to bear arms, the rights of marriage and family and a dramatic population reduction (two thirds). A world government establishes a slave/master environment wherein the state controls everything.

Consent, using mass population management can be achieved by using elements of Hegelian Dialectics. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831), [3] the political and social scientist and professor at the University of Berlin from 1817 until his death in 1831, clearly defined his philosophical/political concepts that came to be known as Hegelianism. His ideas are still taught [4] and authors continue to elaborate on his philosophies, [5] though inattentive Americans fail to acknowledge or even distinguish their application in our own society despite the obvious and devastating consequences.

“The philosophy which has dominated the Western world since the mid 19th century can be reduced to one tenet—ultimate peace comes only through conflict… It proposes that a clash between ideologies (thesis and antithesis) is a normal historical phenomenon which always results in compromise (synthesis) that advances civilization to a higher level of order. “Conflict, in other words, is good, and peace is not necessarily desirable (or profitable).” [6] The essence of Hegel's dialectical process is that an idea (thesis) is challenged by its opposite (antithesis) creating a crisis, problem or conflict and the two are ultimately reconciled into a third idea (synthesis) or compromise which includes both. As compromise (synthesis) is achieved the process is incessantly repeated, with synthesis posturing as thesis, for sustained conflict-filled advancement. And like spectators at a tennis match, the populace is so totally distracted by the contrived contentious confrontations that we do not perceive the motives of the entire conflict charade. Government creates a crisis for which the public demands a solution. That solution instigates the changes that the government initially wanted but which the people would have been unwilling to accept. It is Order out of Chaos! Worldwide chaos will lead to worldwide solutions which will establish the One World Order.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
galdur that makes sense except that I assume the powers-that-be want to bring society to its knees in order to obtain their one-world new order where nations give up their sovereignty.

I think nations and people will only relinquish sovereignty when they've been thoroughly pummeled.

However I do hold out hope for your scenario too.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
I don´t necessarily assume that Uncle Sam would launch nuclear missiles in response to a Russian EMP attack. It´s more about the threat sometimes being stronger than the execution. Being such great chess players the Russians realize this very well. And it´s easy to start wars but more difficult to control how they develop. That´s why I doubt that the nuclear powers will escalate things much from the usual proxy wars. Unless there´s friggin lunatics in charge which can´t be ruled out totally.

Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Oh btw, the reason I was emphasizing that we'd been fooled on Obama and "wife's" sexuality and gender is that it is not outside the realm of speculation that Obama was put in office for the purpose of causing mutiny in the military.

Presumably the masculine, highly logical minds in the military can see clearly what Obama and Michelle really are and plausibly conclude the nation has been taken over by forces that are intent on showing the military how fooled the people are. Thus causing the military coup to forment but be withheld by the lack of awareness (cooperation) of the American public. Thus holding it in the wings to spring forward in martial law post EMP attack with support of the broad, scared public.

These are psy ops. This is the handiwork of CIA (Bush former head), KGB (Putin former head), and the DEEP STATE.

It is plausibly very scripted.

P.S. My ancestor was Isaac Shelby a key general in the revolutionary war and a governor of Kentucky. My name is Shelby Moore. I take my first name from him.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
The EMP concept is a very innovative because it means Russia could potentially turn some American "patriots" (survivalists, some radical gun owners, etc) into lovers of Russia for providing a power vacuum they could step into. It doesn't drive the world to a nuclear winter, yet could still achieve the goals of altering the global hegemony of the USA.

It is notable that the USA has been decreasing spending on our external military, while increasing spending radically on our internal militarized police force and "homeland security". Is that just a coincidence?

Well, that´s an interesting point but I doubt that Russia has any real motivation for this. And the U.S. has plenty of nuclear power in subs and bases around the world to strike back. So, it´s mutual assured destruction which means that it won´t happen. Hopefully.

That is #1 if you assume this isn't all just coordinated show like it was in WW2 where Bush's grandfather Prescott was financing Hitler.

Also factor in that the scenario enables Kissinger's promise of UN blue hat troops on U.S. soil.

Orthogonally you #2 also assume the USA would opt for mutually assured destruction when it can instead respond in kind with an EMP attack. I don't think the chain of command would allow nuclear holocaust to be initiated from our side. The lurking mutiny is something Obama (and Putin) is surely aware of. The coup would happen instantly because they American people are not in favor of a nuclear holocaust as a response to an EMP attack.

Hey I had already worked out all that logic in my mind at the start of this thread.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
The EMP concept is a very innovative because it means Russia could potentially turn some American "patriots" (survivalists, some radical gun owners, etc) into lovers of Russia for providing a power vacuum they could step into. It doesn't drive the world to a nuclear winter, yet could still achieve the goals of altering the global hegemony of the USA.

It is notable that the USA has been decreasing spending on our external military, while increasing spending radically on our internal militarized police force and "homeland security". Is that just a coincidence?

Well, that´s an interesting point but I doubt that Russia has any real motivation for this. And the U.S. has plenty of nuclear power in subs and bases around the world to strike back. So, it´s mutual assured destruction which means that it won´t happen. Hopefully.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Jaysabi bro, thank you. I concur with all that you said. It is possible to verify who I am, and I do think there is more credibility when a person puts their personal identity on the line, but I will also concur with you that it depends on the integrity or conscience of the person thus your valid point about its relative worth being dubious.

I am hoping a global war doesn't materialize. I doubt it would be an all out war in case, because the USA no longer has the capacity to fight an all out war in multiple hemispheres, so the opponents wouldn't need to. The EMP concept is a very innovative because it means Russia could potentially turn some American "patriots" (survivalists, some radical gun owners, etc) into lovers of Russia for providing a power vacuum they could step into. It doesn't drive the world to a nuclear winter, yet could still achieve the goals of altering the global hegemony of the USA.

It is notable that the USA has been decreasing spending on our external military, while increasing spending radically on our internal militarized police force and "homeland security". Is that just a coincidence?

