
Topic: Using Electrum via Proxy (Read 898 times)

Activity: 2086
Merit: 4363
October 30, 2021, 03:42:38 AM
Isn't Electrum a Bitcoin wallet? Why do you need to connect a proxy to a cryptocurrency wallet? Can you please explain in more detail why a proxy is needed and why it should be connected to a web wallet?
Firstly... Electrum isn't a "web wallet". It's a desktop client (or mobile if you are using the Android version).

Also, the proxy functionality in Electrum is not just for Tor... some folks might be using networks that are being "restricted" or filtered. Sometimes using a proxy server can bypass these restrictions and allow you to connect to the service that you're after, like an Electrum server Wink
Activity: 3612
Merit: 5297 => buy facemasks with BTC/LTC
October 27, 2021, 01:00:45 AM
Isn't Electrum a Bitcoin wallet? Why do you need to connect a proxy to a cryptocurrency wallet? Can you please explain in more detail why a proxy is needed and why it should be connected to a web wallet?

I usually don't have the habit of replying on a thread that's a year old... I usually just report the new post to a moderator and have it removed due to necroposting...
But, it seems you're new to this forum, and your question might not have been completely answered in this thread, so i guess it might be nice to cut you some slack.

You are right, electrum IS a wallet, and it does not HAVE to use the tor proxy. It's fine to run your wallet connecting to clearnet nodes, BUT, those clearnet nodes WILL be able to log your ip and the addresses you request. So, in theory, a node owner will know your ip and part of your unspent outputs... This is why some people prefer extra privacy by running a tor client and using this client as a proxy. By doing this, they hide their ip from the electrum nodes they connect to.
A different sollution sometimes used is running a full node, then installing electrs or electrumx and connecting to your own node... That way you are 100% sure the node owner isn't malicious.

In the future, just as a general rule of thumb: the forum has some rules against necroposting (posting in a thread that hasn't been posted in for a long time), so if you have questions like these, you can open a new thread or PM somebody in the original thread Smiley
Activity: 3612
Merit: 5297 => buy facemasks with BTC/LTC
November 11, 2020, 04:42:45 AM
Your screenshot shows your domain... I realise by the fact that you wiped out your tld in some parts of the screenshot you want to keep this info private, so maybe you can remove the screenshot and replace it by a censored one Wink

This being said, i did visit your domain, and it seems like your tld already has an x3 certificate... Is your btcpayserver located on a subdomain? In this case you have to make sure the correct block exists in your nginx site config and you have to execute:

certbot --nginx -d

It's the subdomain you want a certificate for in case you installed btcpayserver on a subdomain (like i did).

Now, the error you see seems to be rather common... A quick google resulted in sollutions like this one:
Apparently, in this case, the posted deleted the AAAA record for his domain to solve the problem, but the post also helps the poster with some initial troubleshooting, you can repeat the steps they told him to do some troubleshooting for yourself Wink

This being said, certbot does not have any authorisation towards your zone editor, it cannot modify dns zones all by itself, i have no idear how those records were entered?
Are you 100% certain you didn't do this? Did you ask support from somebody who is authorised to edit zone record (your hosting company for example?)? Did you give credentials to a thirth party (a partner, a friend)?
Activity: 16
Merit: 8
November 11, 2020, 12:07:51 AM
i think you do need a tld (domainname) if you want to use certbot... IIRC, you'd have to execute following command after nginx is running correctly:

certbot --nginx -d -d

There's always the option of creating a self signed certificate, but you'll probably be confronted with warning messages later on if you do so...

After some tinkering around in nginx and certbot, I realized that I never actually created server blocks for Let's Encrypt to verify, LOL

I created the server block for my domain and tried to run certbot to obtain my SSL certificates, and ran into a weird error... not sure if you might know what's going on:

After doing this, I checked the DNS Zone Editor of my site and the DNS records list a bunch of TXT records that I haven't seen before  Huh
Activity: 3612
Merit: 5297 => buy facemasks with BTC/LTC
November 05, 2020, 05:02:22 AM
i think you do need a tld (domainname) if you want to use certbot... IIRC, you'd have to execute following command after nginx is running correctly:

certbot --nginx -d -d

There's always the option of creating a self signed certificate, but you'll probably be confronted with warning messages later on if you do so...
Activity: 16
Merit: 8
November 05, 2020, 12:21:55 AM
The correct sequence is:
start bitcoind as a daemon:

bitcoind -daemon

Wait untill it's running, if you're unsure wait 5 minutes then look at the debug.log
tail -f ~/.bitcoin/debug.log
press ctrl+c if you're sure bitcoind is running

nbxplorer connects to bitcoind. It builds a database of unspent outputs and lets other services query this database.
nbxlorer needs to be running so btcpayserver can use it's services!

