wow great, so if im using tails, and i use with a read only wallet,
and i would like to send a transaction, it will ask me to input my private key, at that moment when i input the private key, in order to sign the transaction, is my private key being uploaded to server? or it only stays in my browser, and thats all..
if it does NOT get uploaded i believe this is more then enough for me for the time being,
also i see your method, but atm its a bit more difficult for me to do that. i rather be able to use the USB almost anywhere at anytime and still be secure, rather then having to physically be near my (offline specific laptop)
because the nature of my life i travel sometimes, and not knowing where i might end up ect.
but what ever works, works
ps thanks!
hmm so i just tested everything out, seems to work fine, booting tails, having a persistence on the tails usb with a simple txt file of the private and public key, making a simple new blockchain wallet, adding read only, signing transaction and adding the private key, (hopefully at that moment ONLY the signature is broadcasted to blockchain and not the private key,
then, wiping(sweeping the public and private key from the new made blockchain wallet)
now problem i encountered is seems like there is no easy way to close the persistence drive on the tails usb, i can clone a new tails usb, but the persistence drive only stays on the current usb, not the new cloned one hmmmm.... this is a little let down, got to figure out a way to bypass this, maybe just have a special encrypted usb with the private/public key like you said, this way i can add it to any new cloned usb that i make, this way i can have a few backups just incase
anyways this stuff is fun lol
edit: ok so i figured out a way, basically boot the tails usb with my persistence volume,
in tails clone tails onto a new usb, then use disk utility to create a new encrypted partition on the cloned usb, add txt file with private/public key to the new encrypted partition on the new cloned usb,
boot new usb, opened encrypted partition, make persistence volume on new cloned usb while in tails, and add the txt file from the encrypted partition to new persistence volume, then can format that encrypted partition or it might be used during creating the persistence, didnt try this yet but will try it soon!!!
new cloned usb with persistence too!!!!
love figuring out new stuff like this lol. most fun thing ever!