If you are in favor of decentralization, privacy, and Bitcoin (which I share with you), then how can you reason that increased regulation by the government will not hurt our cause?

I understand that you felt that corporations could exert control over the internet and thus it would be better in your opinion to have the government exerting some control over the corporations. As you know, I believe the corporations and government get in bed together and form oligarchies in order to maximize corrupt benefits. Even if we dismiss my assumption of the basic nature of government and corporatism, how would even a top-down control over the internet from government help our cause for decentralization, privacy, and Bitcoin when Snowden has taught us that the government is unconstitutionally recording everything via the NSA?

Any way, I think we could side-step the entire debate about net neutrality, because I believe it is a morass either way so it doesn't really matter what happens on that political issue.

I believe any and all real solutions will come from technology that empowers the individual and renders politics entirely irrelevant. For example potentially using stenography to by pass internet filters, etc..

I am a programmer. And since my health has suddenly improved, I am hoping to actually attempt some solutions. So this isn't just hot air from me.

Thank you again for raising the dialogue to a civil tone. You deserve heaps of respect for that unexpected, upstanding action.
Activity: 2044
Merit: 1115
★★ Fun BTC Casino!
Also it seems to me you are likely a young, liberal punk with no respect for a fellow patriot who is older and wiser than you. I am nearing 50 years old and I have watched my country slide into a pit of corruption and malfeasance.

Perhaps I am mistaken about you being a government propaganda agent, yet I see you are not willing to put credibility behind your opinions by putting your personal reputation on the line. I have put my real name and identity at stake.

Mate, I was responding point by point which I have now deleted in the hopes of finding a less hostile way to converse with you. First, I am not liberal or conservative. I have liberal values, and I have conservative values. I cannot be placed into an either/or box, no matter how convenient that is for dismissing me. Your assumptions on my age and disposition ("a young, liberal punk") are quite off though, and really seems to have colored how you respond to me, as if you can't stand to have someone you perceive to be younger/dumber than you not respect your life experience. (That's my conjecture, btw.) Taking that baggage into a conversation isn't productive. Opinions are a two-way street, but I've noticed that the more I fight with you to express mine, the more entrenched I get into them. That's also not productive for dialogue. I think more than anything else, it has to do with the brash and dismissive nature in which we both communicate with each other. I would guess based on your responses, you are the same way; that the more you express an opinion that is challenged, the more entrenched you get in forcing the other side to validate them. That's more conjecture, I suppose ultimately it's not important why these conversations aren't productive, only that they aren't.

As for this government propaganda agent, it's just ridiculous. That's fine if you're good with putting your identity on the internet. (I don't know who you are, I have no way of verifying if you actually have. Ultimately, I don't care and it's not important to me.) But I'm not inclined to do so. The thing I find revolutionary about bitcoin is the decentralized anonymity of it. I value privacy (the stripping of it, incidentally, is one of my biggest complaints against the government). I further don't see how putting your name down on the forum will have any consequence whatsoever. So what if you put your name down and are proven wrong? Is anyone going to care? Is that going to mark some shift in your life in some way because you put your name behind an idea that didn't come to fruition? It seems very odd to me that someone would ask for that. I'm not inclined to give up my anonymity, and the stated reason for me to do so is not compelling.

In any event, I don't think our interactions are productive, and I don't think that will change. I'll take an equal share of the blame on that. Hell, assign me more if you want. I honestly don't think either of us is open to considering the other person's perspective, as each of us immediately dismisses the other side, often with insults. I'll bow out for that reason.

I am on the record as saying I don't believe a global war/pandemic is likely in 2017-2019. If it comes true, come back and gloat. I'll still be here under this screen name.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
I am lacking two very important pieces of data on Michelle Obama's gender.

1. I don't know if the digit ratio statistics are valid for individuals of African ancestry. I noticed in my own experience that black females often have more athletic shoulders and thus more male hormone.

2. I am unaware of any measurement of Michelle's digit ratio, nor am I aware of any medical records indicating which genitalia she has.

The great irony is she could squash the issue very simply by submitting to the same TSA de-clothing body scan microwaves that all Americans have to humiliatingly pass through to board an airplane.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
No, I'm asserting you conflate an opinion piece published by a reputable news organization with disreputable sources and believe them all regardless of credibility. Were you confused as to which part of your post was a conspiracy theory?

Funny I am rereading my opening post, and I don't see any statement from me conflating either the various sources I provided on the potential effects and capabilities for an EMP attack, nor any statement from me that the alleged the occurrence of military mutiny (not coup) is not orthogonal the former.

You even quoted me below acknowledging this is "wild conjecture":

As an aside, I signed back up to the forum to share some wild conjecture about how the USA might fall into chaos instantly due to an EMP attack by Russia and a military coup that might be lurking already.

Again you humiliate yourself because (you have an agenda which clouds your) you lack basic logic and reading comprehension skills. And I notice you haven't asked me to link to the logical ass whipping you received in one of our net neutrality debates.

That's funny, the credible news source didn't say anything about a military coup in the US or a cyclical model predicting a global pandemic or a new world order. That was all your conspiracy theory.

I have made no statement as to the likelihood of a military coup. I only quoted a source about potential mutiny brewing in the ranks of the U.S.A. military. We have many indications that the circumstances surrounding Benghazi are rife with corruption and abnormalities. The latest development in that ongoing saga is our Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has refused to reveal all of her communications as Secretary of State having hidden her communications behind a private email server contrary to government norms.

I notice you have not challenged the statistical likelihood that Michelle Obama is not a woman by birth, and implications thereof of the honesty and transparency in the highest ranks of our executive governance.

I fail to understand how a cyclical model which has predicted 100s of events correctly (and many exactly to the day) over the past 30 years and has not made an incorrect prediction, can be characterized as a conspiracy theory.  Even if you successfully challenge the veracity of the model's past performance, the best you end up with is YOUR ontological (taxonomy) error.

The-pot-calling-the-kettle-black on conflation.

