
Topic: User U2016 is trying to blackmail me (Read 433 times)

hero member
Activity: 2926
Merit: 567
January 01, 2017, 10:29:37 AM
This guy trust profile are all read now,this guy should be ban here I hope mods will take action he can do this to other users unless somebody put a stop on his behavior.He is a scourge to this forum,anyway nobody will transact to him with that many red tags
jr. member
Activity: 51
Merit: 10
December 31, 2016, 02:29:23 PM
Bitcointalk user U2016 is dangerous and will try to spread illegal and violent content and blackmail people

What happened:
I put a post to buy some films and my email and U2016 sent me an email and tried to blackmail me for 1BTC saying I wanted violent illegal films. U2016 said that he sold illegal films on Freenet and he would post lies about me if I didn't pay him on 1P9NuhYfqVQN9QyN6v4mXx7KSyjcpTVkc4 and say that I wanted anal rape films.

Scammers Profile Link:

Reference Link:

Amount Scammed:
My account, tried to blackmail

Payment Method:
Bitcoin to U2016 address 1P9NuhYfqVQN9QyN6v4mXx7KSyjcpTVkc4

Proof of Payment:
I didn't pay

PM/Chat Logs:
Copy of e-mails above screenshots
Also, the Bitcoin address provided belongs to U2016 as he has posted this in another thread where he paid someone from it.

Additional Notes:
It seems U2016 will try to sell illegal porn and blackmail people if ones wants to buy legal films
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