Hi all!
Is there a way to use methods "payto" and "signtransaction" (and maybe others methods, that require prompt a password) via electrum daemon and JSON?
For example, if I want to create transaction, I execute a command:
electrum payto my4qNK7VYdeFWdWkynv7XB3xmf6U4BfQAc 0.1 -f 0 --testnet -W SOME_PASS
and all works good.
But, if I'm trying to do this via JSON-RPC I have an error.
curl --data-binary '{"id":"curltext","method":"payto","params":{"destination":"mwLmd5xMnKkf4bBUa6MDrg4HYQaazoHtkj", "amount":"0.1"}}'
{"error": {"message": "Server error: File \"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/electrum/bitcoin.py\", line 733, in deserialize_xkey | TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()", "code": -32603}, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "curltext"}
Is there a way to send password via JSON-RPC?