IS UWEZOCOIN?Uwezocoin is an open decentralized secure cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. It is based on the scrypt proof-of-work algorithm. New blocks are generated every 60 seconds. Block Reward is 500 coins. Difficulty is retargeted after 10 blocks using the Kimoto Gravity Well algorithm (KGW).
Uwezocoin provides instant worldwide privacy protected transactions and untraceable encrypted messaging transfers with almost zero processing fees in decentralized peer-to-peer users network. Blockchain secures the UWC network and empowers individuals to control their own finances and information. Your private key is your bank account, with no censorship and surveillance.
Nobody owns or controls Uwezocoin, it uses peer-to-peer technology and fair ASIC-resistant PoW mining process to operate with no central authority.
Unlike money issued by governments, there is a finite number of Uwezocoins, ensuring they cannot be affected by inflation and are impossible to counterfeit. Because cryptocurrencies are not tied to any particular country or central bank, the value of the coin depends on factors such as usability, demand and supply.
Uwezocoin Transactions:Transactions between Uwezocoin users are carried out through the Internet. Transaction privacy is protected by secure cryptographic algorithms whereby no one can identify who sent the money, who the receiver was, and what amount of money was transferred.
Uwezocoin transactions processing is done by the whole network of users. Yet no participant has access to the transaction details. All transfers are fully anonymous.
The transactions processing requires a considerable amount of computational resources. Those users who joined the network may allocate time of their computers for transaction processing. As a reward they receive UWC. Such process is called mining.
Uwezocoin Mining:Uwezocoin Mining is an open process which employs computing powers of all network members. Any user can join the Uwezocoin network and take part in the Mining process (thus, becoming a miner).
Mining in the network results in creation of new money, which serves as the reward for users who employ their computing power in order to process transactions.
All transactions are carried out each 60 seconds. Miners ensure that the transactions are processed correctly and provide cryptographic protection of transactions and personal data. However, miners cannot access users’ financial data since Uwezocoin protects the identity of the sender and the receiver, and conceals the sum transferred.
As a reward, miners receive roughly 500 UWC each 60 seconds. Such approach allows both new money Mining and zero-fee transactions.
Merchants:Partnerships are an important part of our business, which is why we have introduced the most powerful blockchain that performs more transactions than global credit card providers.
In line with our vision to create a mass market for Uwezocoin, we aim to ensure global usage for the coin. Uwezocoin is the best cryptocurrency for merchants – easy to use and with a blockchain running every minute
Safety and reliability: The reliability of Uwezocoin is defined by total computational power of all the computers that take part in transactions processing. The greater the processing power, the more reliable the network.
In so doing all money stored in your wallet is already protected during the transaction processing and the safety doesn’t depend on network reliability. Your money is safe anyway.
Uwezocoin specification:There are a few things that you need to know in order to use it securely and avoid common pitfalls.
First. Uwezocoin are impossible to counterfeit or inflate.
Second. you can use them to send or receive any amount of money, with anyone, anywhere in the world. Uwezocoin payments are impossible to block, and Uwezocoin wallets can’t be frozen.
Third. with Uwezocoin you can directly control the money yourself without going through a third party like a bank or Paypal.
Fourth. Uwezocoin transactions cannot be reversed or refunded. You should only deal with businesses or people you trust.
Fifth. To be valid, a Uwezocoin transactions must be confirmed at least once but preferrably 6+ times before it has happened and becomes irreversible.
Sixth. You can get Uwezocoins by accepting them as a payment for goods and services or by buying them from a friend or someone near you.
Total coins: 840 Million UWC.
Block time: 60 seconds.
Coin abbreviation: UWC
Coin type: POW
Algo: Scrypt
Reward: 500 Coin Per Block
RESOURCESUwezocoin wallet Explorerhttp:// Files to Mine Uwezocoin.