
Topic: Varyon by Blue Frontiers - The Cryptocurrency for Seasteads (Read 165 times)

Activity: 5
Merit: 10

A core structural feature of current models of government is centralization. Too much centralized authority leads to inefficient bureaucracies and representatives disconnected from the people they are meant to serve. Given a suitable technological solution, governments are ripe for decentralization. That technological solution is seasteading.

Seasteading brings decentralization beyond the digital world of bits and into the world of atoms by providing modular, floating structures – seasteads – on which the evolution of new societies and forms of governance can occur. Promising solutions can branch off at any time by physically separating to create new seasteads – enabling a high level of evolvability and quick rate of adaptation. Mimicking nature’s time-tested method of variation and selection, the process of decentralizing governance through seasteading will spark the creation and evolution of new advancements in civilization.

When our homes and businesses can float to locations we choose, we can relatively easily rearrange our cities and sail our residence to other locations. Governments will no longer have a monopoly on the space where citizens live and businesses conduct their commercial activities. Instead governments will need to act like service providers, competing to attract citizens and businesses. Consequently, we will have an ever-evolving marketplace for government in a decentralized world.

Sale and Distribution

The presale is available today for the first 4,000 ETH with a bonus of 15%.

The public sale will take place in June. There will not be bonuses in the public sale.

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