in order to do this, you'll eventually make a service, but for now, open a screen session (it's possible you'll need to install screen first)

within this screen session, start nbxplorer... Without killing nbxplorer, leave your screen session by pressing cltr-a, release ctrl-a, then press the letter d

now, wait another 5 minutes to make sure nbxplorer is properly running, then check if it's listening on port 24445 like we configured
lsof -i :24445

here's what i see when looking at my server:
lsof -i :24445
BTCPaySer  5092 root  278u  IPv4   18588382      0t0  TCP localhost:41210->localhost:24445 (ESTABLISHED)
BTCPaySer  5092 root  282u  IPv4   18587254      0t0  TCP localhost:41220->localhost:24445 (ESTABLISHED)
dotnet    11889 root  156u  IPv4 1753666419      0t0  TCP localhost:24445 (LISTEN)
dotnet    11889 root  188u  IPv4   18590828      0t0  TCP localhost:24445->localhost:41210 (ESTABLISHED)
dotnet    11889 root  191u  IPv4   18587256      0t0  TCP localhost:24445->localhost:41220 (ESTABLISHED)

without starting btcpayserver you won't see these connections, but you should see some output... If you don't get any return, nbxplorer is not listening on the correct port

now, open a second screen session

and run btcpayserver in this screen session

you don't need to do anything with the bash script. The only thing this script contains is the command you're running right now:
dotnet run --no-launch-profile --no-build -c Release -p ~/source/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer/BTCPayServer.csproj --@

for shutting down, it's exactly the opposite order:
take over the btcpayserver screen by finding out the pid of the 2 screen sessions:
screen -r 

then take over the screen session of btcpayserver
screen -r [pid from previous command]
you can stop this screen session by giving the following command withing the screen session


then stop the nbxplorer in the same way as you stopped btcpayserver

then stop bitcoin daemon by entering
bitcoin-cli stop

Hi Mocacinno,

I followed your sequence and got everything to run correctly from bitcoind to NBXplorer and BTCPayServer. From there I figured that I needed to continue the setup of BTCPayServer to run on my site so I followed the guide here to do it manually: [quote[/quote]

I skipped ahead to the nginx Let's Encrypt section and attempted to use certbot to get my TLS certificate and get everything set up. I think I'm running into yet another problem with setting up certificates here.

I followed the first two commands and restarted nginx, then tried to check Let's Encrypt and when I typed the command:
sudo certbot certificates

I got the following prompt:
myuser@rpi:~ $ sudo certbot certificates
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
No certs found.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Now I think this is happening because I input some code snippet incorrectly, perhaps something to do with writing down the SSL certificate URLs on the configuration file for nginx, but I'm not sure. Some guidance would be appreciated if possible  Smiley Thanks!
Activity: 3612
Merit: 5297 => buy facemasks with BTC/LTC
October 29, 2020, 01:40:36 AM
The correct sequence is:
start bitcoind as a daemon:

bitcoind -daemon

Wait untill it's running, if you're unsure wait 5 minutes then look at the debug.log
tail -f ~/.bitcoin/debug.log
press ctrl+c if you're sure bitcoind is running

nbxplorer connects to bitcoind. It builds a database of unspent outputs and lets other services query this database.
nbxlorer needs to be running so btcpayserver can use it's services!

in order to do this, you'll eventually make a service, but for now, open a screen session (it's possible you'll need to install screen first)

within this screen session, start nbxplorer... Without killing nbxplorer, leave your screen session by pressing cltr-a, release ctrl-a, then press the letter d

now, wait another 5 minutes to make sure nbxplorer is properly running, then check if it's listening on port 24445 like we configured
lsof -i :24445

here's what i see when looking at my server:
lsof -i :24445
BTCPaySer  5092 root  278u  IPv4   18588382      0t0  TCP localhost:41210->localhost:24445 (ESTABLISHED)
BTCPaySer  5092 root  282u  IPv4   18587254      0t0  TCP localhost:41220->localhost:24445 (ESTABLISHED)
dotnet    11889 root  156u  IPv4 1753666419      0t0  TCP localhost:24445 (LISTEN)
dotnet    11889 root  188u  IPv4   18590828      0t0  TCP localhost:24445->localhost:41210 (ESTABLISHED)
dotnet    11889 root  191u  IPv4   18587256      0t0  TCP localhost:24445->localhost:41220 (ESTABLISHED)

without starting btcpayserver you won't see these connections, but you should see some output... If you don't get any return, nbxplorer is not listening on the correct port

now, open a second screen session

and run btcpayserver in this screen session

you don't need to do anything with the bash script. The only thing this script contains is the command you're running right now:
dotnet run --no-launch-profile --no-build -c Release -p ~/source/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer/BTCPayServer.csproj --@

for shutting down, it's exactly the opposite order:
take over the btcpayserver screen by finding out the pid of the 2 screen sessions:
screen -r 

then take over the screen session of btcpayserver
screen -r [pid from previous command]
you can stop this screen session by giving the following command withing the screen session


then stop the nbxplorer in the same way as you stopped btcpayserver

then stop bitcoin daemon by entering
bitcoin-cli stop
Activity: 16
Merit: 8
October 28, 2020, 11:03:51 PM
Hi Mocacinno, below I've included a snippet of code detailing what happens when I try to run the service how you've explained to do:

[myuser]@rpi:~ $ dotnet run --no-launch-profile --no-build -c Release -p ~/source/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer/BTCPayServer.csproj --
info: Configuration:  Data Directory: /home/admin/.btcpayserver/Main
info: Configuration:  Configuration File: /home/admin/.btcpayserver/Main/settings.config
info: Configuration:  Network: Mainnet
info: Configuration:  Supported chains: BTC
info: BTCPayServer.Plugins.PluginManager: Loading plugins from /home/admin/.btcpayserver/Extensions
info: Configuration:  Network: Mainnet
info: Configuration:  Supported chains: BTC
info: Configuration:  Postgres DB used
info: Configuration:  Root Path: /
info: Configuration:  BTC: Explorer url is
info: Configuration:  BTC: Cookie file is /home/admin/.nbxplorer/Main/.cookie
info: PayServer:      Starting listening NBXplorer (BTC)
info: PayServer:      Start watching invoices
fail: PayServer:      BTC: NBXplorer error `Connection refused`
info: PayServer:      Starting payment request expiration watcher
info: PayServer:      0 pending payment requests being checked since last run
info: Configuration:  Listening on

