Exactly, my topic was aimed if i could use those [undownloaded] bitcoins or not.Thanks everyone for advices, conclusion is that i would like to use different wallet.
If you have already had bitcoins sent to an address from your Bitcoin Core wallet, then you'll first want to choose your new wallet and get an address from that wallet, Then you have a couple of choices. You can:
- Build a raw transaction (or have someone else do it for you), then use the "console" in the "debug window" under the "help" menu to sign the transaction. The signed transaction can be broadcast by yourself (or anyone else) onto the bitcoin network to transfer the bitcoins to the address from the new wallet.
- Export the private key from the Bitcoin Core wallet and (if the new wallet allows it) import the private key to the new wallet. If the new wallet does not have functionality to import private keys then you can create a temporary wallet that does allow import of private keys, and then use the temporary wallet to send the bitcoins to your chosen new wallet.
For option 1, you can manage it yourself if you think you've got the technical ability to populate the following templates and paste the results into the console of Bitcoin Core:
createrawtransaction [{"txid":txid,"vout":n},...] {address:amount,...}
Where txid is the hash of the transaction that sent the bitcoins to you, vout is the index of the output in that transaction that assigned the bitcoins to your control, address is the new address that you want the bitcoins sent to, and amount is the amount of bitcoins that you received in the transaction (minus any transaction fee you intend to pay to get your transaction confirmed).
signrawtransaction [{"txid":txid,"vout":n,"scriptPubKey":hex},...] [,...] [sighash="ALL"]
or, if you're willing to share the address that the bitcoins were sent to, then we can help you build the transaction and you can send the bitcoins on to any other wallet you like. Unfortunately, sharing the address with us will ruin some of your anonymity since we'll all know exactly how many bitcoins were sent to you and what address you forward them on to.
For option 2, you can enter the following command in the console:
dumpprivkey 1YourBitcoinAddress
Where 1YourBitcoinAddress is replaced with the bitcoin address that you had the bitcoins sent to. The resulting private key will be a 51 or 52 character string that starts with 5, L, or K.
Do NOT share this private key with ANYONE that you don't completely trust. If anyone gets their hands on the private key they will be able to take and spend all unspent bitcoins that are ever sent to that address (including the ones that you are trying to recover).
If you let us know which SPV wallet you've chosen, then we can give you instructions on how to import this private key into the wallet (if possible) or what your other options are.