Yesterday I had a "close call".
There was a power outtage, the laptop continued to function.
There is a usb external harddisk attached to the laptop.
I tried to reach for my old phone (dead too) and in the process I knocked over a cup of water.
Fortunately the ammount of water was low and there was some toilet paper nearby.
The USB external harddisk was 20 centimeters away from the cup of water.
The USB connection is quite low to the table.
I am pretty convinced that with enough water spillage a short circuit and possibly damage to the harddisk could have occured ?!
Perhaps place usb external harddisk a little bit on something heightened ? But then a drop might occur which might damage the drive, so bad idea.
My initial idea was the power connecter should perhaps be on top of it to prevent this kinda of scenerio... but then nothing can be placed on the drive itself...
I wonder if these drives are tested for a water scenerio !?!
Anybody know what happens if water reaches the usb connector ?
These models are USB Seagate Portable drives... and such 4 TB and 5 TB.
Also what happens to GIT if there is a power failure ?!?!?
I did make a backup of the git repository a few minutes before the power failure.
I deleted the old backup first... slightly safer would be make new backup first then delete old backup =D
Bye for now,
P.S.: I write this message because I believe external USB drives might become popular to store blockchains on... but apperently it is not without (major) risk !
Follow up:
My solution for now is the same as the solution for the laptop airflow.
I have some unused DVDs in boxes... 4 boxes the hold up the laptop.
Now I will use a 5th DVD box to hold up the harddisk drive.
There is a slight risk that I might pull it down and it falls onto the table.
But I consider the risk of knocking over a cup of water also very high.
I was warned yesterday that this might happen and I don't want to short circuit the hardisk !
Some sector damage might be tolerable as long as this device remains functioning !
Bye for now,