It seems like the NBXplorer service is failing for some reason. However, when I go into the NBXplorer directory and try to run the dotnet run -- command it seems fine:

myuser@rpi:~ $ cd ~/NBXplorer/NBXplorer
myuser@rpi:~/NBXplorer/NBXplorer $ dotnet run --
info: Configuration:  Data Directory: /home/admin/.nbxplorer/Main
info: Configuration:  Configuration File: /home/admin/.nbxplorer/Main/settings.config
info: Configuration:  Network: Mainnet
info: Configuration:  Supported chains: BTC
info: Configuration:  DBCache: 50 MB
info: Configuration:  Network: Mainnet
info: Configuration:  Supported chains: BTC
info: Configuration:  DBCache: 50 MB
info: Explorer:       Defragmenting transaction tables...
info: Explorer:       Defragmentation succeed, 0 bytes saved
info: Explorer:       Applying migration if needed, do not close NBXplorer...
info: Configuration:  BTC: Testing RPC connection to http://localhost:8332/
Hosting environment: Development
Content root path: /home/admin/NBXplorer/NBXplorer/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/
Now listening on:
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
info: Configuration:  BTC: RPC connection successful
info: Configuration:  BTC: Full node version detected: 200100
info: Configuration:  BTC: Node banlist loaded
info: Events:         BTC: Node state changed: NotStarted => CoreSynching

Do I need to change something about how NBXplorer is running? If I have a service that starts NBXplorer when the raspberry pi turns on, will that solve my issue?

One more note, I'm confused on how/where to use the command, and if necessary, how to copy the command into a service file to run it.
Activity: 3612
Merit: 5297 => buy facemasks with BTC/LTC
October 28, 2020, 01:48:40 AM
I start mine using a service, but the service does not execute either of these bash scripts:

/usr/bin/dotnet run --no-launch-profile --no-build -c Release -p "/[~]/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer/BTCPayServer.csproj" -- $@

I've stopped my service and ran above command in the shell so i could capture the output:
[myuser]@node:~# /usr/bin/dotnet run --no-launch-profile --no-build -c Release -p "/[~]/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer/BTCPayServer.csproj" -- $@
info: Configuration:  Data Directory: /[~]/.btcpayserver/Main
info: Configuration:  Configuration File: /[~]/.btcpayserver/Main/settings.config
info: Configuration:  Network: Mainnet
info: Configuration:  Supported chains: BTC
info: Configuration:  LogFile: /var/log/btcpayserver
info: Configuration:  Log Level: Debug
info: Configuration:  Network: Mainnet
info: Configuration:  Supported chains: BTC
info: Configuration:  LogFile: /var/log/btcpayserver
info: Configuration:  Log Level: Debug
info: Configuration:  Postgres DB used (User ID=[nope];Password=[nope];Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=[nope];)
info: Configuration:  Root Path: /
info: Configuration:  BTC: Explorer url is
info: Configuration:  BTC: Cookie file is /[~]/.nbxplorer/Main/.cookie
info: PayServer:      Starting listening NBXplorer (BTC)
info: PayServer:      Start watching invoices
info: PayServer:      Starting payment request expiration watcher
info: Events:         NBXplorer BTC: NotConnected => Ready
info: Configuration:  Listening on
info: PayServer:      1 pending payment requests being checked since last run
info: PayServer:      BTC: Checking if any pending invoice got paid while offline...
info: PayServer:      BTC: 0 payments happened while offline
info: PayServer:      Connected to WebSocket of NBXplorer (BTC)

EDIT: i suddenly remember why i start btcpayserver with these parameters Smiley
if you cat you'll see the following:


dotnet run --no-launch-profile --no-build -c Release -p "BTCPayServer/BTCPayServer.csproj" -- $@

So, i basically opened, copyd the command into a service file and ran it from there...

Could you try starting btcpayserver with the command i posted above (change the path to the correct one instead)
Activity: 16
Merit: 8
October 27, 2020, 10:46:38 PM
You have a valid point @mocacinno ...

With this in mind I decided to delete the docker files and try to reinstall BTCPayServer using a manual setup following the guide here:


I hadn't installed PostGreSQL on my Pi yet so I followed this guide to try and set it up. Created a username and password and copied my lightning fingerprint into the settings.config and ran into an issue on...

Step 4: Install BTCPayServer

I ran into a problem verifying the install worked correctly using dotnet. I tried running the command:

dotnet run -p ~/source/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer/BTCPayServer.csproj -c ~/.btcpayserver/Main/settings.config --network=mainnet

and was met with this big wall of warnings and errors:

More confusion...  Huh looking for some guidance. Thanks!

Activity: 3612
Merit: 5297 => buy facemasks with BTC/LTC
October 26, 2020, 02:37:04 AM
Personally, i'm not a big fan of fetching and running docker containers from some repo... I know btcpayserver actually advises you to run a docker container instead of doing a manual setup, but how do you know what you're doing and how are you sure everything is configured as you want it to be if you only fetch and run a container somebody else prepared for you?

I do run docker containers @ work from time to time, but those containers were prepared by collegues of mine and kept in an internal repo. Since the management told us it's ok if we use these containers, i see little harm in this... But i do see harm in running containers prepared by somebody you don't know.



