The current price per KW/h is 10 cents USD.
Are these commercial or residential rates? $0.10 kWh isn't very competitive to the people setting up colos in western Washington around $0.02 kWh.
The total was an estimate to cover shipping expenses, and if there is enough left over, to purchase more equipment to continue to increase the hash power overall.
You haven't told us what hardware you plan to use. What funds have you appropriated for supporting infrastructure? I.e.: cooling, networking, security, etc.
I am also working with a local wind mill manufacturer on purchasing their product to decrease the amount of power that I would have to use from the electric company.
And have you factored this into your IPO? What is the cost per unit? What kind of savings are you going to achieve? How long will it take you to pay off the "Wind Mills" from the savings over just paying for grid power? What kind of installation/maintenance costs are involved?
Current projections are around 2.9 to 3.1 BTC per month at current diff.
These numbers (2.9 to 3.1) are absolutely meaningless. You're not going to have any hardware running by the time this difficulty is up, and likely not before the next one is up too. Further, a difficulty period doesn't even last a month. Currently we're at almost 3 periods a month.
I appericate the questions that have been asked and I am thick skinned so I can take some negative feed back was well.
Since you have thick skin: Stop this shit right now. I've been a miner for over 2 years and this IPO has failure written all over it. If you want 4TH, save your money and buy some HW. You absolutely cannot compete with the big dogs, and you've not shown us that you have the background and required business acumen to actually make a success of this.