Note Armstrong has not yet clarified whether the prediction for a pandemic is 100% probability. Also he has indicated that it was not yet clear if it would be a major event similar to the Black Death or a manageable event such as the HIV pandemic which has spread around the world since the 1980s.

The 2017 to 2019 timeframe for the USA to fall into an economic abyss is ≈100% probable according to this cyclical model which has never been incorrect. Some folks will misconstrue generalized statements from Armstrong about potential events (such as his recent statements about weather becoming more volatile) as specific events that must happen verbatim and will thus erroneously accusing him of being incorrect. Any one who has taken the time to read him exhaustively as I have will understand that over a series of communications he conveys an understanding of the probabilities and specificity of timings. Also those who have access to his paid reports have much greater clarity as the exact qualities (time, price, probability) of his cyclical model. Thus any one making accusations without such paid access has more of an agenda than actual data.

But I guess because you prefaced a ridiculous conjecture on an actual news report, the conclusions are completely justified!

Which exactly again in your mind is "ridiculous conjecture"? Is the capability for an EMP attack on the USA "ridiculous conjecture"? Is the high likelihood (>90% statistically) that Michelle Obama is a man "ridiculous conjecture"? Is the near certain probability of the USA starting to fall into an economic abyss in the 2017 to 2019 timeframe "ridiculous conjecture"? (note the cyclical model time frame for the end of this crisis is 2033, so the bottom of abyss may not be reached until say 2024 or later)

I stated "wild conjecture" on the likelihood of an EMP attack and on the potential for their to be sufficient discord within the military to bring about an actual coup. My rough intuition is that the former is more likely before the latter could become feasible enabled by the former. And both remain "wild conjecture" for me. Armstrong wrote recently that the mostly likely timeframe for the beginning of the spread of war is 2017. I believe his conjecture is the festering in Ukraine will eventually reach a more overt shooting war, either in Ukraine or some proxy. And that eventually this has the potential to spread to a direct attack on the USA.

Wild in this context means the data is insufficient to calculate probabilities with sufficient precision.

I do not characterize them as "ridiculous conjecture", because in the case of the potential for EMP attack there seems to be abundant evidence that such a capability might exist. And in the case of heightened levels of discord and mutiny within the military, we have evidence such as Obama replacing roughly 200 top military officers which afaik hasn't happened in such sweeping fashion in the U.S.A. in recent history, we have the Benghazi morass which continues to fester and grow more bizarre, we have the Syrian incident where the U.S.A. funded rebels are alleged to have chemical attacked the citizens, we have the debacle with ISIS allegedly being an offshoot of rebels the U.S.A. was funding and providing arms to, we have the Iraq theater which Ron Paul warned would end up costing more than $100 billion and by now we are $trillions in the hole there and reentering the military threater 3 or 4 times already after declaring victory how many times.

It seems you are the one with a ridiculous stance.

Also it seems to me you are likely a young, liberal punk with no respect for a fellow patriot who is older and wiser than you. I am nearing 50 years old and I have watched my country slide into a pit of corruption and malfeasance.

Perhaps I am mistaken about you being a government propaganda agent, yet I see you are not willing to put credibility behind your opinions by putting your personal reputation on the line. I have put my real name and identity at stake.
Activity: 2044
Merit: 1115
★★ Fun BTC Casino!
with your deep reverence of conspiracy theories

Perhaps you haven't noticed that one of the articles I linked in the opening post on this threat on the EMP threat comes from the Wall Street Journal. Are you asserting that reputable newspaper publishes conspiracy theories?

No, I'm asserting you conflate an opinion piece published by a reputable news organization with disreputable sources and believe them all regardless of credibility. Were you confused as to which part of your post was a conspiracy theory?

As an aside, I signed back up to the forum to share some wild conjecture about how the USA might fall into chaos instantly due to an EMP attack by Russia and a military coup that might be lurking already.[/size]

The ETA is 2017 to 2019 for start of full blown war, chaos, and a global pandemic also. Armstrong's reliable cyclical models are all pointing to this.

I believe the powers-that-be have orchestrated these future conflicts as a sort of false flag to bring about a new world order (and one world reserve currency) wherein we are enslaved by the totalitarianism of oligarches in Russia, China, and the USA. In the linked post above, I link to an Armstrong blog post wherein he continues to promote the top-down debt restructuring of for example China as good development. Armstrong would drive us straight into the global Technocracy that the powers-that-be have planned out, bringing us to a 666 world of top-down enslavement. He mischaracterizes this top-down planned circus (remember Kissinger and Nixon were traveling to China!) as "creative destruction".

That's funny, the credible news source didn't say anything about a military coup in the US or a cyclical model predicting a global pandemic or a new world order. That was all your conspiracy theory. But I guess because you prefaced a ridiculous conjecture on an actual news report, the conclusions are completely justified!
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250
Corporatism IS capitalism.

The corporatism that became dominant in the eighties and nineties WAS the zenith of capitalism. Capitalism has been declining for the past twenty years. It is a dying system on life support, and the evidence is all around you.

It remains to be seen how long people are willing and able to ignore the slow death of capitalism. How much suffering can we endure before we accept that it's time to start thinking about what comes next?

Well said.  I find people like to spend more time arguing about the cause(or just arguing in general) then figuring out a solution.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Oh another "conspiracy theory":

Agents of the Drug Enforcement Administration reportedly had “sex parties” with prostitutes hired by drug cartels in Colombia, according to a new inspector general report released by the Justice Department on Thursday.

In addition, Colombian police officers allegedly provided “protection for the DEA agents’ weapons and property during the parties,” the report states. Ten DEA agents later admitted attending the parties, and some of the agents received suspensions of between two to 10 days.

The stunning allegations are part of an investigation by the Justice Department’s inspector general into claims of sexual harassment and misconduct within DEA, FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and the U.S. Marshals Service. The IG’s office found that DEA did not fully comply with its probe.