Needless to say, i did a manual setup, so i can share what i did..

I configured btcpayserver:
postgres=User ID=[nope];Password=[nope];Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=[nope];

so, basically, my btcpayserver listens on port 23001 and listens on all interfaces, I added the nbxplorer uri (, the lightning config (which isn't needed if you don't plan on accepting lightning payments) and info about my db/

After this, i added following to my apache virtual hosts:

ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
ProxyPass "/"  ""
ProxyPassReverse / ""
RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"
        ProxyPreserveHost on

        SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
        Include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf

This way, apache proxys requests on port 443 to my btcpayserver (port 23001 as configured above).

My a-record points towards the ip of the host where i did this setup. Also: the SSLCertifate* lines were added by certbot Wink

About the services: don't worry about them untill you have everything up and running withing a screen session.
Activity: 16
Merit: 8
October 25, 2020, 05:50:57 PM
@HCP, as a noob, just confused that I had to run it through a directory as there have been other things I've run that did not need to go through a directory.

@Mocacinno, thanks for the advice. Once everything is set up, I will create a set of services that runs these things as soon as I turn on the raspberry pi, but I'm not sure how to do that.

I managed to download BTCPayServer-Docker on the pi and got it to run successfully. I set up a host A record on my website that is supposed to use BTCPayServer ( but it's not working and I'm not sure how to proceed (maybe it's related to the ports or something, I can't find where to change those). Maybe you can provide some insight? Thanks for sticking around in the thread!

Activity: 2086
Merit: 4363
October 22, 2020, 03:46:09 PM
Finally, and this is weird, to run NBXplorer I had to go to the directory:

cd ~/NBXplorer/NBXplorer

and enter the command:

dotnet run --

It seems like NBXplorer actually ran successfully:

Why did I need to use the dotnet run -- command through a different directory, and is this okay?
Why do you think it is weird? It seems like you're going into the local NBXplorer github repo directory that you created and then running NBXplorer from there. Why is that weird? Huh

And what do you mean by "running the command through a different directory"? Huh Do you mean different to how mocacinno is using NBXplorer? or different to something else you were expecting??!? Huh
Activity: 3612
Merit: 5297 => buy facemasks with BTC/LTC
October 22, 2020, 01:04:26 AM
  • Why did I need to use the dotnet run -- command through a different directory, and is this okay?
  • How do I know NBXplorer is running? How do I use it?
  • Is the next step to set up btcpayserver?

I'm happy to hear you finally got it working Smiley
As for your questions:
  • Well, your screenshot shows it's running, so it should be fine.. You did terminate the application before it started syncing...
  • You don't use it... Btcpayserver uses nbxplorer. Nbxplorer isn't a block explorer in the classical sense, it's just an utxo tracker... It's not usefull for you, but super-usefull for btcpayserver
  • yup

Ideally, you should be creating 3 services:
1) a service to start bitcoind
2) a service to start nbxplorer, depending on the first service
3) a service to start btcpayserver, depending on the second service

But for now, you could start bitcoind manually as a daemon, and start nbxplorer (and btcpayserver) in a screen session. However, as soon as you have everything running in a screen session, create those service files!!! screen is great for debugging, not for production.
Activity: 16
Merit: 8
October 21, 2020, 10:56:50 PM
So after lots of troubleshooting and internet searching, I've made some progress!

I found the folder ~/.nbxplorer/Main/settings.config and had to uncomment the following code snippets:
#port=24444 (Changed to port=24445)
I saved this and found the bitcoin.conf file by entering the following command:
sudo nano ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
and edited the file to add these missing lines:
dbcache=1024 (Changed from #dbcache=2000)

Finally, and this is weird, to run NBXplorer I had to go to the directory:

cd ~/NBXplorer/NBXplorer

and enter the command:

dotnet run --

It seems like NBXplorer actually ran successfully:

I have three questions stemming from this:

  • Why did I need to use the dotnet run -- command through a different directory, and is this okay?
  • How do I know NBXplorer is running? How do I use it?
  • Is the next step to set up btcpayserver?
Activity: 3612
Merit: 5297 => buy facemasks with BTC/LTC
October 18, 2020, 03:36:44 AM

Hi mocacinno,

- Bitcoind does appear to be running on the bitcoin user on the pi, can execute "lsof -i :8332" on the bitcoin user and get some feedback but on any other user the command does not return any information.
- I opened the bitcoin.conf file and was able to find the information you supplied in your post.

It seems like NBXplorer does not have a config file as entering that code results in an error stating the file can't be found, and one command led to a "Permission denied" error.

Not sure if I installed Dotnet or NBXplorer incorrectly. I would appreciate some further guidance in this. Thank you so much for all your help so far, you've been a big help. Looking forward to a reply, cheers.

Well, if i understand correctly, you're saying that nbxplorer did not have the necessary config file, and once you generated said file there was a "permission denied"-error...

I think it's a safe bet your problem is probably related to this config file... It's settings are necessary, it's not optional.

