Now assuming you send all your waves to nano ledger, does this mean your wave seed phrase is thus useless since those waves are now in the nano ledger? Thus let say you only have btc and bch in your nano ledger. Your nano ledger seed phrase now contains your btc, bch and waves?
Although I told myself that I would no longer answer your nonsensical questions, I must admit that I find it hard to believe that after so many years of asking the same questions, you still haven't figured out what a hardware wallet is and what a seed really is. Why don't you do yourself and everyone else a favor and stop asking the same questions over and over again, because obviously you can't understand the answers you get.
How many times have you asked about Waves?
With waves... i know i get staking rewards since i lease waves in the waves wallet. But if i use it with the nano ledger s... do i still get the same staking rewards? So when you use waves with the nano ledger s... where are you waves coin?...
I have altcoins like waves. I use the wave clilent on my laptop to keep coins there. Then i found out that the nano ledger s supports waves and many other altcoins which surprised me because there are so many altcoins they support now.
But if you are holding, should you 100% send every coin you have to your nano ledger s? Example say you have a waves wallet and keep waves there. I assume no point of keeping it there and just send it to nano ledger?
What about waves? I keep my waves in the waves new client wallet. There is of course the private key for it incase if i have to install the wallet again. I read you have to use waves wallet together with nano ledger s and thats the only way correct? So if you do, does that mean your waves are in your nano ledger s and the waves client would be like a watching wallet or something like that? Someone told me you could use nano ledger s with electrum and use it that way and it would be like a watching wallet in electrum.
So that would mean the waves would be in the nano ledger s? So if someone has my private key for my waves wallet, can they still get my waves? Or not because its in my nano ledger s?
So right before this, i had installed the waves from the app catalog. When i did this, the waves is available on my nano ledger s when you browse through it. But i did not do the waves client with nano ledger s connection yet.