This autobuy script I have developed contains 2 sections. The user side and the Admin panel
User Side DEMO here : (All are real WORKING websites! )
1) All text and informationss in userside are modded via a single config file.
2) You can add different categories and place products inside it accordingly( Say if you are selling accounts and codes. You can have a separate page for accounts listing all the account types you are selling and a different page with codes where you will be listing all products which sends codes).
3) Contain Home, About us ,Faq,contact us,catagory 1 , catagory 2 pages.
Admin SideScreenshot : total products , total sales and total profit
add product :add a product and keep it in a catagory , delete a product , edit products .
Edit stock : each line in it is considered as a stock , And a textarea is used for editing the stock you can also add more than 2000 stocks in format
add items: will add items to the products , if items already exist , the new items will be appended.
sales : will list email which bought followed by the item which was sent followed by the product type. This can also be deleted.
User Settings: where the admin can change his password or his email.
NOTE: Both Userpanel and AdminPanel are responsive.Terms of service : 1.Please tell me the domain for which you are purchasing. There are few codes which must be changed with respect to the domain.
2. I will install the script for you. No auto installation available. (Can be done via Teamviwer/ How ever you prefer)
3. Payment terms vary(Paypal/BTC) based on the user I am dealing with.
4.I have the right to say no for giving you the script
5.New features can be added upon request(will cost extra $)
6.Unique theme can be provided for the client side(Will cost 50$ more)
Now We will come to the pricing part
This script will cost
.15 BTC for each vouch copy and will be sold for more Once all the vouch copies are sold.[/color]
Please contact me in my skype / Pm me here if you would like to purchase.