I start my nbxplorer as a service with following parameters:
/usr/bin/dotnet "/[path to nbxplorer]/NBXplorer/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.1/NBXplorer.dll" -c /[path to config]/.nbxplorer/Main/settings.config

So, you have to make sure the user/pass in settings.config match the ones in bitcoin.conf, you have to start nbxplorer with the -c parameter pointing to the settings.config AND you have to make sure there are no "permission denied" messages by changing the permissions or running as the correct user.
Activity: 16
Merit: 8
October 17, 2020, 06:55:23 PM
A couple of potential issues:
  • bitcoind, is it running, can you execute "lsof -i :8332"
  • I've listed my bitcoin.conf and  nbxplore config's underneath

Do notice the rpcuser/rpcpassword from bitcoin.conf match the user and pass in settings.config Wink

bitcoind: ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
rpcuser=[rpc user]
rpcpassword=[rpc pass]

nbxplore: ~/.nbxplorer/Main/settings.config
btc.rpc.auth=[rpc user]:[rpc pass]

Hi mocacinno,

- Bitcoind does appear to be running on the bitcoin user on the pi, can execute "lsof -i :8332" on the bitcoin user and get some feedback but on any other user the command does not return any information.
- I opened the bitcoin.conf file and was able to find the information you supplied in your post.

It seems like NBXplorer does not have a config file as entering that code results in an error stating the file can't be found, and one command led to a "Permission denied" error.

Not sure if I installed Dotnet or NBXplorer incorrectly. I would appreciate some further guidance in this. Thank you so much for all your help so far, you've been a big help. Looking forward to a reply, cheers.
Activity: 3612
Merit: 5297 => buy facemasks with BTC/LTC
October 13, 2020, 12:48:08 AM
A couple of potential issues:
  • bitcoind, is it running, can you execute "lsof -i :8332"
  • I've listed my bitcoin.conf and  nbxplore config's underneath

Do notice the rpcuser/rpcpassword from bitcoin.conf match the user and pass in settings.config Wink

bitcoind: ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
rpcuser=[rpc user]
rpcpassword=[rpc pass]

nbxplore: ~/.nbxplorer/Main/settings.config
btc.rpc.auth=[rpc user]:[rpc pass]
Activity: 2086
Merit: 4363
October 12, 2020, 07:08:36 PM
What arguments are you using to start up bitcoind/Bitcoin Core? What options do you have set in your bitcoin.conf? Huh
Activity: 16
Merit: 8
October 11, 2020, 01:27:44 PM
I downloaded .NET Core 3.1.8 (ARM32) and installed it using the following commands:

sudo mkdir -p $HOME/dotnet
sudo tar zxf ~/Downloads/dotnet-sdk-3.1.402-linux-arm.tar.gz -C $HOME/dotnet
export DOTNET_ROOT=$HOME/dotnet
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/dotnet

Then ran

sudo nano .profile

and added the path commands to the end of the file to permanently link them to the command line to call the dotnet list of commands.

Then I installed NBXplorer following a YouTube guide and entered the following commands:

git clone
cd NBXplorer/NBxplorer
dotnet run -- --help

Finally, tried to enter the command

dotnet run --

and was met with this RPC server error:

Not sure why the RPC server is unable to connect. Hoping that I can get some clarity on this so I can proceed, it looks like the YouTube video I watched referenced a cookie file on their computer but since I am trying to do this over the Pi I cannot find the right file and it seems like the rpccookiefile command does not work (if I even need it, not sure).
Activity: 3612
Merit: 5297 => buy facemasks with BTC/LTC
October 08, 2020, 12:45:04 AM
I have bitcoind and lnd already installed. Just need to figure out the wallet situation and download a block explorer; I already planned on using btcpayserver Smiley.

nbxplore is a prereq for btcpayserver, otherwise you don't need your own block explorer (and, eventough the name contains the word xplore, it's not a real block explorer, merely an utxo tracker) Wink
But for the rest it looks like you're on the right track!

bitcoind + lnd (or c-lightning) + nbxplore + btcpayserver

This setup will allow you to create custom invoices, and do automatic billing aswell... And, there's a free plugin for wordpress+woocommerce Smiley

If you use the xpub generated by wasabi, you can directly coinjoin from wasabi's gui and have a reasonable amount of privacy (meaning: it'll be very, very, very hard for anybody to detect how much btc you're actually holding, and it'll be very, very, very hard for anybody to link the coinjoined btc in your wallet to your identity). If you're afraid a hacker will get his/her hands on your xpub and nullify your coinjoins, you could always opt for 2 wallets (like i said in my previous post): one for receiving funds, then move your funds to a second wallet and coinjoin over there. If a hacker ever gets his hands on your xpub, it'll be the xpub from your first (receiving) wallet, and not the xpub from the wallet where your funds were coinjoined.
Instead of coinjoining, you could also send funds from the first wallet to a mixer, and chose an address generated by the second wallet as the mixer's output.

Good luck! If you have specific questions about the bitcoind + lnd + nbxplore + btcpayserver + apache/nginx/... + wordpress + woocommerce + ... setup => don't hesitate to ask! I'm a c-lightning fan myself, but i've recently done the rest of the setup.
Activity: 16
Merit: 8
October 07, 2020, 09:10:17 AM
Well when you put it like that... everything becomes much more clear.

It is going to be a clearnet site, and it is a combination of WooCommere + Wordpress. I will have to manually generate some invoices, but majority of the time, the prices will be set and I would like the shop to handle the accounting logistics (and if I could figure out a way for people to place bids, that would be super cool). Not trying to evade taxes or hide from the IRS, and I am already doxed, so realistically I just want the ability to accept crypto payments the right way.  

I have bitcoind and lnd already installed. Just need to figure out the wallet situation and download a block explorer; I already planned on using btcpayserver Smiley.

