Care to elaborate on this?
The local bitcoind uses HTTP basic authentication. So usually I need to enter a username/password in my browser if I send HTTP requests to the bitcoind. However, image tags allow to embed authentication information within the URL, for example: . Furthermore, if this authentication is successful username and password are cached by the browser and automatically used on subsequent requests.
So if you have a list of common usernames and passwords you can just:
- Take a username and password from the list and dynamically inject an tag in your page that loads this resource.
- Create a client-side HTTP POST request that uses this cached authentication data to send a request to your bitcoind. For example by using Flash (as discussed in my first post) or by using a HTTP form submit in an iframe.
- Repeat in a loop with many different combinations for usernames and passwords.
Basically that's very similar to a standard CSRF attack ( and the password is the only protection against it. So if your password is just "password" (or word that's likely to be on a wordlist) this attack would succeed.
It seems like this won't work with current Chrome development versions, because they prevent embedding username/passwords inside URLs ( However, this should still work with the current stable Chrome version and other browsers such as Firefox.