The congressional committee charged with federal oversight is already promising hearings and an investigation into the allegations.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
with your deep reverence of conspiracy theories

Perhaps you haven't noticed that one of the articles I linked in the opening post on this threat on the EMP threat comes from the Wall Street Journal. Are you asserting that reputable newspaper publishes conspiracy theories?

Hold on, lemme just post my personal information for some whackadoo on the internet.  Roll Eyes

Obviously a paid disinformation tactic. Clever.

Readers will clearly see my sincerity and your obfuscation methods.

You will not reveal who you are and readers know my real name.

Come at me with all your intellect bro.

I have in the past and you were entirely humiliated and caught in an escapable logic error. Do you need to me to provide a link to that past humiliation?

your confusion of the word "shill" (noun: an enthusiastic hawker of ideas) with the word "shrill" (adjective: high pitched and piercing).

Is attacking a  typo with such vengeance the best feeble obfuscation you can muster? And it is mildly humiliating again for you because you are incorrect:

a shrill sound or cry.

Your irate tone indicates I've already won because I got inside your head and under your skin. I own you.
Activity: 2044
Merit: 1115
★★ Fun BTC Casino!
Jaysabi predictably did not accept my challenge for both of us to provide our real names and permanent contact info. Instead he did a weasel words reply asserting that I expected the recent Obama takeover of the internet to have an instant effect which is obviously never what I said would happen.

I am pretty well convinced that Jaysabi is a paid shrill of the government and that is why he will not provide verifiable contact information. I for one would call and speak to him personally, because I would love to have a live debate with him. I would destroy him intellectually and he knows it and thus hides from me.

Beliathon & galdur, you must distinguish between usury model "capitalism" of the industrial age with the knowledge capital of the fledgling Knowledge Age. Stored money is not the real capital in an economy, thus I think you misplace blame on capitalism when in fact what we have now is not capitalism rather socialism or collectivism. I explained this in great detail throughout the One-World Reserve Currency thread and the Economic Devastation thread.

Hold on, lemme just post my personal information for some whackadoo on the internet.  Roll Eyes

Come at me with all your intellect bro. You're making an epic case for how superior it is with your deep reverence of conspiracy theories and your confusion of the word "shill" (noun: an enthusiastic hawker of ideas) with the word "shrill" (adjective: high pitched and piercing). URSOSMRT! Or best yet, your conclusion that anyone who doesn't agree with you or post their personally identifiable information on the internet must obviously be a government agent.  If that's the level of intellect I could expect to encounter in a debate with you, I'll gladly pass up the opportunity to waste my time. Grin
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Jaysabi predictably did not accept my challenge for both of us to provide our real names and permanent contact info. Instead he did a weasel words reply asserting that I expected the recent Obama takeover of the internet to have an instant effect which is obviously never what I said would happen.

I am pretty well convinced that Jaysabi is a paid shrill of the government and that is why he will not provide verifiable contact information. I for one would call and speak to him personally, because I would love to have a live debate with him. I would destroy him intellectually and he knows it and thus hides from me.

Beliathon & galdur, you must distinguish between usury model "capitalism" of the industrial age with the knowledge capital of the fledgling Knowledge Age. Stored money is not the real capital in an economy, thus I think you misplace blame on capitalism when in fact what we have now is not capitalism rather socialism or collectivism. I explained this in great detail throughout the One-World Reserve Currency thread and the Economic Devastation thread.

Activity: 2044
Merit: 1115
★★ Fun BTC Casino!
Jaysabi, I am willing to put my real name here and my permanent contact info.

Will you accept my challenge to do this same?

Because I want to make sure I can call you out when all this comes true and see what your reaction is then.

How are you going to feel when everything I have written comes true? Honestly? Will you feel any shame for being a dumb-ass?

I remember you from the discussion of Obama's take-over plan for the internet, a.k.a. net neutrality regulation. You are a socialist pig. Your type of thinking dies hard in chaos, deprivation, and mega-death.

Btw, I see another thread on this topic:

Story is at Redflag site, doesn't seem to be loading.
As well on some of the political discussion sites I've used, threads speaking of government corruption and related I've seen deleted.  You can use google cache to access some stuff that is down or has been removed.

This site ?
They accuse Obama of being a communist!! xD I don't think they know what that means lol.
I didn't read everything but at least the arming of groups that are said to be terrorists isn't new. You need to change a lot more than the president for that to change. : /

Lol, you're gonna be posting on the internet that the global EMP and nuclear war somehow managed not to destroy? You're more delusional than I first thought.

Oh, you're one of those conspiratards from the Obummer's gonna ruin the internet thread? Nice new name you got there, your bullshit makes a lot more sense now. Hey, how's the disintegration of the internet been treating you since your worst nightmare has come true? When are my rates going up and when is Obama gonna break all the internets? I can't believe it hasn't happened already!1!!
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
An older version of the image above. The more things change the more they stay the same or so they say.

Good luck, g

hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
Corporatism IS capitalism.

The corporatism that became dominant in the eighties and nineties WAS the zenith of capitalism. Capitalism has been declining for the past twenty years. It is a dying system on life support, and the evidence is all around you.

It remains to be seen how long people are willing and able to ignore the slow death of capitalism. How much suffering can we endure before we accept that it's time to start thinking about what comes next?
Activity: 28
Merit: 0

Did you know that about one-fourth of the entire global prison population is in the United States?  Did you know that Apple has more money than the U.S. Treasury?  Did you know that if you have no debt and also have 10 dollars in your wallet that you are wealthier than 25 percent of all Americans?  Did you know that by the time an American child reaches the age of 18, that child will have seen approximately 40,000 murders on television?  There are some things that are great about the United States, and there are definitely some things that are not so great.  Once upon a time we were the most loved and most respected nation on the entire planet, but those days are long gone.

#1 The amount of cement that China used from 2011 to 2013 was greater than the total amount of cement that the United States used during the entire 20th century.

#4 Almost half of all Americans (47 percent) do not put a single penny out of their paychecks into savings.