And by no means am I an expert,  quite the opposite actually. Would rather start with a beginner setup that I can handle and if anything progress towards the more technical, complex setups further down the line once I have a better handle on things.
Activity: 3612
Merit: 5297 => buy facemasks with BTC/LTC
October 07, 2020, 08:25:49 AM
For my use case, I am trying to determine the level of privacy that is actually necessary.

FYI, I am building a website and would like to have the capacity to accept BTC and lightning network payments. Not sure if that changes anything, but the main factors I am looking for are safety, privacy, and efficiency. With that in mind, do you think going through the extra hurdles to get electrum up and running is worth it? Or is it just not worth the extra effort? I plan on moving the coins to a hardware wallet most of the time anyways, so this would just be for sending/receiving and temporary short-term storage. I thought that having electrum available on multiple devices might prove beneficial, but maybe I am mistaken or overvaluing the utility it provides? I already have Wasabi downloaded, and am very close to just using that and calling it a day.

As for Discord, yes I am aware it is not the most privacy savvy. However, I do have 2fa enable and take the necessary precautions that are available to protect myself. I have no problems hanging out on this Bitcoin talk forum, however, I assume I will be much less active on here and check it much less frequently than I would a discord server.

Well, this might change things a little bit... Yes..
A couple follow up questions:
  • Is it a clearnet website
  • Will you be using a shopping script (woocommerce, opencart, prestashop,...)
  • What will be the level of automation (will you be generating addresses/ln invoices manually, or will your shop be handling all this accouting?)
  • What level of anonimity are you requiring: protection against a $5 wrench attack, protecting yourself from the IRS (or any other tax authority) or selling bitcoins in a country where owning cryptocurrencys is so illegal you'll end up in jail

If it's a clearnet site with shopping script and automatic accounting, i'd probably go for bitcoind + c-lightning + nbxplore + btcpayserver.

You'll need to think the anonimity aspect completely trough tough... I mean, if it's a clearnet site, you're already pretty exposed as it is... You have a host that can keep logs (or you've rented a dedicated box/vps), you have purchased a domain name,...
People will be able to link deposit addresses to your domain/ip/..., they'll need to be able to open channels to your lightning wallet aswell.
If you want automatic accounting, you'll need to derive addresses from an xpub (btcpayserver does this for you), if a hacker gets his hands on this xpub, he'll be able to derive all past and future deposit addresses presented to all your clients (he won't be able to rob them tough).

Without knowing the full picture, it's hard to give advice, but if you're running a clearnet shop, and you want a reasonable amount of privacy, i guess you might be best off creating 2 wasabi wallets, you export the xpub from the first one and import it into btcpayserver, after a couple ln channels have closed you move funds to this wallet aswell. After a while you move your funds from the first wallet to the second one and then do a coinjoin, or you use a mixer between the first and the second wallet... This *should* be enough to protect you from a $5 wrench attack.

Other setups are possible too, but the flow, the level of expertise and the amount of time required to setup/maintain setups will increase almost exponentially if you start messing around with bulletproof hosting, hidden services, i2p, lightningd over tor, bitcoind over tor,... In case you need these kinds of setups, i'd probably tell you to hire a security expert and let him/her help you set things up, and teach you how to maintain everything...
Activity: 16
Merit: 8
October 07, 2020, 07:58:25 AM
For my use case, I am trying to determine the level of privacy that is actually necessary.

FYI, I am building a website and would like to have the capacity to accept BTC and lightning network payments. Not sure if that changes anything, but the main factors I am looking for are safety, privacy, and efficiency. With that in mind, do you think going through the extra hurdles to get electrum up and running is worth it? Or is it just not worth the extra effort? I plan on moving the coins to a hardware wallet most of the time anyways, so this would just be for sending/receiving and temporary short-term storage. I thought that having electrum available on multiple devices might prove beneficial, but maybe I am mistaken or overvaluing the utility it provides? I already have Wasabi downloaded, and am very close to just using that and calling it a day.

As for Discord, yes I am aware it is not the most privacy savvy. However, I do have 2fa enables and take the necessary precautions that are available to protect myself. I have no problems hanging out on this Bitcoin talk forum, however, I assume I will be much less active on here and check it much less frequently than I would a discord server. As we all know, there does come a point where privacy compromises convenience..
Activity: 3612
Merit: 5297 => buy facemasks with BTC/LTC
October 07, 2020, 07:11:21 AM
A bit off-topic, but does Wasabi support ARM devices? I don't see single mention about it on their github or their documentation.

As for X forwarding problem, you could use VNC as alternative, even though it demands higher bandwidth.

I didn't check if it was arm compatible tbh... But apparently, there are problems with dependencies:

I just (wrongfully) assumed you'd be able to run wasabi on an rpi...

So, basically linux or windows on x64 or mac
Activity: 3500
Merit: 3249
Happy New year 🤗
October 06, 2020, 02:09:12 PM
Is there a firewall of some description running on the Pi? Huh If you're not able to connect, and there is nothing showing in the "electrs" debugging that shows connection attempts, it's possible the connection is being blocked.

Or your router has a firewall enabled?

Try to set up your router/modem and disable your firewall it might be one of the reasons why the Electrum can't connect to your Tor.
Or your Electrum is not set up properly.

Much better bring your issue here
So that other raspibolt users can help with your issue or start again and maybe you forgot something.

