The following is some type of a fraud/scam designed to sabotage fundraising being done by the Litecoin development team: have replied to the thread and my response has been immediately deleted by the original poster.
My original response follows:
Few issues here:
1 - The donations that are made are not made to specific individuals but to the development team. The development team is managed by coblee and it's use of funds is decided by discussion with all team members on IRC and via the development mailing list.
2 - I have refused any personal donations and have contributed significant amounts of time and money toward the project over the last year. I am not new to LTC and if you ask around you will find that a lot of seasoned LTC supporters know me for a very long time. I have been one of the strongest supporters of the project since mid-2012 BCX 'attack'.
3 - There will be no external conditions imposed by anyone on what should be or should not be done with the funds received by the development team. These funds are used to cover project related expenses and to compensate external developers and consultants for their work at the discretion of the team.
If you are interested in donating, please donate as requested on the official fundraiser at:,3874.msg27094.html#msg27094If you would like to receive credit for the donation, please contact Warren and he will add your name to the official list of donors.
Now, to my knowledge, there is no such thing as Litecoin Foundation. Such organization has been discussed in depth on our internal channels and as far as I remember further discussion on this topic has been planned to take place after 0.6.x and 0.8.x releases.
Can you please contact coblee here or in private and describe what exactly you are doing and what your intentions are? Do you have a corporate structure and who is involved in this?
Until there is further real-life information from your direction in regards to your organization, I am unable to establish your level of credibility. Thus I will ignore any interaction with you until that is addressed. Anyone can create new registration on the forums and register a domain, but not many people can handle unbiased support and development of a decentralized crypto-currency.
Personal note:
So far, your post looks no different then Litecoin-NG thread on reddit. You do realize that people who post threads with titles "XYZ donates to ABC" actually donate first and speak later (or contact us in private before donating). The fact that a plethora of people working with us never heard of you and that this is your first post on bitcointalk...