The Only Way to Freedom is Through Its Practice Here and Now
"Every single transaction that takes place outside the nexus of state control is a victory for those individuals taking part in the transaction"
– The Dread Pirate Roberts, 2012
The government derives its power to do all the objectionable things it does from the monetary system. Fiat currency can be created in any quantity by the government at any time and at zero cost.
Given the government’s ability to create money instantly at zero cost, tax collection today is mostly about social engineering. Paying taxes maintains the illusion that fiat money is scarce and therefore valuable
How Change Happens. And Why It Often Doesn’t
Our intuition tells us that technology, social norms, movements and ideas just move forward through time, as if forward progress is a river and those things are on a raft gliding through. We so associate the passage of time with progress that we use the term “the future” to refer to a better, more advanced version of our present world. In reality, if a more advanced future does happen, it’s because that future was willed into our lives by a few brave people.
The present isn’t welcoming of an advanced future because the present is run by a thick canopy made up of the ideas, norms, and technologies of the past. There’ll be incremental tweaks and slight iterations on proven-to-work concepts, which may seem to us like moving into the future, but it’s really just a polishing up of the past.
Emphasis mine
citizens of the usa pay abusively high taxes ............... as social engineering ?? there has to be more to it then that because no one likes the abusive high taxes. obamacare is one big money grab. there must be a reason why they are out to take as much money at gunpoint like that. i figure they must be trying to keep going as long as they can before the collapse they know is eventually coming. and they must be bankrupt because the obamacare money grab seems like an act of desperation. they went and money-grabbed from ripple 700M in another one of their acts of desperation. and if you draw out to much money from the bank you get reported. it really is getting ridiculous.
They don't know what to do about it anymore. But the problem is things keep going on as normal.. if you ask around most people getting some minimal wage job seem to be content with their lives, it's a small minority of individuals that question if the system things run under is legit or a scam.