Start from this guide and follow it properly
Activity: 3612
Merit: 5297 => buy facemasks with BTC/LTC
October 06, 2020, 08:28:14 AM
about Wasabi: it would probably fit best on your desktop, eventough you could run it on a rPi aswell (you'd have to make sure x forewarding is enabled tough...).

Hidden-service related, wasabi is basically "the same" as if you'd run tor on your local machine and configured electrum to use your local tor proxy. The big difference is that wasabi actually eliminates the need to run tor seperately (tor is just part of wasabi's setup), a second "plus" on wasabi's side is that routing packets over tor is default for wasabi, and not default for electrum (so if you start wasabi for the first time, tor will already be enabled, whilst if you run electrum for the first time without adding command line parameters or additional config, it won't route it's packages over tor).
You could configure wasabi not to route it's packages over the tor network, and you can configure electrum to route it's packages over the tor network... There's just a difference in default behaviour. And since the default behaviour of wasabi is to route it's packages over tor, it has tor included in it's bundle, making your life a little bit easyer Wink

Now, don't get me wrong... I use electrum all the time, it's a great wallet (eventough you have to make sure you're downloading it from the correct repo, and double check the signature), it's just that wasabi comes with better privacy features out of the box. This doesn't make wasabi safer, faster or more feature-rich... It just makes it more private without having to jump trough a couple of extra hoops).

btw: a big plus on electrum's side is that you can also run it as a daemon (without gui). That way it's easyer to run on your rPi without having to mess with x forewarding... And electrum is also older, so it *should* theoretically be vetted more than wasabi... But both wallets are open-source, and both have been vetted by the community... So i wouldn't worry about this to much...
Activity: 16
Merit: 8
October 06, 2020, 08:14:44 AM
Funny you say that...

I thought to myself the other day that this seemed quite complicated for what was supposed to be a rather simple setup. As this is just the wallet, I would probably be fine settling for something like a Wasabi. Is that the consensus best alternative, and do I download it to the pi or my local desktop?

Only reason I went with Electrum in the first place is because it was in the guide and not cutting any corners seemed like the right thing to do. However, if there is no real difference in privacy, I would much rather use the easier, more efficient, updated wallet. I am just about over troubleshooting lol Grin

Out of curiosity, is there perhaps a discord forum for bitcoin talk? I am online much more often over there. Regardless, I appreciate all the guidance!

P.s. Thank you for the first merit. Happy to stick around as one of the good guys Smiley
Activity: 3612
Merit: 5297 => buy facemasks with BTC/LTC
October 06, 2020, 02:47:47 AM
I quickly browsed this topic, and the RaspiBolt documentation... And i just wanted to ask: is there any point in making your setup so complicated?
The more layers you add, the more devices, the more daemons, the more firewalls, proxy's, certificates,... The bigger the odds you mess up and expose yourself...

You could just run tor on your local machine, then connect electrum trough your local tor proxy and have really good privacy.
Sure, you'll be using public electrum nodes, but you'd be connecting over tor.

An other option would be to switch to wasabi, which has the tor bundle built-in, and it has an out-of-the-box coinjoin application, which makes it easy to gain privacy after receiving funds.

I know this isn't the answer to your question, i just want to tell you there might be an easyer sollution for many use-cases instead of configuring a pi as electrs node, making it a hidden service and connecting a local electrum client to your electrs node over tor...

This being said, i'd probably start troubleshooting by:
  • testing out your electrs node over the clearnet... If it doesn't work over the clearnet, you know it'll never work as a hidden service
  • disabling your firewall to test for firewall issues. If it works when you disable your firewall service, but doesn't when you re-enable it, it's a firewall issue
  • "service tor status". Is it active? Maybe even setup a second hidden service like nginx, so you have an "easy" testcase
  • try connecting to your electrs hidden service using telnet (yes, telnet is still a thing... I use it quite often when debugging a setup)
  • letting somebody else test your electrs node, connecting trough your hidden service. IF somebody else can use your hidden service, but you cannot, it's a client issue... Afterwards, you can just remove tor's keyfiles and let it generate new ones, the tester will never be able to expose you this way

PS/EDIT: I gave you post a merit, please stick around on bitcointalk... We need more people that are discussing topic like this one, and less people that come here to spam ico's Smiley
Activity: 2086
Merit: 4363
October 06, 2020, 02:20:16 AM
Is there a firewall of some description running on the Pi? Huh If you're not able to connect, and there is nothing showing in the "electrs" debugging that shows connection attempts, it's possible the connection is being blocked.
Activity: 16
Merit: 8
October 05, 2020, 11:32:46 PM

I checked the Tor configuration and all seems correct. Restarted Tor and ran the commands to start, enable, and start Tor through service. Typed in journalctl -xe and was met with this.

All seems like it's running okay, no apparent issues. However, even without using proxy, I still cannot connect to my raspberry Pi via IP address (showing red light on Electrum). The proxy is working through public servers when I have the Tor browser open on my computer, but still does not work when I use my Pi's IP.
Activity: 3500
Merit: 3249
Happy New year 🤗
October 05, 2020, 11:00:05 AM
It's a tor issue or you might put set it to different port as you can see on the logs it show 9150 that's why the error shows (Host unreachable).

Check this guide on how to install the Tor here

After install modify the Tor configuration to make sure both Electrum use the same port.
$ sudo nano /etc/tor/torrc

ControlPort 9051
CookieAuthentication 1

CookieAuthFileGroupReadable 1

Then restart the Tor to apply the config.