#5 In 2014, police in the United States killed 1,100 people.  During that same year, police in Canada killed 14 people, police in China killed 12 people and police in Germany didn’t kill anyone at all.

#9 When LBJ’s “War on Poverty” began, less than 10 percent of all U.S. children were growing up in single parent households.  Today, that number has skyrocketed to 33 percent.

#10 In 1950, less than 5 percent of all babies in America were born to unmarried parents.  Today, that number is over 40 percent.

#11 The poverty rate for households that are led by a married couple is 6.8 percent.  For households that are led by a female single parent, the poverty rate is 37.1 percent.

#12 In 2013, women earned 60 percent of all bachelor’s degrees that were awarded that year in the United States.

#13 According to the CDC, 34.6 percent of all men in the U.S. are obese at this point.

#16 There is a city in Bangladesh called Dhaka where workers are paid just one dollar for every 1,000 bricks that they carry.  Meanwhile, the “inactivity rate” for men in their prime working years in the United States is hovering near record high levels.

#17 According to one recent survey, 81 percent of Russians now have a negative view of the United States.  That is much higher than at the end of the Cold War era.

#20 One recent survey discovered that “a steady job” is the number one thing that American women are looking for in a husband, and another survey discovered that 75 percent of women would have a serious problem dating an unemployed man.

#21 According to a study conducted by economist Carl Benedikt Frey and engineer Michael Osborne, 47 percent of the jobs in the United States could soon be lost to computers, robots and other forms of technology.

#25 There are more than 4 million adult websites on the Internet, and they get more traffic than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined.

#26 86 percent of men include “having children” in their definition of success.  For women, that number is only 73 percent.

#27 One survey of 50-year-old men in the U.S. found that only 12 percent of them said that they were “very happy”.

#30 48 percent of all Americans do not have any emergency supplies in their homes whatsoever.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
There's even more to it. These "shows" are being bought by other countries that want to have their own version and the cancer spreads. I stopped watching TV years ago when they started doing this like 10 minute commercial breaks and repeating the same crap over and over. Why would I watch a movie or a series on TV if it takes 30 min longer because of all the breaks?
On the other hand maybe the population isn't getting dumber but we are getting old. Cheesy

Selwyn Duke:
"Seeing high-school student Rachel Jeantel — who can’t read cursive or speak proper English but boasts a B average — testify at the recent George Zimmerman trial certainly could make one wonder what passes for education in 2013 America. And now this question has been brought into even sharper focus by the publication of a 1912 Bullitt County, Kentucky, test required for eighth-grade graduation — a test that most of today’s college graduates couldn’t pass"

Then check this story out: Genius female chimpanzee found to be smarter than U.S. high school students

At any rate, another thing I notice is they'll repeat information as fact, and treat it as fact without actually bothering to know whether it is or not.  I find a lot of them have 'learned' things that are simply speculation or myth, and it's hard to even convince them they're wrong no matter how obvious the proof, they'd rather defend their myth than be convinced of a truth.

Hahaha a chimpanzee that is smarter than U.S. high school students, lol. That is hilarious.

I remember when I first started a relationship she was living in a apartment some where in the San Fernando valley, and her and one of her roomates were watching a sitcom and I just all-of-a-sudden remarked, "this program is treating us like we are fools" and I refused to continue watching it. They were probably thinking I was abnormal or something.

I think it was on that day I realized TV was a disease to the mind. I watched it some after that, but I haven't watched TV much at all for 20 years. I never waste time on that.

I watched many of the popular shows back in the 1970s:

Maybe Sanford and Son was my favorite, and there are many on that list I liked. I also watched Star Trek, cartoons such as Speed Racer.

But it just came to a point where I realized I wasn't accomplishing anything while sitting in front of that one-way communication, hypnosis device. Much better to be doing some work, learning something, or quality time interacting with real people.

I realized it was an addiction. I later became addicted to sugar in the early 1990s. I think by now I have conquered all my addictions (is posting too much on this forum an addiction, lol).
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
USA Public Are Fooled! Michelle Obama is very likely a Man, Barrack is alleged to be a Homosexual

Terrible, just terrible. Meanwhile on the other side of the pond

Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Those of us who are awake, let's not die! Let's find a way to build a parallel economy that the bastards can't tax nor shutdown. Come on Yankees! Countrymen, remember our "can do" culture of yore. It is time to roll.

We need private money. I had explained in great detail as iamback that Bitcoin is useful as a stepping stone being the reserve currency of crypto-currencies, but that we are also going to need to make some significant advances with an altcoin:
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250
Sounds like something from the tabloids.  At any rate, if he's a traitor, does it really matter if he's a gay or straight traitor?

You are missing the point; which is that being able to fool the people right in front of their eyes (and make a mockery of "democracy") is the way the powers-that-be have verified that they can achieve all their plans for a new world order smashup. The people are entirely incapable of opening their eyes.

It is a way of proving how decadent the USA is and the vast majority will just attribute it to being tabloid noise.

You see all that tabloid (and pop culture) noise has succeeded in making the people numb to reality. They public has tuned out to reality.

I would say the average person of the general public has almost no chance of sorting out fact from fiction when the media no longer bothers reporting honestly and instead reports whatever will be most profitable.  People just aren't very smart now-adays.  Mindless television show dumb everyone down, everyone argues about everything and tries to one up each other or appear rich.  Generation Meh will likely get us all killed.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Sounds like something from the tabloids.  At any rate, if he's a traitor, does it really matter if he's a gay or straight traitor?

You are missing the point; which is that being able to fool the people right in front of their eyes (and make a mockery of "democracy") is the way the powers-that-be have verified that they can achieve all their plans for a new world order smashup. The people are entirely incapable of opening their eyes.

It is a way of proving how decadent the USA is and the vast majority will just attribute it to being tabloid noise.

