I am a newbie at mining ad I'm trying to mine LTC with Coinotron Pool.
I have 2 systems to use as my workers: one has NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550Ti and the other one has NVIDIA Quadro FX 570. I read on many forums that CudaMiner is best for NVIDIA cards, so I'm using the same.
The problem I'm getting into is preparing the .bat file to successfully execute the cudaminer.exe
Right now my .bat file looks like this:
cudaminer.exe -d 0 -l auto -o stratum+tcp://coinotron.com:3334 -O myworker:mypassword
Then I see following dialog on screen for just a second:
and then it quickly closes.
And there is no mining activity reported on my Cointron account.
Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?