Koje su prednosti novčanika s otvorom za zrak?
What are the advantages of the airg gapped wallet?
Siguran sam da si čuo za pojam "
air-gapped" prije. To samo znači da je uređaj potpuno odvojen od mreže, i da ne postoji mogućnosti da podaci s uređaja procure online. Kod hardwerskih novčanika, to vrlo vjerojatno znači da je uređaj sposoban generirati i čitati QR kodove da bi se omogučila komunikacija između uređaja i softvera. Drugi tipovi uređaja koriste microSD kartice s kojima prenosiš PBST transakciju iz softvera na wallet, te potpisanu transakciju nazad u softver.
ENG: I'm sure you've heard the term "
air-gapped" before. It basically means the device is totally disconnected from the network, so there's zero chance of any data from that device ending up online. When it comes to hardware wallets, this often involves using QR codes to allow communication between the device and the software. Some devices use microSD cards to transfer transaction data back and forth.
Osobno imam samo Bitcoin - ništa protiv ostalih kovanica, pa mi je novčanik koji prima samo Bitcoin bio zanimljiv. Samo ne bih želio potrošiti malo "bogatstvo". Bi li Trezor bio najbolja opcija?
Personally, I only have Bitcoin - nothing against other coins, so a wallet that only accepts Bitcoin was interesting. I just wouldn't want to spend a small "fortune". Would Trezor be the best option?
Trezor Safe 3 je vjerojatno jedan od najboljih za tu cijenu. Teško je reći koji je najbolji jer svaki novčanik ima svojih prednosti i mana. Vjerojatno nećeš pogriješiti s bilo kojim od najpopularnijih modela. Osim Ledger-a, naravno. Uređaji sami po sebi možda nisu loši, ali su closed-source i ne sviđa nam se što tvrtka radi u posljednje vrijeme. Ako imaš dvojbu između dva-tri uređaja, napiši ih ovdje, pa ćemo ti navesti njihove prednosti i mane tako da možeš lakše odlučiti.
ENG: Trezor Safe 3 is probably one of the best options for the price. It's hard to say which one is the absolute best because each wallet comes with its own set of pros and cons. You'll likely make a good choice with any of the most popular models, except for Ledger, of course. While the devices themselves might not be bad, they are closed-source, and the company's recent actions have raised concerns. If you're unsure about two or three devices, list them here, and we'll outline their advantages and disadvantages to help you make a more informed decision.