You see all that tabloid (and pop culture) noise has succeeded in making the people numb to reality. They public has tuned out to reality.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250
USA Public Are Fooled! Michelle Obama is very likely a Man, Barrack is alleged to be a Homosexual



My insider sources tell me that the only reason that the military has not gone from a condition mutiny to a military coup is that they do not feel that they have the popular support of the dumbed down population, at least for now. This is why we are seeing a gluttony of insider sources speaking to the alternative media in this critical information war where the belief system of the country, as a whole, is at stake.


You laugh? Ridiculous? Then you know nothing about male anatomy, especially the index to ring finger ratio.

Sounds like something from the tabloids.  At any rate, if he's a traitor, does it really matter if he's a gay or straight traitor?
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
USA Public Are Fooled! Michelle Obama is very likely a Man, Barrack is alleged to be a Homosexual



My insider sources tell me that the only reason that the military has not gone from a condition mutiny to a military coup is that they do not feel that they have the popular support of the dumbed down population, at least for now. This is why we are seeing a gluttony of insider sources speaking to the alternative media in this critical information war where the belief system of the country, as a whole, is at stake.


You laugh? Ridiculous? Then you know nothing about male anatomy, especially the index to ring finger ratio.

The powers-that-be are playing with us. They even did murals at the Denver airport to show us what stupid sheep we are, bought off by our silly ideologies such as feminism, gay rights, right to have sex with animals, etc., while stuffing us full of sitcoms, action thrillers, pop culture, debt, and government welfare to keep us preoccupied. They are doing all this right in front of our faces so that they can verify that we are the foolish compliant sheep ripe to be herded and culled.

Quote    Maintain humanity under 0.5 billion [14/15ths of all people must culled] in perpetual balance with nature.
    Guide reproduction wisely [removing the right to bear children freely] — improving fitness and diversity.
    Unite humanity [in a new world order] with a living new language.
    Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason [imposed by a one-world reserve currency and court].
    Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
    Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a [one-]world court.
    Avoid petty laws and useless [local] officials.
    Balance personal rights with social duties.
    Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
    Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature [i.e. cull the human population of all those who will not be slaves].

Quote from: Armstrong
Learning to Love

In studying the origin of pensions, it all traced back to the marriage contract. What jumps out at you in this research we are soon to publish, is also at odds with the whole Hollywood idea of “love” that was perhaps part of the New Deal culture that was either intentional or coincidental in its propaganda sales-job.

The one thing that was strikingly at odds with the movie idea of love was actually the absence of love. It seems Hollywood transformed LUST into LOVE and that has had a devastating social impact upon society. Surveys of people dating show that 70% actually expect love at first sight. This is contributing to the collapse in birthrates everywhere for at the same time, people fear that divorce is so common, why bother. In Japan they call it the celibacy syndrome for the youth are not even dating.

The divorce rate has soared post-Great Depression and seems to be tied to socialistic euphoria. Not only did government replace the family so children do not save now or think about taking care of their parents for that is government’s job, but the courts enforce divorce settlement as if there was still the old marriage contract. We have invented prenuptial agreements, but if the spouse signs the night before, they are being thrown out of courts as if they were coercion rendering them not valid. The whole idea behind the marriage contract was the man was providing for the pension of the wife. During the 18th century, typically the man was twice the age of his bride. Why? Because he first had to get the farm, chickens, cows, etc., and show that he was a good provider. If he went to the prospective bide’s father and said he wanted to marry her, if he responded to what are your qualification, oh nothing, I just love her. That would have been a good laugh and he would have been lucky not to be injured by the door when slammed shut.

The age difference decline to 25-33% older during the 19th century, but it was not until Hollywood got a hold of marriage and turned LUST into love at first sight that age came down to just a couple of years. Men mature slower than women so the divorce rate skyrocketed as girls expecting to marry men discovered they were still boys.

The arranged marriages actually performed better than those anticipating love at first sight in present times overseas. There was a deeper connection of compassion. A realization that there was a team and not one of a clash of two titans. Now there is a TV show Married At First Sight which is where two people are matched and actually get married when they first meet. While some couples have split, the majority remain married. Are they tapping into the true historical way things use to be?

Then there are the interesting studies that show men live longer with a younger wife, yet when a women marries a younger man she dies faster. Sven Drefahl from the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock, Germany, has shown this strange result. The greater the age difference from the younger husband, the shorter the wife’s life is likely to be.This may be simply nature’s design that we are trying to figure out still. What is clear, elevating romantic love as in movies has only led to high divorce rates perhaps because expectations going in is that crazy image of happily-ever-after bliss. What is absent is compassion and this is very interesting.

Compassionate love takes place in the relationships that form the majority of our interactions but it is different from romantic love portrayed by Hollywood. It involves affection, caring and compassion and has a much broader scope than romantic love. This is the bond of deep friendship which Hollywood seem to miss. It can be experienced in the workplace, friendships and family relationships or just caring about the future of the whole.

This lack of compassion maybe part of the whole collapse of socialism. These campaigns of government See Something Say Something, breed distrust of others, not compassion. I was on a plane and a man just went to the lavatory and someone else called the stewardess and said he looked like a Muslim. The man did nothing unusual, but this is a state of fear and distrust, not the Norman Rockwell days of apple pie and friendly neighbors so you did not even have to lock your door.

The old days of community were about people caring about one another’s well-being. They would look out for one another and pick up the slack for one another. A culture of love is not just something that takes place between two people, rather something that is pervasive throughout society.

It just seems that government has fostered the Julius Caesar strategy, divide and conquer. Turn everyone against everyone else and they will not organize against government.

Quote from: Armstrong
What Socialism Destroyed

What must be stated openly is that the “New Deal” of Roosevelt has actually destroyed the very fabric that formed society that nobody wants to look at no less discuss.

For centuries, people had children to provide for their own retirement. Family units were the social structure. The sad part of socialism is how this family unit was fundamentally destroyed by socialism. Once social security was created, children were relieved of the burden of taking care of their parents – that became government’s job. People were told to save conservatively. They salted away money often in government bonds. Now government has been so fiscally irresponsible, they have to keep interest rates low not to stimulate the economy, but to control their own perpetual deficits.

