From Jamison Palmer and Casey Tan posted in FB just today....
Late yesterday, the government of the United Kingdom announced that they would be applying to join the Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank... as afounding member.
The soon-to-be-live Chinese International Payment System (CIPS) will provide a way for banks to transfer funds to one another without having to use the US banking system... or the US dollar.
China is also the ringleader behind both the BRICS development bank (called the New Development Bank, or NDB) as well as the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Both of these are multilateral development banks that aim to end the dominance of the western-controlled World Bank and IMF.
NDB includes all the BRICS nations-- Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.
Founding members of the AIIB include China, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, etc. They're typically all rapidly growing and/or resource-rich developing nations. New Zealand was the first western nation to join AIIB back in October. And yesterday afternoon, Britain announced its intention to become the second.
This isn't theory or conjecture anymore. Every shred of objective evidence suggests that the dollar's dominance is coming to an end.
Are you paying attention? Some of the biggest changes to the world financial system are happening right before our eyes!
Not a good idea to have all your money tied up in the US Dollar or sitting in the US banking system.
Fortunately... We have been surrounding ourselves with some of the brightest business leaders in Asia and are getting out in front of this. What are you doing?
Points of View Number 2 -
Perspective - where are you at?
Here's another excellent post from my friend Werner in our UFUN VIP Team Facebook group. Puts things into perspective. Give it a read and think about it. Are you one of those? Or one of the future?
Post from Werner .........
We live in interesting times, indeed.
Times where the dominance of western systems is about to come to an end and be transformed into something new. Finally!
Currencies, banking, transfers of goods and services, the whole lot is changing. And it's not changing next year or so: it's HAPPENING NOW!!!
Humans are a funny breed. Some (including powerful governments and industries) are desperately holding on to "what worked for decades". Never change a winning team. Hold people down, mind control, manipulation, heck, even (and as ultima ratio especially) war and bombs... Introduce a bit of religion and aversion against anything "alien", and you got a perfect cocktail. And if all that doesn't work, we'll just print paper money like there is no tomorrow.
Frankly, there IS no tomorrow for stuff like that anymore.
Others move on. Instead of holding on to systems that obviously don't work in the long run, they just create a new world. Yes it's as simple as that! Easy to create a new world. The hard part is to make people understand that they need to make a change.
Again, it's funny, really: when the internet came up, 99% said "what rubbish, how is this going to change the world? I'll keep writing letters by hand!" When automobiles where invented, 99% said "nah man, them noisy things, I'll keep riding my horse!" And when digital currencies came up, guess what 99% said...
The funny bit is that once we as humans all deal with internet/automobiles/digital currency, 100% will say "yeah well, it was foreseeable, I told you so..."
The weird thing is that "we, the people" are becoming less and less "free". More restrictions here, more strange patriot act laws there, all in the name of freedom but actually taking it all away. What a lotta crap that is, yet we "believe in it".
We have to stop believing in things that only benefit a few...
So, when it comes to digital currencies like Utoken, I am cool. I mean, what can possibly go wrong here? If a couple people wanna run with my money, they will. Heck, I've spent money worse than that, so what?
However, if I compare the risk of loosing money with UFUN versus being sucked out by banks through social slavery, the result is clear as...!
What makes me grin is the fact that all those big bank institutions are trying to jump on the train now. Consult Mister Google, he will tell you what worldwide banks wanna introduce, as we speak (Digital Asset Holdings, google that, is all I say).
Be the change you wanna see, is another phrase. Of course, you can choose to wait like most, and later on go around saying "I told you so..."
End of the "Happenings" Section.