$ sudo systemctl restart tor

The guides is under than link above.
Now make sure Electrum is use the same port.
Activity: 2086
Merit: 4363
October 05, 2020, 01:23:09 AM
That seems to indicate that the electrs "hidden service" may not be running properly due to the directory permissions... either you need to change the user, or the directory permissions for your current user.

Possibly something has gone astray during your setup and subsequent troubleshooting etc. Undecided
Activity: 16
Merit: 8
October 04, 2020, 10:40:08 PM
Looks like I am running into a problem where Electrum (on my computer) will not connect to my Raspberry Pi via its IP. I think this is related to the issue I am having - I keep getting hit with a red light, even without a proxy on. Not sure how to proceed, it worked before but I have reinstalled Electrum several times at this point.

In relation to my issues with the Tor proxy, I tried typing in "tor" on the SSH command line prompt to my Pi and was greeted with this snippet of information. Maybe this is related to my problem?
Activity: 16
Merit: 8
October 03, 2020, 05:00:53 PM
Hi everyone,

So I uninstalled Electrum and restarted the Electrum section of the Stadicus guide to see if I missed anything (any command line entries or improper file writing). Still ending up with no connection. I followed HCP's advice and found the debug.log in the %appdata% folder. Everything seems to be working up until this error comes up:

In response to BitMaxz, the Tor proxy I am using appears to be online - Tor has been locally installed on my computer - not sure how to run it first through command, I simply open the Tor client prior to opening Electrum.

In response to bob123, I'm not sure how to check the logs from my server.

My apologies for the lack of experience with command line and technical jargon, I am new to all of this.

Hoping this info can help you help me. Thanks!
Activity: 1624
Merit: 2509
October 01, 2020, 07:18:34 AM
Did you check the log files?
There must be an issue somewhere (either client- or server side).

You can start troubleshoot the issue by checking your client logs (electrum) and then, if it just says it couldn't connect, check the logs from your server.
Activity: 3500
Merit: 3249
Happy New year 🤗
September 29, 2020, 05:40:28 PM
Maybe the Tor server he trying to use might not active or offline.

Did you install the Tor locally?
You must run the Tor service first through command.

Check this video below just found it on Youtube.
- Electrum over Tor
copper member
Activity: 2856
Merit: 3071 lightning theory
September 29, 2020, 05:12:01 AM
Is the pi running the server not expecting a tor proxy for connections? I don't think you can just connect to it directly if so?

Also is the server you're trying to connect to fully synchronised? If you've connected to an external one it might be expecting a block height >= that servers block height.
Activity: 2646
Merit: 6681
Self-proclaimed Genius
September 29, 2020, 02:04:25 AM
The service works just fine when I check "Select server automatically", the light turns green. Here's a screenshot of the client in action:

Not sure what is going wrong here, would appreciate some further assistance. Thanks!
There's not much info from that image aside from a non-connected state Electrum.

It's best if you can follow HCP's guide above to get the debug.log in order to see what's the actual issue.
Just carefully censor the parts which you do not want to share for privacy reasons.
Activity: 16
Merit: 8
September 28, 2020, 09:20:30 PM
Hi all,

I reinstalled Electrum 4.0.3 to get the most up-to-date version of the software so I can follow along with your help. I recreated my test wallet (nothing in it to make sure I'm not playing around with real funds yet) and attempted to connect to my Raspberry Pi using the device IP and port 50002. It seems like Electrum will not even connect to the Pi anymore (red light on connection) and I can't figure out why.

The service works just fine when I check "Select server automatically", the light turns green. Here's a screenshot of the client in action:

Not sure what is going wrong here, would appreciate some further assistance. Thanks!
Activity: 2086
Merit: 4363
September 28, 2020, 04:30:33 PM
You might also want to try using the "Write logs to file" option in "Tools -> Preferences -> General":

The log files will be generated in the "%AppData%\Electrum\logs" folder. Hopefully, it will show the error causing Electrum to be unable to connect to your TOR proxy.
copper member
Activity: 2856
Merit: 3071 lightning theory
September 28, 2020, 01:14:14 PM
Can you screenshot the proxy settings in electrum? It looks right on the guide afaik.

You could try doing netstat -rn in the command line once you've run electrum to check the state of the port.

Eg try
netstat -rn | grep="9050"

Feel free to not trust a random person on the Internet and look at what that code does via a search engine or your Linux build help docs.
Activity: 16
Merit: 8
September 28, 2020, 12:18:04 PM
Greetings all,

This is my first time in this forum, as I have tried everything else before capitulating to posting in a public forum. It is my hope that by posting this, I will not only be able to solve my problem, but maybe help somebody else that might be experiencing similar difficulties.

I have been following the guide by @stadicus ( ), and I am at the electrum section. For some reason, I can not get it to connect via proxy. I have followed the guide exactly, and think I have executed every required step. I have done everything from changing the server and proxy settings to going into the command line and console and manually inputting code. I have even manually changed the config files in %appdata%. I have tried the latest version 4.0.3, and even downgraded the version to the one in the guide as a last ditch attempt. Still, nothing.  This is obviously a crucial step, as connecting via Tor and using a proxy is your protection from compromising yourself. It is an absolutely critical, non-negotiable step if you do not want to risk getting exposed.

If anybody can provide some assistance or point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated! This is one of the last hurdles (hopefully) in my project, so I would like to figure this out ASAP. If you need me to provide any more information, please, let me know!

Thanks in advance,

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