The retired can no longer live off of their savings. Their home has proven to be anything other than the savings for retirement as annual property taxes alone approach the cost of the house in the 1950s. Pensions are insolvent and taxes only rise perpetually. It now takes two incomes for a family to survive. The New Deal has failed on every level.

This entire New Deal structure has changed the way society functions. This is what has been so dangerous for it accomplished the same fundamental flaw as Communism – it shifted the reliance upon family to government. Even welfare altered the structure of the black family by creating incentives to have children without the husband, The black family was stronger than white prior to welfare because they were clinging to the old ways where children supported their parents. Once that was undermined, the very fabric of the family was destroyed and government stood in its place the same as communism.

This is our greatest problem. Politicians have been so irresponsible and there have been no economic plans or long-term structural designs created for the future so that we are facing a systemic implosion. This is the greatest threat to creating something on the grand scale as the collapse of Rome and the emergence of a Mad Max event. This is the consequence of DEFLATION – a far worse fate than HYPERINFLATION. The former results in the Cannibalization of the social structure and fabric that holds everything together as government raises taxes and hunts down capital forcing it into hiding reducing liquidity that remains at about 50% of 2007 levels and the collapse in the Rule of Law that opens the door to legal persecution. The bankers are telling congress that liquidity is low and they need to trade with other people’s money. The government will seize all pension funds as did Argentina. Government has presumed anyone doing anything outside the USA is hiding money and thus they have presumed guilt and are now destroying the global economy.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Yeah, they have been militarizing police for quite a while now in terms of training and lately they've been given military grade weaponry to use against the citizenry plus you have the DHS with billions of hollow point ammunition. The domestic threat far outpaces anything they can stir up abroad.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
I can survive on grass. I am eating grass now. I can run long distances. I can operate with full rationality and concentration until extreme stress and sleep deprivation.

You remind me of "Dr." Eugene Porter. This is not to be mistaken for a compliment.

Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Will you be alive if it comes true? xD

I can survive on grass. I am eating grass now. I can run long distances. I can operate with full rationality and concentration until extreme stress and sleep deprivation. My very difficult life is preparing me well.

How about you?

USA civilian rebellion will be severe due to our "can do" culture

As FerFAL says, the people of Argentina are inured to the situation and used to suffering. So, as things go from bad to worse they just hunker down and make the best of it. I fear that in America most people are not prepared for any kind of suffering. Many Americans are pampered and soft and will suffer greatly when a reduced standard of living is forced on them.

There is also the black market currency to consider. In Argentina the black market operates in dollars which retain their value. We Americans will not have another currency to fall back on. It is unlikely that the Euro or any other country's currency will maintain its purchasing power when the dollar crashes.

For the above reasons, I fear that a financial crash will play out in the US rather differently than in Argentina. We will need new and different means to cope.

First, I wanted to thank Fernando and Chris for a helpful review of the state of things in Argentina.

I would give Fernando copious credit for his tireless work on preparing folks with lessons learned from actual life experiences, which is invaluable.

I am glad Ferfal challenges thinking in the preparedness community, because in general, and as readers will know from previous posts, I support the dialectic of having two sides of argument discussed thoroughly and thoughtful.

So in that vein, allow me an opportunity to push back at a few notions and themes that Ferfal presents.

(By the way, I think he is likely correct about most everything he describes, after a very painful transition occurs, and given a modicum of stability in the government and the world in general).

Here are some flaws in his thinking.

To his credit he alludes to differences in Argentina culture and American culture.  I have visited Argentina (beautiful country and I met many gracious and highly intelligent Argentinean colleagues during my visit).  But I clearly don't understand Argentina like Ferfal does, but I don't think Ferfal understands America like I do.

While humans share so many commonalities, in short, Americans in specific have a very strong independence streak, and will, IMHO, reach a breaking point that will not be pretty (I think all humans have a breaking point, but frankly some cultures value traits highly that Americans place low value on, like submission, getting along, suffering i.e. Russians, over independent living.  The motto "live free or die" speaks to this.

Admittedly the liberal big government progressives in America have attempted to beat these values out of our citizens and tried to replace them with collectivism, but it has been with limited success.

The second culture difference is that, how shall I say this delicately, Americans tend to get things done.  Especially when presented with a mission.  Moon shots, Manhattan projects, Yankee ingenuity, Rosie the Riveter, Iwo Jima, whatever.  You can draw your own conclusions about what this means.

Ferfal's point about looting suggests an element of rebellion in Argentina, but that frankly sounds more like criminality than people joining together to make a political point.  And in fairness, Fernando didn't describe looting as a political act.  I'm just using that as a culture example of response to tyranny and government chaos.

All this leads to the conclusion that if and when things like currency failure occur, I don't think it will be accompanied by an Argentinean shrug of the shoulders e.g. "oh well, we just have to suffer with this Marxist government and cope with another 50% inflation".  I believe it will be met with much more reaction.

Again, I love Fernando's points about physical fitness, having multiple skills etc.  I just don't think he has any idea how severe an American response to Kirchner-like policies will be when faced with a likely drop in standard of living to true poverty levels.

The issue about the dollar and escaping to another country are off base.  In Argentina, Fernando talks at length about how Argentineans escape the destruction of the peso by using dollars as a store of wealth.

May I ask, to which currency will Americans turn when the dollar is destroyed?  About the only money left is gold, silver, and hard assets.  So dismissing barter so quickly by Fernando seems premature, because Americans will have no other choice for a period of time.  Euros, Swiss francs, Yuan?.  Don't see that happening.  I'm sure a new "dollar" will be introduced, but there will clearly be a transition of some length of time, of some severity.

And after the dollar collapses, the whole world will be "in transition" i.e. in disorder.  Will millions of Americans be welcomed with open arms in countries around the world?  I don't think so.  Maybe the 0.1%, because they can buy their way in.  Unless you are in that league, I would not count on it.

Ferfal has a good article "Living in a War Zone", as well as a short podcast, at .  It is focused on making preps to bug-out ahead of time, in case you ever find yourself in that situation.  Apparently his latest book, "Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying Put is not an Option" came out in June.  Here's a short excerpt from the article:

   "Given current world events people are becoming increasingly interested in survival in war zones.

    I did a lot of research about this topic for my latest book, learning from various events and accounts of what people did to stay alive so I’ll save you a lot of time: Surviving in a war zone is like surviving or living in a burning house or surviving in a sinking boat. There’s no “surviving” inside a burning building, there’s “getting out of there ASAP” to be done.  Sure, there are resources that clearly become precious during war such as food, water and medical supplies but it all comes as a far distant second best proposition to actually escaping such disaster unless you want to be reduced to living like an animal and constantly risking getting shot or blown to pieces."
Activity: 1694
Merit: 1005
Betting Championship
Jaysabi, I am willing to put my real name here and my permanent contact info.

Will you accept my challenge to do this same?

Because I want to make sure I can call you out when all this comes true and see what your reaction is then.

How are you going to feel when everything I have written comes true? Honestly? Will you feel any shame for being a dumb-ass?

Will you be alive if it comes true? xD
And you seem familiar. Are you the new account of Anonimint or something? lol

edit: and I see that you still don't know what socialism is lol.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Jaysabi, I am willing to put my real name here and my permanent contact info.

Will you accept my challenge to do this same?

Because I want to make sure I can call you out when all this comes true and see what your reaction is then.

How are you going to feel when everything I have written comes true? Honestly? Will you feel any shame for being a dumb-ass?

I remember you from the discussion of Obama's take-over plan for the internet, a.k.a. net neutrality regulation. You are a socialist pig. Your type of thinking dies hard in chaos, deprivation, and mega-death.

Btw, I see another thread on this topic:

Story is at Redflag site, doesn't seem to be loading.
As well on some of the political discussion sites I've used, threads speaking of government corruption and related I've seen deleted.  You can use google cache to access some stuff that is down or has been removed.

This site ?
They accuse Obama of being a communist!! xD I don't think they know what that means lol.
I didn't read everything but at least the arming of groups that are said to be terrorists isn't new. You need to change a lot more than the president for that to change. : /
Activity: 2044
Merit: 1115
★★ Fun BTC Casino!

The ETA is 2017 to 2019 for start of full blown war, chaos, and a global pandemic also. Armstrong's reliable cyclical models are all pointing to this.

Oh good, as long as there's a reliable cyclical model to base on this on. For a second, I was worried this was ridiculous.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
A Russian EMP attack will instantly put the USA back in the pre-electricity age and there will be massive chaos and deprivation.

There is mutiny within the USA military waiting to pounce on the opportunity to do a military coup.

Well, damn.

Should I save my beer or drink it?
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
A Russian EMP attack will instantly put the USA back in the pre-electricity age and there will be massive chaos and deprivation.

There is mutiny within the USA military waiting to pounce on the opportunity to do a military coup.

The Middle East command structure of the American military is not presently, and was not on board with President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and then Defense Secretary Leon Panetta at the time of Benghazi.

In the aftermath of the Benghazi massacre, two senior level command officers, General Carter Ham, the former commander of AFRICOM and Admiral Charles M. Gayouette, the Commander of Carrier Task Force 3, were removed from the command positions and arrested by their CIA Obama, embedded executive officers. They were arrested for disobeying a Presidential directive regarding the abandonment of Stevens at Benghazi as both military leaders were in the process of executing a coordinated rescue effort when they were arrested.  The operational details can be read about here.

It is common knowledge that Obama has been embedding CIA operatives into the number two command positions in key military commands around the world. When Hamm was in the process of launching a rescue mission to save Stevens, General Rodriguez promptly arrested Hamm and assumed his position as the head of AFRICOM. The same happened to Gayouette. Why were these two military commanders so willing to risk their careers and lives to rescue Stevens? Because after Stevens was rescued and he had full knowledge that he was being set up to cover up the drug running, gun running and child sex trafficking, being used to financially support regime change activities in Libya and Syria. If rescued, Stevens might have publicly talked about what he knew and the factions running this country into the ground, might have been on their way to prison.

What are the odds that two senior military officers, whose positions are so sensitive that their replacements had to be approved of by the Senate, operating in a war zone, committing mutiny against the President of the United States and that their actions were confined to just the two sacked officers? The answer is that the chances were zero that they were working only concert with each other. It would be easier to defy the odds in winning the lottery than to believe that. There were others involved as well. Satellites had to be redirected as well as providing relevant intelligence information to the intended rescue. So, is it surprising that Obama has sacked over 260 senior command officers during his tenure? The Benghazi  rescue was a military coup that failed. And let’s not be naive enough to think that these two senior officers loved Chris Stevens enough to risk their careers to do what they did. This was about regime change and the top levels of military know what is coming and have deployed their assets accordingly.

My insider sources tell me that the only reason that the military has not gone from a condition mutiny to a military coup is that they do not feel that they have the popular support of the dumbed down population, at least for now. This is why we are seeing a gluttony of insider sources speaking to the alternative media in this critical information war where the belief system of the country, as a whole, is at stake.

There are more Obama moves which strengthen the validity of these observations. Within two months after the Benghazi attack, four very senior U.S. military officers were purged by Obama:

    Gen. Hamm, on October 18, 2012.
    Adm. Gayouette, on October 18, 2012.
    Gen. Petraeus, on November 9, 2012.
    General Allen, on November 13, 2012.

This event reminds me of when Hitler discovered he had been betrayed by General Irwin Rommel and other senior level German officers who attempted to assassinate Hitler. The Nazis killed these Generals and covered it up as war casualties. Obama politely retired our offending officers in disgrace.  The deposed military senior command officer body count has reached over 260 officers removed by Obama.
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